Chapter 10

Lux's POV

I was still shocked about what had just happened. I know I had felt too comfortable around Stiles since the day he accepted me in his life as his guardian. I was too comfortable around him something which was inappropriate. I had never felt that way before and I'd asked the other guardians who'd told me that they'd never felt that way towards their guidees and I decided that perhaps it was because Stiles was the keeper of the Book Of Life so I said nothing.

I could feel his emotions pour out whenever we were together but I was afraid of asking him. Afraid of reprimanding him against such feelings. I liked his scent... No, I loved it. I loved the way his heart beat, I loved the way it felt when he stroked me in my hamster form, I loved the way it felt when I was tucked beneath his jacket or hoodie while he was at school and I loved watching him sleep... I just loved everything about him. His smile, hazel eyes, moles, hair, his lips.... I just loved everything about him yet knowing too well that those feelings weren't right so I kept quiet...

I never wanted to break him.. To hurt him because I'm aware that we couldn't be together... I was supposed to be married by a fellow god or a demi-god but Stiles was none of them!.

But it never crossed my mind that Stiles, was my mate!... My mate of all things.

A part of me leapt in joy while the other one was worried, sad because this meant one thing!.... Danger!... He was prone to more danger than before once this information leaked out.

I wonder who he really is... A god? Or what? If so then I'll help in training him for his powers to expand so I won't have to worry about him being in danger!.

I stroked his hair slowly. His head was on my lap. I was in my mansion. Every guardian has a mansion that they and their subjects live in.

We were in my room, on my huge bed and my mind was busy thinking about the man that lay on my lap.

"He is the god of empathies". The keeper said as she came in my room with a book in her hand.

"I've just found out in this book of the gods". She added as she sat a few inches away from me.

"Thank you". I said slowly.

"He is the prophesied god. The one that will rule beside the Light which is you... Both of you will protect all supernaturals and become the guardians. No wonder he was targeted by the nogitsune". The keeper exclaimed.

"Thank you". I said again as I pulled over the quilt up to Stiles' neck. He was getting cold but I used a bit of my powers to keep him warm.

"I had to hide Lux. I had no option but to hide beneath the skin of an old hug when Babayada left for hades to add to her powers. I was afraid... I ... I was frightened when they sealed you and I had no option but to run and hide". The keeper stuttered.

"It's okay. I understand. I would have done the same if I was in your position". I said but not looking at her though I could feel her eyes on me.

She took a deep breathe, "Then, why are you upset?".

"Because I'm worried about him". I said in a small voice.

"Don't worry I'll help in training him. Just call the other guardians to bring in the list so that you seal it and keep it safe... I mean, Stiles to keep it safe since he's still the keeper of the Book of Life". She told me.

I sighed.

"Thank you Keeper". I said now looking at her. She smiled at me... A reassuring smile that we'd make through this together..

"I still don't get it. How comes I'm his guardian and mate at the same time?". I questioned looking at her.

"You aren't the first guardian-matey pair." She said after a while. Brows furrowed as she looked at me.

My brows furrowed too at that statement. "What do you mean by that?".

"Goddess Mazu the lady of the sea was the guardian of a certain general in her hometown. That was million years ago even before your birth. To cut the story short, she and the general were mates and they got married. The general was not a god unfortunately, or anything related with the gods or any supernatural creature but he became immortal and is now known as the lord of the sea". Keeper explained.

"You mean Lord Array? Was human?". I questioned utterly shocked. I wasn't aware of such information.

Keeper nodded. "Yes, he was human but your case is different, Stiles here is a god though none of his parents are gods... It's interesting you know, to how he is a god?".

I inhaled deeply, "Yes it is."

"I guess it's the challenges he's faced that has made his spirit strong and his soul became immortal because of the struggles... His unending loyalty and kindness is one to die for." Keeper said.

"Maybe". I answered as Stiles moved a little but was still unconscious.

"You should get some rest as well."

"Thanks but he who will swallow 'udala' seed must consider the size of his stomach". I said, our eyes meeting and holding for a while as she rose from the bed and shook her head slightly before leaving the room.

My parents will soon summon me, that's for sure. Because I could feel their eyes on me. They were watching me through the emotionless water, I could feel it.


Stiles' POV

The freshening scent that I loved most was encompassing me. I slowly opened my eyes as the sweet scent continued to waft in my nostrils. I took in a deep breathe as I sat up on the bed as I looked around in the strange room I was in. The surprisingly huge room that my whole house could fit in, the large bed that could fit ten people... Every detail in the room was mesmerizing, fancy... Looked expensive from the sheets on the bed, the furniture around, Oh my god I was just fascinated but, where was I?.

I remember the last time I was in the back room of the bookshop I worked in... Oh no!... Where the hell was Lux?.

I looked around again and sighed in relief as I saw her asleep in her hamster form at the farthest side of the bed. No wonder I felt safe...

I remembered everything that took place. I wasn't that surprised because Lux had told me about my being the keeper of the Book of Life so the book should have acted up to at least acknowledge my presence... But what Lux had said about us being mates?.

Was that possible? Was I her mate? Could we be together forever? But I'm human and a time will come I'll age away and die leaving her here alive and well.  She's immortal of course she'll live forever and I being human I'll die, right?. I don't want to leave her behind... No, I don't want to die and leave her alone. I want to be with her forever and ever with no end but will that be possible with her being immortal and I being just human?.

She's not a werewolf I would have gladly accepted the bite because I love her. I really do. I've never felt such affection towards anyone a part from my parents. What I'd felt for Lydia Martin could never be compared to this. What I felt was great, strong and in fact, if I wanted to, I would even kill for her.

I still wonder if she feels the same for me since she learnt that we're mates. Honestly, I was thrilled to learn that we're mates but, what if she doesn't feel the same way I feel?. What if she rejects me? I really can't take it if she rejects me... I don't think I'll be able to take that.. 

I wanna be with Lux all the time, everyday of her life.....

But you'll never be alone

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

I'll hold you when things go wrong

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and Lady Clerk, well her younger version known as the keeper, came in.

"Oh I didn't know you're awake!". She exclaimed as she held the door knob and looked at me.

"I am". I responded. Trying as hard as possible to be polite

"Are you hungry? I made pancakes". She offered.

"Well..." I hesitated. There's no way I could just trust her after her coming back all young and radiant... Reminds me of the darach!.

"Lux told me you love pancakes. Don't worry we are in her mansion and nothing can hurt you in here". She added as she let go of the door knob still looking at me. "She won't join us, don't wake her up, her spirit was summoned by her parents". She added.

Lux had been summoned?. What for?. Why?.

I guess the only way to know why is to go ask the keeper about it while I feed my hungry stomach...

"Okay I'll join you". I said in a small voice as I got up from bed and made my way outside the room, following her behind down the brightly white painted walls of the hallway towards the huge dining room.

Everything in this place was white?

"It's white because of the guardian living here. Each guardian has their mansions painted the colors they represent". Keeper said. "I haven't read your mind Stiles, you're expressions are too easy to read". She added as she motioned me to sit at the head of the table before pouring me a cup of hot chocolate and serving me pancakes. She sat down as well and silence followed.

I took in a deep breathe as I dug in my meal. This place was really posh and all, I only get to see such houses like this in those life and style magazines or shows but right now, I'm inside one!... Woah!.

"I called your dad. Told him that I asked you to stay behind to help me out with some stuff". Keeper said slowly.

Hell no!... Pops now knows that I work, something I hadn't told him yet. He's definable gonna do a serious father-son talk thing as soon as I go back home and I'm not ready to talk about it.

"Don't worry I didn't tell him you're working for me. I told him you've been coming to read some books from the bookshop and since I trust you more I found you suitable for helping me out". She added.

I just cleared my throat and mouthed an 'o' before getting back to my pancakes.

"You are thinking about Lux. Aren't you?". She asked suddenly.

"You've got nothing to worry about Stiles. If you're meant to be, then you'll end up together". She added and with that, she rose from the table and left.

Is she a goddess too or what?

I'm I that easy to read?

Or was she just reading my mind and giving me that lie of 'you are too easy to read kid'..

And when is Lux coming back? We've got issues to talk about and only she, can give me the answers to my many questions.