Chapter 19

Stiles' POV

I drove back home and found the lights off. Pops wasn't yet home but he'd promised to come home early when I'd called him. I really had a lot to explain...

Why I wasn't home at most times,

Where I was and what I was doing whenever I was not home. I know dad had noticed my absence but didn't ask because of his double shifts that he'd been taking for the past two weeks but today, I had to tell him everything with the hopes that he'll understand and support me. I don't want him to die, he's the only family I have left and treasure the most.

I opened the front door and went straight to the kitchen. I wanted to prepare dinner for us before we talked the serious matters. I would cook Delicious Pork and Noodles with Vegetable Lasagna. That recipe, I was taught by Lux and I was gonna try and cook it today.

I was about to work the stove when I felt something. My heart clenched. Something was wrong. Something bad was going to happen.

"I am sorry Stiles". I heard, it was so small and low like a whisper full of hurt and regret but there was no way I could mistake that voice with someone else's. It was Scott's voice.

Something bad had happened to him. I quickly took my keys and went outside to my jeep. I had to go see him even if he hated me at the moment. I was so sure that something was wrong, there was no way I could my instincts could lie to me.

As if to confirm my suspicion, the street lights had flickered off. All of them. Then, an ear piercing scream was heard. There was no way I could mistake that scream too.


It all hit me like a brick when I remembered Lux's vision. "The true alpha roared and the banshee screamed".... Scott didn't roar, but the banshee screamed!.

It was all happening, Babayada was here. She was already here and she'd started out her attacks.

I drove to the clinic not really sure if he was there or at his place. There was an ambulance and police cruisers there using their lights to light whatever was there. I could also spot my dad's cruiser there.

My heart beat sped and I felt weak all of a sudden as I got out of the car to make my way towards the cruisers. Melissa was there as one of the parademics but she was working. She was crying bitterly and dad was holding her from doing something crazy.

The other parademics covered the body on the stretcher with the hospital sheet before lifting it in the ambulance.

There was no doubt that it was indeed Scott on that stretcher. I looked around, there was no sight of blood or anything on the side of the road where he had been found. How did he die? Without howling for help or even trying to escape?...

Indeed Babayada was here!. Actually she's already here and she's already started to work.

"Son?". Dad called me pulling me from my cloud of thoughts. I looked up at him as tears streamed down my cheeks.

He pulled me into a tight embrace, "I am sorry I didn't call you to tell you this". He whispered.

"Dad, he was my best friend". I cried out.

"I know son, I know". He said pitifully.

"Why him dad?". I questioned although I knew very well why he was killed.

He was supernatural and if not careful, I would be next... My dad would also be next.. We would all die and nothing would prevent that unless we registered under the Book Of Life as soon as possible.

"Dad, we need to talk". I sniffed out as he pulled off of the hug.

He sighed, "Son, I know you are upset but let's talk later when you're more composed".

"Dad it's urgent. It can't wait". I whined painfully. Scott, you definitely picked the wrong time to die.

He sighed again, "Son-". I cut him off.

"Please Dad". I said almost in a whisper.

"Okay go home I will meet you there". He said as he took in a deep breathe. "I promise I will be there". He added as if he'd thought that I didn't believe him but you can't blame me, right?. Anyways I was thinking of that so yeah, thanks Pops for the reassurance.

He walked back to where his officers were after giving me one last embrace and a clap on my shoulder. I sniffed some more before I walked back to my jeep to drive back to our house.


"I am so sorry honey". Lux whispered softly as she rubbed my back. I was on my bed and had laid my head on my pillow, Lux had cuddled close to me, her hand on my back working soothingly trying to comfort me.

More tears streamed down to my pillow.

"I can't believe that he's gone". I whispered back.

"I am sorry. Take heart". She said.

"I wish he wasn't that hard headed. I wish he had listened to Derek and his pack. I wish he had given me a chance to talk to him all those times I had tried to talk to him". I said slowly as hot tears pricked my eyes.

Lux sighed, "We humans make our plans but The Trinity has the last word".

"I loved him. He was like a brother to me".

"I know he loved you too he was just masking it behind the pain of loosing Alisson. Lux said trying hard to sooth him. She had never experienced death, you know that feeling of loosing a loved one or a close person but that didn't mean that she didn't feel the pain that Stiles felt. Stiles was her mate and she could feel the pain he felt, the way his heart clenched with pain of loosing someone close.

"It feels like loosing mom all over again". Stiles whispered as he hiccupped a sob at the end.

"Love I know you two were close but you need to be strong. I'm sure that if Scott was here he wouldn't have liked to see you in such a situation". Lux said as she tried one of her soothing spells on him now that his sobs had lessened.

"What are you doing?". Stiles asked. Of course, he could feel the power course through his veins. His voice was calm so as his features.

"Calming you down". Lux admitted slowly afraid that perhaps Stiles didn't want to be comforted in such a way. "I am sorry but-".

Stiles cut her off, "No it's fine. I... I feel at least. Thanks but I love your company, it soothes me more". He admitted managing a small smile on his face.

"You're such a sweet talker". Lux huffed in amusement as she laid beside him on her side so that she was now facing him face to face.

"I know. It makes me fantasize". Stiles said.

"What is that even supposed to mean?". Lux scoffed.

"I don't know, you tell me". He replied as he pushed forward and pressed his lips against hers.

"You look so beautiful". He added before he deepened the kiss. He could feel her smile against the kiss making his heart swell with happiness though behind all that, deep down he was sad and was still mourning Scott's death. God only knew what Melissa was now going through, she was all alone with no one to offer her comfort.

Scott was dead and this was the only thing he needed.

A destruction.

Lux knew. Yes she knew what Stiles needed and she was ready to give it to him, comfort... Love... The destruction he needed... God! She'd give him anything just to make him happy and that was all that mattered.

He pulled back and pressed a kiss on her forehead as he looked at her. He'd do anything to protect her from Babayada and keep her safe. He wasn't ready to loose another person. He'd lost so much in such a short time and he didn't want to go through that pain... Through that despair again. No he didn't!.

"He's in a better place now. Right?". Stiles questioned causing Lux's eyes to open and look back into his.

She hummed in response. "His soul is where the rest of the souls are. In between second heaven and the first heaven. It's actually kind of peaceful there. There's no pain, no sorrow..." She trailed off searching his eyes. "It's kinda neutral there. gods don't like being there. The archangels are the ones who work there handling everything".

"Oh". Stiles said. "Do you think there's an after life?".

"Are you kidding me? Of course there is but it depends with your beliefs. But I also believe in reincarnation!". She exclaimed.

"Do you think we'll reincarnate?".

"Gods live forever. They don't reincarnate, it's there life forces that renew. As you can see, we don't age!". Lux explained.

"So I might be there in the after life and see Scott's reincarnation?". Stiles asked hopefully.

"As I said, it depends. Some people do reincarnate others don't. Others reincarnate into other people or creatures". Lux explained.

"Oh! I wish he reincarnates I miss him". He admitted sadly.

"I am still sorry for what has happened. I promise you we shall figure this out". Lux promised. "Your dad's here". She added as she quickly sat up on the bed and the door to Stiles' room flung open revealing his father.

He looked exhausted and worn out. Lux could also smell caffeine off of him.

"Oh sorry I thought you we're asleep". John said eyeing Lux then at his son Stiles who had now sat up as well to look at him. ".... And alone". He added.

"Lux came to keep me company and offer me comfort". Stiles explained.

"Oh yeah, that's good". John said as he took a few steps in the room. "You don't have to go to school tomorrow son okay?".

Stiles swallowed hard but nodded.

John exhaled sharply before moving forward and pulling his son into a tight embrace.

"I am so sorry. Please stay strong for me. Okay?". John asked against his son's neck. Stiles nodded in response. It was hard but he'd try, he'd try to be strong for his father... For Lux.. For Derek and his pack... For everyone!.

John took in a deep breathe as he pulled away and looked at Lux who smiled at him innocently. This was one awkward moment, even if she was goddess, she could still feel it.

"So, will you be going to school tomorrow? I'm sure your parents are worried about you". The sheriff asked. Lux chuckled nervously.



She didn't go to school, she need not to and her parents were busy ruling the second heaven. Stiles cleared his throat as he and Lux looked at each other then back at John who was studying them closely but couldn't bring anything out of the teens.

This was one weird moment, truly.

"Did I say something funny?". He asked, his eyes flicking from Stiles to Lux wondering what was wrong with them.

Stiles cleared his throat and with a grim line he said, "Yeah, about that Dad. We need to talk".

John raised an eyebrow at this. Stiles sounded serious and whatever it was about, was really serious. He needed to listen. His son wasn't this serious at most times... He really needed to listen.