Chapter 4: Day 4: Conversation



Thanks again for reading my book!


Day 4: Morning.

You woke up an looked around your room. It was... Well, nice and comfy, since you have already get used to this place a bit. Well you probably shouldn't. Getting out of the bed, you took your clothes and went to the bathroom, doing your routine. After getting ready you walked downstairs and well, it's rather a little bit quiet then. You stopped looking when you saw Kokichi, now is smiling at you. You just looked away and walking to other direction. "Hey Maki!" You called out her name while walking up to her. "Yes, (Y/N)?" The brunette asked while turning to you.

"Ah, I was thinking if we can chat a bit, I want to free my mind a bit." You smiled at the girl as she look like she's just lost in thoughts. "Hm, so Maki Roll, you wanna talk about anything?" "H-Huh? Maki Roll?" Maki stuttered while pouting a bit, holding onto her ribbon that was placed on her shirt chest. "Oh, it's just a nickname... Do you mind?" You questioned as she just shook her head slightly. "I-I mean yeah I do mind b-but... Don't call me that..." She's still pouting though. "Haha, of course Maki Roll." You smiled while lifting your hand to pat the female's head.

Maki was just pouting all the time and you just chuckled at it. "Anyway, I'll go now, maybe breakfast is ready?" You half asked and walked over to the dining hall. Kokichi waved at you for you to sit next to him, but you just ignores that and decide to sit next to Chiaki and Shuichi. "O-Oh, you're sitting here..." Shuichi stuttered as Chiaki then lay her head onto your shoulder and hugged your arm. "(Y/N)... I missed you..." The female said while mumbling something, then went to sleep. "Okay..." You sighed and look around the room. Byakuya, not here as usual, but Ramu, where is she? Please don't say that it was because last night or something...

'Mood swing? Is that why?'

You asked yourself, but then stopped when Sonia came to you and placed your dish down in front of you. You wanted to take your hand back, but also don't wanna ruin the female's sleep. "Uh... Nagito? Mind helping me out...?" You asked and looked at Nagito, who is sitting next to Chiaki. "Oh, of course." Nagito shrugged as you carefully lift the female out of your arm and placed her head onto Nagito's. "Alright, thanks a bunch." You smiled then continued onto eating your food. It's a peaceful time of eating, but you could feel someone was staring at you. You turned to your side, and once you locked eyes with Shuichi's, he quickly turned away.

"Hey, don't stare at me when I eat, I don't like it." You crossed your arms before looking to your food again. "O-Oh... I'm sorry..." Shuichi said and continued eating. After finishing you put your dishes away, and wanting to go to Ramu's room for... well, checking up on her. "Hey, hey..." But that familiar voice stopped you again. "Oh, Chiaki?" You asked while turning around to meet the girl's eyes. "Yeah... I was wondering if you want to hang out, I mean we have a game room here and I really want to go to there with you..." Chiaki invited and you decided to say yes, maybe you understand why she's best girl to everyone when you're still in real life now.

You followed her to the game room of the mansion and gazes around. It was a pretty nice room. There's even machine for Tetris, and Space Invaders, and a lot of old games. Chiaki look excited for this and you can't help but smile at that, she's like a kid who their mom just bring them to an arcade for the first time for something. Chiaki dragged you around the room, playing every games in it, it's a fun time with the gamer and well, she won every games, while you're shrugging with some of it, but it's okay, as long as you had some fun.

After for a while of playing, you two finally finishes, it's fun to have a game room not gonna lie. How did Ramu- oh wait, she had Byakuya. Either way, it was nice spending time with Chiaki. You two were about to part ways, but Chiaki held your arm back. "You will spend time with me again, right?" Chiaki asked, looking at you, wanting you to say yes. "Oh, sure, I mean later on, of course." You smiles as Chiaki nodded, finally releasing your arm while rubbing her eyes and walking away. You sighs and pulled out your phone to check the stats.


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -17

Friendship: 50

Jealousy: -90

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she's a calm person to be around, but she could easily be jealous with other people, she just doesn't show it.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: I don't think I want to show up today...

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -55

Friendship: -45

Jealousy: -98

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: Finally (Y/N) decided to talk to me! I'm so happy... I need more of her attention...

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -89

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Tsundere + Yandere

Opinion: Maki Roll... What a silly nickname... She need a better taste... but at some point, I... Kinda like it...

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -85

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -60

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: Hm?


You shrugged while looking around. 'What was I about to do-? I always forget, oh well.' "H-Hey (Y/N)... Would you like to hang out, maybe? I-I mean I could recommend you some books inside the library, perhaps..." Shuichi invited as you nod. "Sure, why not?" You then walk with the male, but it's like butterflies in your stomach, you could feel something bad will going on, but you didn't know. You decided to shrug off the feelings and continue on walking with Shuichi.

I have been staying in my room, I don't want to leave, I don't want to see anyone... But thank God Sonia decided to check up for me... She bring me some food and chat with me for a while. Silly me, I've always sad for small stuff... Maybe I should just talk to (Y/N), after all it's just a misunderstanding, I just don't understand her much, like always... I don't understand anyone.

Suddenly the door opened again, I was hoping it's Sonia, Kaede or (Y/N)... But. "Oh, Kokichi-" "Shut up. You told her to do that didn't you?" Kokichi questioned while looking at me with that deadly eyes of his. I feel like he could come and attack me at any moment. "I'm afraid I don't get what you mean..." "You did it! She ignored me because of you, and you even try to decline what you did..." The male looked at me with disgust again.

"Kokichi, please, I don't get what you mean-" "Stop playing dumb. (Y/N) ignored me because you told her to. I saw you two talked yesterday, how sneaky you fucking slut, you don't understand how it feels to be ignored, huh? You always act like you're a God here, but let me tell you, you're nothing compared to anyone in here, so just shut up, stop trying to get (Y/N) for only yourself." Kokichi growled and stepped a step closer to me.

"Kokichi, I'm not trying to-" "Shut up!" The short male charged at me, even though he's short, but he could tackle someone down, and that's when I'm actually scared. I don't understand, I don't understand, what have I done to deserve this? I don't... Kokichi wrapped his hands around my neck and began choking me, wanting to suffocate me... "K-Kokichi... Ko-" "Shut up, shut up, shut up, you've always annoy me, so you need to stop it, you need to learn your lesson, I don't want to see you around (Y/N) again, got it?"

He looked at me...

I hate that look...

I don't want to answer...

I just wanted a friend...


But I don't wanna die...

"Answer me! Do you get it?!" "Y-Yes... A-Argh... L-Let me go..." I answered, and finally Kokichi let go of my neck with a smirk on his face. "Oh well, I'm glad you understand what I mean nishishi~ So I'll get going now, have a fun day Ramu-chan~" Kokichi walked out of my room... Finally, tears formed on my eyes. I didn't deserve this, I don't deserve this. I don't want to, I hate to be manipulated...

I got up from the ground while holding my neck. Great, Kokichi hates me now, it's just great, exactly what I needed. I guess I should be glad I wear sweater or something. Maybe I should go talk to Byakuya. He's the only one who could calm me down.

You were now inside the library, with Shuichi. Well, he's chill but he's a bit too quiet. After the quiet 'conversation' you guys have, and reading a book, you two finally decided to go back to your own rooms. You still have that uneasy feeling that you had earlier. Maybe one of your actions were wrong or something...

"(Y/N)-chan!" You could recognize that from anywhere... You have had enough of him, you just want to be alone, and he couldn't even do that. You don't want to see his face again. You tried to walk away, but was stopped by a pair of arms wrapped around you. "Kokichi- Let me go-" "Nope~ I mean, you haven't spent time with me, so please do thaaat..."

The male begged, which only annoys you more. "Stop it, leave me alone." You then break out from his grip and went back to your room. You stayed alone for a while there, until a certain blonde haired female walks in. "Sonia?" Oh, right, you didn't talk to her for so long, maybe you should now. "Ah, hey (Y/N), I just want to come and check on you... if that's alright!"

Sonia smiled at you as you nod slightly. "Yeah, that's alright, I could use some company right now." You shrugged while looking at the blonde. "Oh, alright! Hm... I have been wanting to ask that... What opinion do you have for everyone? You have been hanging with almost everyone here, and I want to know better about everyone!"

"Oh, that? Well, I think most people are nice, but well, some like Byakuya, well, let's say I hate that guy... I just don't like his personality, like man, he gets angry for every single thing!" You groaned with frustration as Sonia just nodded in understanding. "Well, I don't have any opinion for anyone, but you're right about that." Sonia said.

"Oh, and there's Kokichi. You know how annoying he is, I can't stand it with him around, he's the most annoying guy ever. I hate him..." You complained again. "There's one time he just pour grape panta into the food I'm cooking, and well, everyone was uncomfortable with it, so I have to tell him he can't do that again." Sonia chuckled as you continued on.

You rambled what you dislike about everyone, and of course what you like about other people. But you two chatted like you were friends, like friends who vent to each other when needed, laughing at jokes each one says out. It was a pleasant afternoon, you actually enjoy your time with Sonia, and she did too.

After Sonia leave the room, you lay down on your bed and picked up your phone. After looking at the stats for a while, you were sleepy, and decided to go to sleep instead.


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -20

Friendship: 40

Jealousy: -80

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she's a calm person to be around, but she could easily be jealous with other people, she just doesn't show it.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: ...Why?

Kaede Akamatsu•


Love: -100

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -90

Note: Kaede's hobbies is playing piano, she likes to talk to people when interacting and she's a kind person, she's safe to talk to.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I tried to hang out with Junko today...

Sayaka Maizono•


Love: -115

Friendship: -65

Jealousy: -198

Note: Sayaka loves singing and wishes to be a pop star. She doesn't really like you since you came here, but she'll see if you're the kind of person she thinks you are or not.

Personality: Kanedere + Yandere

Opinion: I saw (Y/N) hanging out with others today, I kinda want to hear her playing the guitar again though...

Leon Kuwata•


Love: -99

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -95

Note: Leon likes to play baseball and he's sometimes humorous. But sometimes he could be angry. He doesn't really like to have you around but he'll handle that.

Personality: Bodere + Yandere

Opinion: I have a feeling of being ignored.

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -40

Friendship: -40

Jealousy: -98

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I need to see (Y/N), I need her attention.

Nagito Komaeda•


Love: -98

Friendship: -95

Jealousy: -97

Note: Nagito, well, let's say he's lucky. He likes hope and really look down on himself, so if you're talking to him, well, try to cheer him up.

- Nagito likes bagel

Personality: Hinedere + Yandere

Opinion: Chiaki seems excited? Well, it's rare to see her like this but...

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -85

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Tsundere + Yandere

Opinion: Maki Roll...

Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -70

Friendship: -75

Jealousy: -100

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: I want to see (Y/N)... It's fun to stare at her while she's reading...

Sonia Nevermind•


Love: -100

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sonia is a smart person, and she'll be open up to anyone, she's also kind and outgoing.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) is a fun person to talk to! I like talking with her, she's a nice friend!

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -90

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -65

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: Nishishi~ Finally I got Ramu out of my way but...

Byakuya Togami•


Love: -105

Friendship: -120

Jealousy: -110

Note: Byakuya doesn't like interactions with anyone. He's just blunt and usually spend time on his own. Usually hard to befriend with.

Personality: Oujidere + Yandere

Opinion: Ramu seems down, I wonder why.

Rantaro Amami•


Love: -100

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -100

Note: Rantaro works at a coffee shop. He seems like a chill guy to talk with. He look like he's interested in you, and maybe would want to know you better

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I wonder when will (Y/N) visit again.

Junko Enoshima•


Love: -100

Friendship: -95

Jealousy: -100

Note: Junko is a popular fashionista, except the fact that you doesn't know her. She's interested in your personality and ready to break you at any time... Ramu also calls her 'Despair Lord' for some reason.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: That useless pig can't do anything right...

Mukuro Ikusaba•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -110

Note: Mukuro is some sort of Junko's guard. Mukuro doesn't like you cause she saw how well Junko want to get along with you.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) didn't hang out with Junko, that's good I guess...


-Fashionable Time: An onetime use item. This item will make a character increase their love for you. Be careful on which character you use it on. Obtained this ability from Junko.

-The Music Will Calm Your Heart: Congratulations! This will help you easier to make friends anytime you need! Not an item to use, an ability. Obtained this ability from Sayaka.


VOTINGS: (Closed)

Hang out with...

A) Junko and Mukuro

B) Kokichi

C) Rantaro

Try to bond with...

A) Byakuya

B) Maki

C) Mukuro


A) Comfort her for whatever's wrong

B) Be angry with her

C) Leave her be.


*Sips tea*

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