Chapter 5: Day 5: Bittersweet Love



Day 5: Morning.

You woke up due to the sun shining onto your face. Do you hate it when sunshines do that? You sighed before getting out of the bed, and brushed your hair before walking to the bathroom and change your clothes. You walked downstairs and saw Kokichi waving at you again. You didn't want to, but thinking about it... You think you have to hang out with him somehow, you saw how his jealousy jumped yesterday and... this opinion creeped you out. You then decides to sit next to him and Kokichi just hugged you tightly. "Yay! You have finally hang out with me~" "Yeah, don't get used to it." You said in a tired tone before eating your breakfast.

It was a nice breakfast, but you can't help but feeling worried for Ramu about this. So maybe you could try and comfort her later or some sort. "So, after this do you want to hang out?" And of course, dealing with Kokichi. "Oh, of course Kokichi, where would you like to go?" "Hm... Maybe pranking someone! Pranking people is my thing, nishishi~" "Hm... I think differently, I'm not good with running away from troubles so..." "It's okay (Y/N)-chan! I can always teach you!" Kokichi's eyes were filled with sparkles, and you decide to nod your head, wanting the day to be over with.

"Nishishi~ Excellent! So would you want to prank Byakuya? Trust me, it's fun to prank him!" "Why would I ever agree to prank him?! You really have a death wish or something?!" You fire the questions at him as he just shrugs. "Dunno, maybe he's fun to prank to! I don't care as long as I have it my way!" Kokichi laughed and you just frowns at the male. "Yeah stop that habit of getting things your way... just, don't prank anyone at all?" You really wish that Kokichi is just an ordinary guy, or this wouldn't have happened. Seriously what the hell is wrong?

"Aww, no pranking? But that's okay! As long as it's my beloved's decision, I'll follow!" The male smiled again as he puts his hand behind his head. "Beloved? You know half thing about me, so don't make it look like I'm your lover or something... you know what? I think I'll go now, have a nice day Kokichi." You said before walking away with him just smiling. You didn't know if walking away is a good thing, but you were too angry to even notice.



Kokichi Oma•


Love: -10

Friendship: -50

Jealousy: -65

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

- Kokichi can jump statuses pretty quickly.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) didn't like having me around, but it's okay, I'll make her learn to like it~!


You frowned upon seeing his status. You are disturbed and annoyed, you don't want to deal with him right now. Is there any way to make him stop this? You're going to need to think more. And while you were walking, you didn't really notice where you were going, and accidentally bumped into Mukuro... "Ah, hey, sorry Mukuro!" You bowed as you apologizes, you haven't hung out with the new people yet, so why not? "Oh, I want to ask that would you like you hang out? I mean I'm pretty free and stuff." You said as Mukuro only nodded slightly, maybe she doesn't like you that much, but that's fine...

"So Mukuro, Junko is your twin, right? Well, I was just wondering why doesn't you two have a good relationship? I mean, I've seen many siblings getting along and stuff..." You said and Mukuro shook her head. "No, no, it's a normal thing! Junko and my relationship are normal! I just follows her and well, we are a completely fine, it's just how other people look at it." Mukuro smiled as she said those words. You were pretty confused. How is calling your sister a pig, ugly, and insultings normal? Or is it because they're not related? Is it fine to ask that?... Probably not.

"Oh... I see, well, if you two see that as fine, then I won't ask. I mean... yeah." Mukuro smiles again, and looked down to the ground. Maybe insulting is just Junko's thing and she got used to it... Or she's brainwashed, who knows. "Anyway, do you have anything else to say?" "Oh, not really, well see you around then..." Mukuro walked away while waving at you. You just shrugged and check the statuses if anything changes.


Mukuro Ikusaba•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Mukuro is some sort of Junko's guard. Mukuro doesn't like you cause she saw how well Junko want to get along with you.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: Okay, I just talked with (Y/N), and I don't see anything bad in her! Well maybe we can get along.

Ability Obtained!:

-Your Protector: This is an onetime use item. This item can make you redo your action if you reached a bad ending (getting killed). It will help you move back to the day that you made the option wrong to redo your choices. Obtained this ability from Mukuro.


You stares at the ability for a while before internally yelling 'sweet' inside your head, maybe you could take a use of this. Well, it's better if you don't die, or you know that you couldn't survive here for even full 5 days. You sighs before walking over to the library to finish that one book yesterday. And within reaching it, you saw Ramu and Byakuya sitting at a table, they are just reading, and Byakuya gazed at you once you came in, and then Ramu.

"Hi you two, what are you two doing?" You asked as Ramu turned away quickly and Byakuya only scoffs. "Just leave us alone, can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you?" You were about to talk back, but Ramu chimes in. "It's alright really Byakuya... If you don't mind, then I want to talk to her a bit... alone." Ramu said, but the blonde only stared at her for a while, and finally standing up. "Fine, take your time, I'll be going." He said before walking out of the room. Ramu looked at you with some fear in her eyes, and you could see that.

"Ramu, is there anything wrong?" "Well, for your own safety, and mine too, I suggest you shouldn't talk to me anymore... I don't want anything bad to happen to us both..." Ramu nervously said as you only shook your head. "No! Why would I ever do that? I didn't know what Kokichi did, but it's definitely not anything good... So just let me help you out, please?" You looked at the female and she just nods a little bit. "I-I'm just scared that—" "There are nothing to be scared of, so if you needed to, talk to me, I'll never be mean to you or anything."

"Th-Thank you... I-I just... I guess I'm just overeating a-and... I'm scared of everything..." Ramu said as she looked to the ground, tears formed on her eyes again as you pulled her into a hug and smiles at the trembling female. "Don't be worried, just cry whenever you need to, it's alright to cry... Especially when you're down, or like that." You patted onto her back before releasing the hug. Ramu whipped her tears away with her sleeves, while that you just look at her.

You two chatted more about positive stuff. You aren't good with comforting, but guess you're improving now... After a little more while of talking, you have finally decides to go out of the room and look around before entering your own room. There are still a bunch of times, but you just didn't know what to do so you decided to take a nap for the day.





You opened your eyes, what does Kokichi even wants now- After you have opened your eyes, you couldn't take back what you've seen... "K-Kokichi what the hell?!" You screamed but Kokichi only took your hand and pushed them back to your bed. He was all bloody, you didn't know what he did, but this is 100% not paint. It smells horrible, it smells like fresh blood, there are no doubt that this is blood. You can't take this. Why? Why did he do this?! Who?! What did he do?!

Your phone pinged again as you turned to look at it, only to notice...


'Kokichi Oma's love has been increased to 100! Congratulations!'


'Congratulations? Congratulations?! THIS IS CONGRATULATIONS?! How?! What the hell happened?!' Those are the questions that only pops inside your head right now. "You must be so confused, don't you? Well, Ramu has been hanging too much around you, when I told her to *not* to do. So... since she broke her, I decided to break mine too, now she's just a lifeless corpse, what do you think? Oh! Do you want to see her? I'm sure she would like to see you!" Kokichi laughed and you just tried to struggle out of his grip.

"Why did you do this?! I don't understand?! Why did you kill her?!" You shouted at his face and he only looked at you dead in the eye. "Like I said, I will do anything. And I mean it. Anything to have you. So I only did what I promised myself, so why don't you understand?" "Y-You are a psychopath! Why would I ever, ever, trust or understand you?! You doesn't deserve to live!" You yelled again. "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck UP!" Kokichi let go off one of his hand and raised up the knife he had and started to rapidly stab you with it while shouting for you to shut up.



It's so... painful...

But is it over now...?


Bad Ending:

I'm Tired Of You

Yandere's Fate: After killing you, others called the police on him, and Kokichi have been arrested. The other characters lived on without you, but some other characters will always remember of you and the days you spent with them.

Motive For Killing: Kokichi is jealous of Ramu, and by that, he decided to kill her to take only you, but after seeing you rejecting him so many time, Kokichi snapped and decided to kill you. After killing you, he realized what he did was wrong, but he couldn't redo anything now, right?



'Use 'Your Protector' to continue the story?'

You didn't want to continue this... but you couldn't... You don't know what could possibly happen if you chose to give up right now. You pressed on to the 'yes' icon and the next thing you knew was-

Day 3: Morning

"Damn it!" You shouted while sitting up from your bed. Looking around, looking to the phone... You have been gone back to day 3... So this is where you did wrong. Maybe you'll have another chance to win this... You'll meet Junko and Mukuro for the first time today, better not mess this up again.


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -12

Friendship: 55

Jealousy: -85

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she's a calm person to be around, but she could easily be jealous with other people, she just doesn't show it.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: Kokichi is bothering me.

Kaede Akamatsu•


Love: -100

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -92

Note: Kaede's hobbies is playing piano, she likes to talk to people when interacting and she's a kind person, she's safe to talk to.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I spend some time with Rantaro today, maybe it'd be more fun if (Y/N) came along but...

Sayaka Maizono•


Love: -120

Friendship: -150

Jealousy: -200

Note: Sayaka loves singing and wishes to be a pop star. She doesn't really like you since you came here, but she'll tolerate you anyway.

Personality: Kanedere + Yandere

Opinion: I tried to be friendly, I tried to do everything. What's wrong with her? Why can't she see that? She's annoying. She better doesn't have any bad intention to Ramu or anyone here.

Leon Kuwata•


Love: -99

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -95

Note: Leon likes to play baseball and he's sometimes humorous. But sometimes he could be angry. He doesn't really like to have you around but he'll handle that.

Personality: Bodere + Yandere

Opinion: I will try to talk to (Y/N) later on.

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -78

Friendship: -75

Jealousy: -100

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I like her hand, it was so soft to touch, and I like it when she's confused on how to play the games, it would just give me more excuses to touch her...

Nagito Komaeda•


Love: -98

Friendship: -95

Jealousy: -97

Note: Nagito, well, let's say he's lucky. He likes hope and really look down on himself, so if you're talking to him, well, try to cheer him up.

- Nagito likes bagel

Personality: Hinedere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) spent some time with us, well, mainly Chiaki, cause she's better at video games more than me... but still, I still want to spend more time with her alone.

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -100

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Kuudere + Yandere

Opinion: ...(Y/N) isn't a really bad person...?

Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -98

Friendship: -92

Jealousy: -100

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: I want to talk to (Y/N) soon...

Sonia Nevermind•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sonia is a smart person, and she'll be open up to anyone, she's also kind and outgoing.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I did more researches in the library today!

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -85

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -98

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: Ramu needs to stop ruining my mood.

Byakuya Togami•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Byakuya doesn't like interactions with anyone. He's just blunt and usually spend time on his own. Usually hard to befriend with.

Personality: Oujidere + Yandere

Opinion: I still doesn't understand why she's here until now, she barely did anything and only play around with other people.

Rantaro Amami•


Love: -100

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -100

Note: Rantaro works at a coffee shop. He seems like a chill guy to talk with. He look like he's interested in you, and maybe would want to know you better

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I hang out with Kaede today.


-Your Only Trustworthy Friend: An onetime use item. This will help you getting their friendship meter closer with a character. Obtained this ability from Ramu.



In the morning...

A) Eat your breakfast first

B) Meet the new people first

C) I'm gonna stay in my room

Use Your Only Trustworthy Friend on... (+80 friendship)

A) Sayaka

B) Sonia

C) No one

Ask Ramu about...

A) Did she bring you here

B) How did she got along with Byakuya

C) Does she and Kokichi have a good relationship?

*Sips tea*

Please try to nOt MeSs tHiS uP cRiEs