><>3rd person POV<><
::: Previously: Null, having been kept a prisoner of Herobrine, found itself suddenly unable to speak. When interrogated, Herobrine was unable to get any words out of it, nor was he able to read the form's mind, personally surprising the high ranking Immortal. Just before Null could have been hurt anymore, it just barely managed to escape it's prison, running into the vast, open Nether realm. :::
Pain shot through the ribs of the dark void figure as it ran endlessly over Netherrack. Ghasts chased like battle-coptors behind, blasting it's path with explosive fireballs, as an entire arsenal of blazes raced around to block it off from the portal: it's only escape route within miles.
The void found it hard to run so fast, as well as dodge all the fire and explosives, while also in such pain. It's lungs were stinging at that point as it ran, as if it were out jogging in a cold winter morning. Another ghast shrieked, launching another explosive from it's mouth. The fireball landed just in front of Null, knocking it back onto it's back. The void panted for a moment as it laid there, listening to an army of wither skeletons marching it's way. It couldn't sense Herobrine however, so so far it was okay.
"Prisoner, we demand you return to your cell, immediately." A wither skeleton decorated in gold commanded from the front lines of it's army. Oh-h, at that moment, Null couldn't think of anything else, other than tearing down Herobrine's army so much, that they don't even have time to organize ranks!!
The void stood with a new expression on it's face as it turned toward the army instead. A dark, hateful glare plastered over any fear it once had. 'Over my dead body! I will never give up! In fact, I will return here someday and take revenge for the human species, who you so brutally slaughtered!! For the first time in your lives you will know what it is like to be helpless, like they were!' It tried to shout at the armies surrounding it, but, no sound came out. Instead, everyone just watched as the void's arms were thrown around in anger, looking like it was trying to shout.
The armies then began walking forward, closing Null into a circle of no survival. But it's plan wasn't to just give up. On the contrary.
Null jumped up from the ground in an instant, while in the air, it's arm thrust outward, sending a wave of dark matter down at the armies. Ghasts saw the easy target and shot more balls of fire at it. As it was falling back down, realizing the fireballs were well aimed and would make their target, the void thought quickly, raising it's other hand and making a shield of compact, black matter. It used that to coat the half of it being ambushed in explosions. A random wither skeleton tossed it's sword up at the void, grazing it's skin and reminding the dark form of the ever closing in threats. The void readied it's fists and the moment it's feet began making impact with the floor, it thrust it's fist into the ground, sending a massive shockwave over the increasing crowd. Several were knocked down, but the void was far from safe.
Wither skeletons poured forward at the prisoner, swords drawn. The void had to think fast as it spun around, punching the first of the wave in the side of the head, cracking it's skull. That mob fell, but it was replaced with three others, which Null handled using a sphere of dark energy to whack them in the faces with. Null spun around as one tried to stab it's back, and the void grabbed the mob's sword, turning it against it's wielder. Not having a sword of it's own, Null settled with the nearly broken sword as it charged for the next few enemies.
Three ghasts hovered side by side, combining their firepower into one large flaming bomb. Once that was fired in a series of three squeals -- three separate ones converging as they flew -- Null's eyes widened at the sight of them. In a moment of no thought, Null sent forth a large sphere of it's own, burning in black flames. It didn't have any time to watch the two collide; more skeletons continued attempting to surround and overwhelm it. In a series of kicks and punches as well as using it's new sword, Null fought off the wither troops as best it could.
Hopefully turning things to it's favor, Null began testing to see what kind of abilities it had that could be used in combat. It flung several spheres of dark matter into the sky at random. Those fell slowly, but once they did, a cloud of purple mixed with black clouds oozed out of it. That matter began dissolving anything and everything on impact, taking out just over twenty troops with just one. Null watched in astonishment as enemy warriors' bones were burnt to the core, it taking only a little longer to get to the armored ones. Those other spheres landed elsewhere in the crowd, doing the same. Meanwhile, Null kept up it's fighting, wishing it had any good short range abilities other than a strong punch or two.
A small spark of gold appeared between Null's hands as it kicked a soldier. The dark void stopped in it's tracks and caught the precious little spark. It had no idea what it was or what it could do, but it knew the little pearl of glowing gold material was somehow helpful. Maybe it worked like an actual spark, when you first start a fire. Curious, Null blew on it to see if it would react. It didn't. The almost too small to see spark did nothing when blown on. Null tried holding it differently, only for the fragile thing to flake away at the slightly firmer hold.
For being distracted, Null earned a painful stab to the back of it's head from one of the wither skeletons. The void collapsed as the sword went through it's forehead and dug into the stale, rotten smelling ground. Null was sure it's life was over as it felt the overwhelming pain, waiting to die right then and there.. When no slipping away from the physical world happened, however, Null staggered to it's hands and knees; then up on just it's knees, then it's feet. The dark void couldn't believe it's own ability to stand back up, feeling insane pain in it's head, but overall.. not dead. The armies were silenced by it's rise, in awe as well that the dark form was managing to stand with a stone sword still poking through it's skull.
There was no time for celebration, however; because Herobrine had arrived. The silent wither skeletons stepped back, allowing their king to slowly hover down to the ground in front of Null. Herobrine looked more intrigued and surprised than even Null, who stood there with little ideas of how to get out of this. Slowly, Herobrine lifted his hand and gently poked the blade of the sword which had impaled Null's head. He then looked down at his hand in awe, looking for some form of blood that should have been there. But there was none.
In a flurry of several different thoughts and even emotions, Herobrine struck the void form with his fist, making the figure step back to catch itself from the impact. Another punch came from Herobrine, but Null caught it firmly and held it's enemy's fist, keeping a hard scowl in it's eyes. 'I've had enough of your violence.' Null thought, imagining it's voice in a threatening growl of a tone. That time, it let Herobrine read it's thought, before cutting him off from trying to read anything else. Herobrine listened, and an almost invisible shake through his whole body caught Null off guard. Herobrine had never been scared of anyone before, not even his own brother. So why was he scared of it all of a sudden?
But, Herobrine did not let this moment of weakness show very well. The higher ranking Immortal flew up into the air, glaring down at the void form. Quickly, he drew his obsidian enchanted sword, ready to finish his foe off. He saw then that it was no use to recapture it and try to solve it's mysteries. Instead, he would have to destroy it and hope there isn't another like it. The armies readied themselves for battle once again, prepared to strike once their king gave the order. Null, was suddenly terrified. It snapped out of it's angered state and looked around at the un perceiveable odds, all stacking against the dark void.
The spark. Yes.. That should do the trick... It is it's last hope afterall.
Null crouched down, straining it's very core to bring back whatever had made that golden spark, which had crumbled. The dark void somehow knew, it somehow knew that that tiny fleck was much more than it looked to be. It just needed more of them, on a much larger scale. Something finally clicked inside the void; something that both aided the form, and destroyed it...
A gentle but sudden noise swept over the battlegrounds as Herobrine made his descent down on his enemy. Millions of little glowing gold pearls flung outward and encapsulated a majority of the armies in a sphere which was lined with a small hint of the same swirling gold substance. The pearls not outlining the barrier hovered inside -- completely still -- keeping up the effect.
Null rose it's head when it realized no blade of Herobrine's was impaling it's torso. It slowly looked up at the imminent threat, finding Herobrine completely solid in place. It looked around. Everything within the sphere of gold was also frozen. The being looked around at the frozen armies in awe. Before the void could stand straight, however, the energy used up revealed it's toll on the young immortal, forcing it to collapse painfully into the ground. Null stayed there for a short moment, knowing fully well that this, whatever power thing, would not last very long.
Luckily, the Nether Portal was within the bubble, just near the outskirts where Null could reach it before the bubble popped and time went back to normal. Null, in it's weakened state, began crawling towards the portal. It had looked like it had just barely survived being blown up as the form primarily used it's left, shakey arm to pull itself forward. As time progressed, to the thankfulness of Null, it's energy began regenerating, and the void form could stand up once again on it's wobbily legs. After a couple minutes of just crawling, Null took it safe and just walked slowly, fully aware that the bubble was still taking energy to stay up. The being eventually made it to the outskirts, and was intrigued by the armies still remaining outside. Most of them looked frightened that their king and comrades were not moving anymore. Oh yeah, Herobrine. It would only shorten it's chances of surviving if it tried to go after the lord of the Nether realm. Preferring survival over revenge, Null kept it's eyes off it's previous captor.
A rather angry looking wither skeleton looked fed up with just watching their target escape. Seeing if it was possible to break the force field, the monster struck the gently glowing surface with it's fist. When the fist stopped as if it had hit a wall, the skeleton recoiled. However, it's fist didn't follow, which had just managed to make it in the barrier. Instead the fist was held in place, as if stuck to the field by super glue. While this surprised many of the other soldiers and made them even more afraid, others looked intrigued, and punched the wall as well. Soon enough there were even soldiers kicking and jumping on the sphere. A couple ghasts even blew fireballs at the golden surface of the bubble. Just like the first one, they too were all held in place by the bubble. Even the balls of fire stood still once making impact. Several tried hitting or pulling their way out, but it was no use. It was like quick-sand. Oh no.. Null felt a strain on it's energy, and it watched as, slowly, things began to move again. Herobrine began dropping once again. The soldiers shuffling their feet or walking to another position in the crowd. Even the fists and feet of those outside the bubble began being sucked into it, slowly, them flailing, almost terrified of falling fully in. Null's eyes scrunched in pain as it was reminded that not all was well just yet, and it quickly retreated I to the portal. The effect of teleporting had slowed too, and so Null could do nothing but watch as the armies and Herobrine began moving faster and faster.
..pop. BANG!
The bubble vanished, and was immediately followed by Herobrine crashing down on the floor. The impact knocked Null out of the portal frame, about several blocks away; and it quickly scurried to it's feet and ran back into the portal. The literal second before Null vanished through the purple swirls, it watched terrifyingly as Herobrine's dead-set gaze rested upon it. No matter what Null did, wherever Null went, it knew it could never truly escape Herobrine.