
><>2nd person POV<><

::: Previously: Your new name was decided to be Andrea Cobblestone, the supposed little sister of your former self. Not too long after reawakening again, you found it had been four years since you -- Cody -- had died. You heard from some older ladies, who had found you laying in the middle of a meadow and picked you up, tell you that Cartersville, the town you woke in, was founded by none other than your old pal, Carter himself. Last on your mind; you were just leaving to meet him. :::


You follow the kind lady down the new streets of the small town, Cartersville. With curiosity and an ounce of excitement, you look around at the young town spring with joy. Most of the buildings along the main street are made of stone and wood, to decorate mostly, while many of the more hidden buildings are either in the middle of being built, or their lots are occupied by a few tents in the time being. This however doesn't stop the children from playing in the streets and between buildings. Shop-keepers are still able to sell many goods to newcommers or visitors like yourself. The place is thriving pretty well for being so new, and you love how it keeps up the same energy and joy the old town did. After some time, you pass by a statue you recognize quite well, made of bronze and iron.

The lady catches you eyeing the statue and smiles solemnly. "..Yeah, that's your brother right there. He saved almost as many as our founder had, before giving his life to save his.. He truly was a great man." The pose Cody is in is of him holding a sword to the sky victoriously, riding his stallion, "Prince," into battle. The lady lowers her head in respect. You do the same. It is almost strange having to pretend you once knew, yourself. But, you know that will help a lot if you ever accidentally say something only you or Carter would have known. It is best to make these connections from the beginning.

After a short moment, you two continue walking away, neither having anything to say. The lady escorting you makes small talk with the other towns people as she passes by, to a few even mentioning that you are Cody's younger sister, who had just arrived. By the time you two reach the large building right outside the center of town, your new identity is pretty much common knowledge. In fact, you don't even need an introduction when Carter steps out the front door with eyes directly on you, a small but genuine smile on his face. And boy has he grown up. For one, Carter is miles taller than you last remembered him. His hair is even lighter than before, and his overall self looks like he has been outside a lot more than before the old town burnt down. His face still holds that boyish look he always had, and his hair has managed to grow it's way into a few curls. His outfit definitely says buisness, but not so formal that it makes him look like a snob compared to everyone else. But it's the new posture that surprises you the most, because now he looks like someone who knows who they are and what they want to do. He stands tall and strong before you, so tall in fact that the little visible muscle makes him look a little twig-ish.

"Welcome! So glad to see a sister of an old friend!" Carter welcomes with open arms, literally hugging you once you step close enough. You don't remember being exactly friends with Carter, but maybe the whole saving his life had made him think that highly of you. Also, remembering back, you had called him a friend, hadn't you?

"So glad to be here. I guess I got lucky and ended up venturing right into the perfect town!" You smiled, patting him on the back awkwardly as you two broke away. 'Wait, that's just just a guy thing. Or is it?'

"Perfect for what?" Carter chuckled blissfully, probably not even paying full attention to you, but instead to other businesses or memories. With the portion of your mind not thinking of how to answer, you looked around for the lady who had escorted you, glimpsing at her figure walking away as she talked with a few other ladies.

"Perfect, as in, everyone here seems to know everything about my brother!. Heh.. heh... Well,I already knew he had died, but I didn't know why or how. I have been getting a lot of info lately on what happened. Sounds like he didn't do too bad in saving a few people."

"A few?! He saved almost half of the survivors! The only reason I ended up saving more than him was because after he died, I went back to rescues until everything was peaceful again and the fires had stopped. After that, I simply, did as he told me: to find a safe place for everyone to live. So, I established Cartersville. Or, at least, it is being called that until a better name is decided." He says the last part with a faint chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. "Soo, have you decided to move into town, or are just passing through?" He asks.

"As nice as this place is, I can't be here very long. I have to, um.." You stop. Unsure of whether you want to tell a bit of the truth or not. Finally, you whisper up in his ear. "I have to finish the quest my brother set off on, to rid of evil and preserve all good. I just, hope you understand.." You back away a little, taking a moment to kick at the gravel under your feet. It isn't a full five seconds before Carter taps on your shoulder.

"Come inside, if you don't mind, I would like to know more about this quest." He whispers. Then the two of you casually but quietly walk in through the front doors of the decently large main building. You don't exactly know what it is yet. A city hall, maybe?

Inside, as expected, there is a large hall that branches off into several different rooms. There are a few people walking around, either just on tour or on a tight schedule. Carter leads you directly down the hall to his office. The moment you step in, you see the wall behind his desk is almost entirely glass. There are bookshelves on the two walls both left and right, and normal shelves holding shiny stones, pictures, and or boxes on them.

I had asked for a much more basic and smaller design, but I returned only to find this work of art!" Carter half laughs as he gestures to the large space, noticing you look around that the high sciling with an open mouth. It is clear he enjoys the space, but feels somewhat out of place in it.

"It's fitting for the founder of a quickly growing and clearly prosperous town." You say simply with a small smile. Carter smiles back, and without any words, offers for you to sit across from his desk in a chair that looks to be the twin of his. You sit, and so does he.

"So, this quest Cody, your brother, went on.. You knew about it?" Carter asked, inquisitively.

"Yeah, he pretty much told me everything before he left, but, he didn't really want me telling anyone about it, because of how dangerous it was.." You answered, crossing your legs, also amused by how easy it is now as Andrea.

"That makes sense, especially since it has a lot to do with killing." Carter says, a hint of sternness in his voice as he crosses his arms. Your face pales for a brief moment before quickly flushing back to normal. "As much as I respected your brother, I always thought it was was a bit too far to resort to violence. Exactly what makes you think I will just let you try something so stupid?" He asks. You are silent, unable to think of anything before he speaks again. "Also, are you even trained in fighting? I never like being rude, but sometimes I have to point out out the obvious in order to make a point. You, don't exactly look strong enouyh, or even equipped in order to continue this quest you are on.. So... Convince me as to why I should let you leave this room right now, without being cuffed?" He asked. You sat silently. It wasn't until now that you finally realize how much Carter has really grown. Not only is he the leader of an entire town, but he is clearly more sure-footed than he used to be. Also, just by looking at how he sits in his chair, how his eyes study your stiff exterior, clearly, he has grown smarter.

You, halfway giving up on your new cover, lean to the right on the arm chair, and clap slowly, wondering what his reaction would be if you suddenly took control of the situation.

"My, my, Carter, I am for one amazed by your improvement. Now, what was that again, a threat? Oh, nice try. It really would have gotten anyone but me to be honest. Glad to know you haven't traded wisdom in for power." You smile, making a little decision in your head that you know will break your bugger rule you had set for yourself, which is-

"Haa, haa, nice try. Who are you then, just someone hoping we welcome you with open arms just because because of some lie?" Carter stands in order to place the pointer back on him.

"That wasn't what I was wanting, but, it did turn out that way now didn't it?" You say with a smug look, referring to he himself welcoming her with open arms. Carter lowly growls and uses his left hand to comb through his hair as he thinks, looking around his desk. You do the same, making sure there aren't any throwing knives.. just to be sure. You had died one time that same way afterall.

"Alright, so you going to tell me your real name, or not?" Carter looks up, asking with a slightly calmer look.

"Oh, me? Well, I don't really have a real name. The first ever name I was ever given was handed to me by my enemies. It's a name I plan on never using again, that's for sure!" You smile, standing up and also using your right hand to come through your hair, except a lot more carelessly as you look aimlessly around the room.

"Oh? So even more of a mystery? A person with more than one identity? Strange; never thought I would ever run into any of your kind. For a moment I thought they were only in stories." Carter said with the really confusing mix between sarcasm and interest. Wait a minute, you have no idea what he is even talking about.

"What stories?!" You pop up, interested all of a sudden. You thought you had read about every group, every immortal, every threat there was out there. Were there more? Others like you?

"Oh, you know. The ones no one really tells these days. They were said to be some ancient group of assassins. Ones who did the bidding of Herobrine himself." He.. he had to be kidding! Once the realization that Carter had just lied to find your interests, partially tearing at your soul due to false hope in the process, you begain laughing. I mean, uncontrollable laughter. You have to support yourself with your palms on the desk just to keep yourself up laughter. Carter is obviously confused. You as well are confused a little by your laughter. It really isn't that funny. "..Whh. What is it?!" Carter begins looking around his room and out the large window for any possible threats.

Finally, you can breathe enough to speak. "Foolish of you to think you can lie to someone about a history I myself have lived through!" You elevate your voice, a cocky-ish smile on your face. Carter swings at you.

"No way! No one can even live that long.. Heh, and you thought thought I was the bad liar."

"Ooh, it's no lie. Not only was I there during all that, but throughout these past few years I have been writing history itself!"

"Prove it!"

"Gladly. Now.. how about we go on a little history lesson, starting with Drake Huugal. Recognize the name."

"Well, yes, but he was only known for-"

"Being responsible for the destruction of Notch's old coliseum, yes. I still remember that as as if it were only a couple years ago."

"That is nothing like proof-!"

"It was a sweat filled day as I fought my way to survive. Almost no one but true knew I was actually just one of the ones being forced to fight. There were so many other warriors out there that it was hard to see straight. My metal sword clashed with the others' for hours on end until finally the immortal, who was supposed to protect us, got bored of the fight and allowed monsters into the ring. In little time, I was the last man standing. I moved to the very center of stage, bloodied and tired, but stood firmly before everyone in the crowd. I knew by many of their faces that they had just been forced to watch their loved ones die in battle, so, I decided to use that as motivation. I shouted the loudest I ever had and ever will up at the pitiful throne throne of that immortal, spitting on his very name! Slowly, through my courage I was able to start an up rise against the very coliseum. I died that day by the very hands of the one I spoke against. But it was worth it, because as I died, I spat my own blood in his face, and said, 'Now doesn't that just make you feel helpless, knowing that so easily, someone can stand up to you; and win?" You told the story. Next, you sit down, knowing he will only continue to question you.

"That.. that could have all just been made up. What proof do you have that you were once him?"

"Do you really think think I was even caring about proof back then, even recently?! Listen, I trust you with this truth, so much so that you are the only one I have even told." You say, almost quietly. "So, how about another story?" Before Carter could open his mouth, you continue. "Ever heard of Suzana Froqueth?.. Man, I used to be so much more creative with names.. Anyway, she's the one who-"

"-found that old monument, yeah, I know." Carter sighs, also sitting down, now resting his chin on a hand which is on his right armchair.

"Good. Glad to know about my next biggest venture; exterminating those pesky Elder Guardians.. You see, the only reason they were even made was to make robbery annoying. Whichever immortal made all those monuments must have been pretty dumb, which might be why they aren't around anymore.... Anyway!...." And so for the next hour you skip from memory to memory, adventure to adventure, mostly doing so to see Carter's annoyed + bored face intensify as time flew by, for you at least. Finally, you finished your last one on Anna Brinkston, and paused long enough for Carter to think?

"..-Anything else?. None of that was proof, but whatever... Seems like there is a long enough of a gap for some story to be after hers, by the rules you told me at least. It has been seven years since she died afterall."

"Glad to see you didn't lose your mind in all of that. You are right. There was one between then and now, since, as I told you already, this new form of mine is only a few days old at most."

"-Yeah, yeah.. why repeat it?.. So, who was it then? Did I know them? Heh, that would sure be strange.. But there was that one..." Carter began to think. After a moment, he turns to you for help.

"Close. If you didn't get it by my first entry, then you'll probably stay at a loss." You hint. He thinks deeper.

"Andrew?.. No, he was fighting for the.. wait, you said you were following Cody's quest, right?" You only smile. "..And if Cody... no way."

"Oh mighty men are we, as we glide through history," You begin singing that same tune Carter had overheard you singing a while back -- your new voice making it sound much prettier. "Without a doubt, we give a shout, as we run to victory.. Oh mighty men are weee..." You sing, watching with a smile as you watch Carter's head slowly turn to you, an expression on his face that made it look as if he is seeing a ghost sing before his very eyes.

"...Cody?. Is it, really you?" He asks.

"Yep. I never even had a family." You chuckle. Carter's face has a hard time reaching up into a smile as he looks at you with disbelief.

Before Carter jumps into looking excited, he quickly snaps back to serious. "Wait, what is something only Cody would know?"

"That stab wound I took for you.." You lean forward in your chair, placing a hand over where your scar would have been had you survived," ..was stinking painful." You squeezed out your mouth as if reliving that moment. Knowing that wasn't what he meant, and seeing the humor in your own joke, you laugh a bit, only earning a raised eyebrow from Carter. "Alright, all jokes aside, do you remember where I stabbed Herobrine back?"

"Yeahh, wait, I never told anyone-"

"Wow, really, great way to make your friend look good; only saying they just jumped out with no means to fight back. Anyway, earlier, he had used his golden sword to crack my Iron one in a previous battle. When I stabbed him back, I made sure to use that broken blade as an advantage, breaking a large portion off to stay in his body. Heh, he probably still hasn't figured out how to get that metal out with his extremely fast healing. It's probably crippling him as we speak. Hopefully, by the time I finally reach him, he will at least have enough of a disadvantage for me to have a chance against him. Hopefully." You explain your elaborate plan. You wait a moment, watching Carter blink a couple times; before he leaps over his desk, raises you up by the shoulders, and squeezes you tightly.

"It really is you!! And you are so tiny compared to your last self! This actually makes sense, considering how wise you seamed back then, probably not any less the wiser I bet!" He said just about everything at once, you almost feeling helpless compared to your last turn's strength and size. "Just as a random question, though," Carter sets you down just as quickly as he picked you up to ask. "do you actually have proof you were all those other people? I mean, proof like that would be world shattering!" He says.. Oh no.. You do remember the only proof you have left existing, and it is somewhere where it could potentially be found by your enemies.

"I actually do, but, it is old, and I guess now that I remember, I need to go get it. I don't want anyone else knowing, especially my enemies." You tell him, almost disappointed to be leaving this way. You know that with it back on your mind, you can't just ignore it any longer.

"Ohh, well, heh, that sure was some reunion now, wasn't it? Well, I guess I can't keep you from your quest, knowing what it is really about now... Just, try not to kill anymore, okay?.." Were Carter's final goodbye words to you. You nod somberly, before turning and leaving. You leave, however, with a feeling you have never had before. A feeling that now you finally have someone you can fully trust. Someone, you must fully trust. Is it a good feeling? Did you make the right decision? Was this kid really worth telling the truth, over all the others you have known in your long life. You, can't tell for sure just quite yet...