Chapter 7: Jailbreak


I requested a clean blanket from Alein and Vulhex. I wanted to cover my former companion's nakedness, as a sign of respect to her, even as she was suffering. Ursura was unconscious, barely breathing, and her teeth were all missing…the elder dog-servant guessed maybe it was plucked out—a common torture method of the Duchess' men.


Carefully, I fixed her limbs, which were obviously broken and twisted unnaturally. I could feel Ursura's delicate arms and legs, which were now filled with cuts and bruises. Her crotch and genital were a testament to the cruel punishment she received from the humans who captured her.

I could feel my hands shaking as I place the blanket over her body. I was raging. I wanted to kill. I would kill. And I should kill…especially those people who did this to her.

"I really am thankful for your sympathies, milord." Alein told me, "Though I could not fully express it, I'm moved by your tears, being shed for my race, even if it's someone from another tribe."

"No need to thank me." I replied, "In the first place, I did this. If I did not teach the humans how to use those weapons, you and your tribe are still free. Miss Missy won't be forced into sex slavery, and Ursura would be alright."

"What do you wish to do, Lord Kuro?"

"I'd kill that Duchess. She doesn't deserve to live."

"But milord, you alone couldn't possibly succeed!" Vulhex interjected, "Our Mistress commands an army of soldiers armed with demon weapons, and while we wanted to help you, we couldn't break our slave contract."

"I'll do it. Even if it's the last thing I'd do…"

"Lord Kuro, I believe you're being irrational. Please calm down and think things over." Alein suggested, "I may be of the beastmen race, but I want nothing bad to happen to you, who is a friend to us."

"But I wanted to do somethi—"


At that moment, our eyes fell on Ursura, whose arm I accidentally moved. I think she got hurt by that since it was broken. I quickly went to check her.

"Ursura? Can you hear me? It's me, Kuro!"

The bear-woman could barely open her swollen eyes, but she was trying to say something. Tears were streaking down her head, and her breathing became fast.

"Calm down, lady!" I heard Alein say.

"Milord, she's panicking." Vulhex quipped.

Fuck, I needed to do something, at least to ease her suffering. Confused about what to do, I held her hand. If only I can heal her like Maddie! I wanted to heal her, but I'm useless…

Please, don't let her suffer anymore…

"Lord Kuro…"

At once, I felt something warm wrap around my body. And then, much to our surprise, my hands glowed white, and the warm sensation channeled towards that part of mine and into Ursura's body.

"Look!" Vulhex pointed to Ursura, which also glowed in white. Alein and I could not react for a few moments, as we watched the wounds and bruises from the bear-woman slowly disappear.

Soon, we couldn't believe our eyes. Ursura's injuries were gone, teeth replaced, and she's healed like a newborn baby.


"What the hell just happened?"

Alein, Vulhex, and I exchanged glances as we watched Ursura sat up as if nothing happened.

"Kuro? What are you doing here? And where the fuck is this place? And…" Ursura removed the blanket that covered her, "…you did something to me?"

"N-No!" I quickly retorted, "I'm just as confused as you are! One moment you're gravely injured, and then the next, you're all fine!"

"Injured?" Ursura checked her body, "Oh right, those bastards caught and violated me again. Now that's something I wanted to take revenge on!"


"Please calm down, lady!" Alein then entered the talk.

"Oh! If it isn't the wise Alein of the Canus Dog Tribe!" Ursura smirked, "I thought you're already dead! Your last battle turned shitty for you and your people. Turns out, you've become some slave to these human fuckers! And your son too!"

"Heh…same old foul mouth as ever, Ursura?" Vulhex said, "You got thoroughly beaten and violated; we didn't recognize your smell at all!"

"Ehh, fuck them bastards. I'll kill them once I got my hands on their necks." the bear-woman dismissed his words, "And, what the hell, Kuro? I thought you can't use magic!"

"I can't!"

"Then, how did you heal me?"

"I didn't!"

"Stop with the lies will 'ya?" Ursura bared her naked body before me, "You even took out the nastiest of scars I have in my body!"

"Can you just cover yourself up?"

"What, it's not like I'll die from you seeing my naked body. Now answer me, can you heal or not?"

"Of course not!"

Ursura wasted no time. She grabbed her arm and broke it, "GAH! Fuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkk, that fucking huuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrttttttssssssssssssss!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Heal me."

"I told you I cannot—"

The bear-woman simply grabbed my hand and pulled it over her broken arm, "Now heal me."

"I told you it's useless, but here goes nothing." Slowly, I closed my eyes, focused myself on her injury, and wished that I heal her, just like what I did earlier. For a few moments, we stayed like that…


The same old warm feeling engulfed my body and was channeled to my hand that was on Ursura's arm. I opened my eyes, and my hand was glowing white. Soon enough, her arm was back to its good condition.

"What the hell?" I couldn't believe I did that. Is it magic? Did I finally acquire some power of sorts? This was my first time to see my body, or a part of it, light-up like that. I mean, Maddie did heal me before, and the parts that needed healing did glow. But apart from her touch, I'm just a normal human…

"Lord Kuro, that white healing light…" Alein's voice was trembling, "That's the symbol of the Human Saint!"


Honestly, it was the first time I heard of it.

"That's the symbol of the Human Saint!"

"What, do you mean to say that her god-power was passed on to me?" I asked, bewildered. If it does, then it would surely make sense. I mean, I'm always with Maddie, so it wouldn't be strange if that's the case.


But how about the others like Lily, Eris, and the other maids? Argh! It's confusing!

"I don't know myself, Your Lordship." Alein admitted, "However, I can't be mistaken. I once saw it with my own two eyes, the god-power of the Human Saint."

"That's…impossible!" I retorted, "I'm just an ordinary human! Even the Saints tell me I am!"

"But…you already healed the young lady two times! Could it be that there's a mistake?"

"I…can't say as well…" Well, even though I'm confused myself, realizing that I had an ability all along made me excited. It's like I could tackle any problems…but of course, it's only me dreaming.

"This is something new! This is the first time I saw the god-power appear on another person besides the Saints. What could this mean?"

I only stared at Alein as he pondered on what's happening.

"According to my ancestors, the Human Saint was given the god-power of healing, which is symbolized by the white light." Alein explained to us, "I mean, though the humans and elves possess the ability to use healing magic, the Human Saint's healing power is of another level. It can fix the gravest of injuries so long as the individual isn't destined to die. And for it to manifest in your person, Lord Kuro…who are you?"

I was silent. I remembered the time when Maddie tried using her powers on me when my neck got slashed back in Fen. So I'm really meant to die by then, huh?

But in a hindsight, Ursura, though her injuries may be severe, wasn't destined to die? I'm quite confused, so I asked Alein about it.

"Well, sometimes we think a person was dying when in fact they're not." he raised that possibility.

"Aaarrgggh!!! You guys keep on talking and talking!" Ursura snapped, "Less talk and more action, I'd say!"

"And what do you think we should do?" Vulhex asked her, "We're forced-slaves of the Duchess of Malvette, and we couldn't lift a finger against her!"

"Besides, young lady, this place is crawling with our Mistress' soldiers, armed with demon weapons!" Alein backed his son's statement, "You're not thinking of recovering in this place just to die once again!"

"Bah! You guys talk like slaves, so you shall die as one." Ursura dismissed their concerns, "I'm a free beastwoman, and I'll live as such! Those fuckers may have got me with their demon weapons, but now this human, Kuro, is here to heal me, anyway!"

"Oi, healing is different from resurrecting you once you got shot to death." I reminded her.

"Then, what's the use of your healing magic if you can't do something?"

"What? You're thinking of making me your personal healing machine?"

"A what?"

"Nah, don't mind it." I told her, "But, though I'd normally say we exercise prudence in this matter, I'm a free human too. No one should tell me what I should do, so can you break us free here Ursura?"

"Heh. I like your attitude, Kuro." Ursura smirked.

Alein and Vulhex exchanged glances. The elder dog-servant could only shake his head, "Oh dear…I don't like the sound of this."


***The Black Tower of Malvette, hours before breakfast. ***

Soon, the city of Malvette was awakened to the loud explosion that rocked the entire Black Tower and the hill where it stood. Lady Margaret, as well as her personal guards, were quick on their feet, as they try to find out the source of the powerful blast. According to their prior arrangement, the noblewoman would be led from her bedroom to the safety of the throne room for security reasons once something happened.

And once there, they would wait until the danger had passed.

"Your Excellency, there's smoke coming from the dungeons!" a guard reported to her.

"Then what are you doing here for?" she snarled at him, "Get your stupid men, and secure that damned place! KILL THE PRISONERS, EXCEPT FOR THE LORD KURO!"

At a moment's notice, the guard did as he was told; even forgetting to salute his Mistress.

Meanwhile, down at the dungeons, the prisoners' attempts to break through the walls caused the explosion, which was brought by the activation of the anti-beastman magic. Knowing that they had roused the entire fortress, they armed themselves with everything that could be turned into a weapon: broken bottles for knives, wooden legs of the chairs for clubs, twisted steel bars from pole weapons.

Most of the prisoners were beastmen from various tribes—though a few were human, and they were itching for a fight ever since they got imprisoned in those cells reinforced with anti-beastman magic. Of course, they won't stop until they killed their enemies, or they were dead.

"Reinforce the doors with the wooden tables!" the leader of the beastmen prisoners, a big bear-man named Banu, ordered, "That should buy us time while we figure out how to deal with the anti-beastman magic on the walls!"

Ironically, though, they were thrown in that dungeon because of humans. Now, they owe their freedom from another human…Kuro.



Our jailbreak began once Ursura took the keys of the dungeon from the servants and freed our fellow prisoners. Alein and Vulhex told us about its location, despite fighting her because of their slave contract. They only put up a token resistance, and Ursura knew where their sympathies lie, so she's extra careful in subduing them.

But in the end, we did take their consciousness away. We plan to take them with us when we escape, though we need to 'convince' the Duchess to free them first…


Using the god-power and the Red Cross training I had, I healed everyone, including those that went insane because of the miserable conditions of the prison. Once healed, there was no need to goad the prisoners into fighting—all of us wanted a piece of the Duchess and her men, and we would stop at nothing to achieve that.


Maddie's healing spell is quite handy, eh?

"Do you really intend to take those dogs with us?" Ursura asked me as I made sure that the unconscious Alein and Vulhex would be safe, once the Duchess' soldiers came to attack us.

"We'll escape from here together." I said to her, "Don't forget that these two helped you."

"Yes, yes…tch." the bear-woman reluctantly agreed, "This is why I don't want to help and being helped by anyone…"

Well, it's not like we got any other choice, given the situation. Besides, Alein and Vulhex were forced to become slaves, along with the rest of their tribe, and I'm sure they'd like to be free if they had the chance.

"Lord Kuro!" I heard a deep, heavy voice behind me, "We already set up the fortifications."

I turned around to face the de facto leader of the prisoners Banu. I instructed him to, "You guys hide yourselves until the Duchess' soldiers discharged their shots. Their reload speed is quite slow, so make sure you close the distance during that time."

"Yes, milord."

"And don't forget, disarm them first. Then it's up to you if you'll let them live."

The bear-man nodded and passed my instructions to the others who were preparing themselves for the onslaught.

"Come on, Kuro! Let's go!" Ursura also prodded me to fight with her once I made sure Alein and Vulhex were safe. She handed me a steel bar from the broken cell doors.

We turned the dungeon into a mini-fortress, with the overturned wooden tables and chairs for makeshift barricades. We're expecting an assault from the Duchess' men since we woke them up with the explosion before. That was because, earlier, we tried to break through the walls of the dungeon, which we found was reinforced with anti-beastman magic. When the beastmen used their unusual physical strength; that eventually set-off the magic and the blast.

"Here they come!" a dog-man alerted us of the incoming soldiers' presence. At once, we took our positions behind the barricades.


However, for a few moments, there is only tense silence…

"Are they really coming?" a human prisoner asked.

"They are. I can hear their footsteps." said another beastman.

It was awfully quiet. I could feel everyone's anxiety as we watched the wooden doors of the dungeon. Some of us wanted to rush forward and attack our enemies head-on. However, considering our numbers and their weapons, I strongly cautioned against it.

They can shoot at us because logic dictated that a soldier wouldn't come to battle without preparing his arms first.


Soon, though faint, we could now hear the slow, methodical march of the Duchess' men. I'm sure they were in formation—possibly using a 'shield-wall', and it would be hard to fight them unless we break it.

"It's been short, but it's an honor to fight with you, my fellow prisoners!" I heard Banu say from somewhere in the darkness, "Once we defeat the Duchess' men, let's all run to our freedom!"

Those words found a lot of support from the rest of our companions, and I could feel our morale turn up as we prepared for the clash. Well, I guess, there's no demoralization on those who were about to choose between freedom and death.

We all know what we would pick anytime…


At that moment, another silence. My hands tightened on the steel bar I was holding, summoning all my courage to myself. Everyone held their breaths…


And then the big wooden door of the dungeon suddenly lit aflame. Someone from the other side then kicked it down, and the smoke went inside the dungeon. The Duchess' men decided to burn it down and smoke us out as a prelude to their assault.


The smoke from the burning door, combined with the wind magic being used to blow it towards us, was quick to fill the dungeon, which caused our allies to panic. It was utterly suffocating, and we couldn't see our enemies.

"FIRE!" was the thunderous order from the enemy commander from the other side. At once, there was a chorus of gun blasts, and several of our fellow prisoners fell dead…mostly those who are trying to move away from the barricade.


"They're firing towards us through the smoke!" Ursura cried out.

"I know!" I shouted back, "Stay down!"

Another gun salvo tore through the smoke and felled another batch of our allies. The scream of pain was a nightmare for my ears; regardless, I shouldn't be fazed by this! I tried to save those who could be saved by healing them. We answered our enemies by pelting them with whatever our hands would grab…

"Banu, tell them to stop running around, and lie low!" I called out to the leader of the prisoners. While I could heal them, I don't want my energy to get exhausted when I needed it the most, "The more they panic, the more they'd cannot breathe and get killed!"

"Yes, milord!" Good thing the bear-man was still conscious; he ordered those who were still moving to lie low.

"Kuro! Stop wasting your powers and help me defeat these fuckers instead!" Ursura called out to me.

"Alright then. Ursura, can you crawl towards the doorway?"

"Yes, but why?"

"They've been blowing the smoke towards us, so it's safe to say that the area near the doorway was clear."

"But they may have the demon weapons pointed at us at the opening!"

"I did say you're going to crawl, right?"

"Hoh…" the bear-woman then grabbed my clothes, "Well, I got no problems of crawling, if you're going to come with me!"

Yet another hail of bullets came raining down on us. Fortunately, the wooden tables and chairs shielded our group from the deadly projectiles. However, if we contented ourselves to wait for their assault behind the barricades, the smoke would get us first even before the first of our enemies stepped-in to kill us.


Once the firing stopped, Ursura and I crawled under the thick smoke towards the doorway. We moved fast. That was because I estimated that we only had a couple of minutes to cover the distance between the opening and our barricade since a trained gunman could load the matchlock in under two minutes.

And even if they're not trained in matchlocks, I still wouldn't take my chances.

As we draw near the opening of the dungeon, we realized the forward line of the Duchess' men had already claimed the doorway. The magicians were behind them, chanting the wind magic that was blowing the smoke to our side. The gunners were busy reloading their guns; but much to my surprise, theirs was a slow, slacking process—a proof of their confidence that we could do nothing. They believed we're already trapped behind the smoke and barricades.

I guess now is the opportunity to strike.

"Ursura, do it now!"

From the black, suffocating cloud of smoke, the figure of the bear-woman emerged and fell upon the unsuspecting soldiers, breaking their formation and scattering them. Those who were unfortunate to run into the darkness were ambushed by our allies and were killed. The magicians were quick to disperse and save themselves; however, Ursura caught a few of them and threw the poor guys back into their comrades, getting skewered by the bayonets and swords.


Ursura never let her guard down. While the enemies were still reeling from the bodies that were thrown at them, she followed up on her attack and wrought a wide path of death and destruction to our enemies. She bashed heads on the walls, broke necks and spines, and even used some of the dead's bodies as a bloody club to pummel her enemies to a gory mush.

"Die fuckers!" she laughed as she fought. The bear-woman never controlled her rage towards those who violated her, and it was a truly horrific sight to behold. I mean, I thought I'm used to death and gore, but watching her right now made the violence I witnessed in Chersea look like a child's play.

"We can't lose to that bear-woman! Attack!" Banu and the rest of the prisoners who made it alive also emerged from the dungeon and killed their share of enemies. Guts and body parts flew, and soon the stone floor was slimy and stinking with blood.

I guess now that these guys' wrath is unleashed, I would have nothing else to do but escape as well?


I threw away the steel bar I was holding and went back inside the dungeon. By now, someone took the time to extinguish the burning door, and it was quite safe to enter. I hurried to the dungeon cell where my weapons were being kept and re-armed myself. Once done, I checked on the unconscious servant-slaves of the Duchess of Malvette. While Ursura, Banu, and the rest of the prisoners were busy with their murders, I'd rather pull Alein and Vulhex out of this place as well…