Chapter 8: A Rain of Hailstones

***The throne room of the Black Tower***

"Your Excellency, the prisoners in the dungeon organized themselves and mount an escape attempt. We're currently fighting them as of the moment."

"It must be the Lord Kuro's doing." Jarvis commented, "He's really a dangerous man if he's your enemy."


Lady Margaret remained silent as she listened to the reports of her captain of the guard. It was her chamberlain, Jarvis, who was coordinating the defense within the tower.

"Have someone call the city militia and reinforce the guards surrounding the prisoners. They must not escape!"

"Y-Yes, sir." the captain of the guard took a quick glance at his lord, who was silently trembling at her throne, before leaving the room.

Once the captain was gone, Jarvis went back to his lady to check on her. The noblewoman, though she may have inherited such a grand title from her mother, was shaking in fear. The stories about her exploits in the wars in Chersea were, of course, just tales made up to increase support in her rule of the Enclave. If there's anything about her that was true, it's that she was a noble that was used to a peaceful life full of conveniences.


However, Lady Margaret donned an armor set and a sword to make it appear that she would be ready to fight with her soldiers. She never expected for them to be this hard-pressed, for she had made sure that they were adequately armed by Chersean standards; and the nearer the sounds of battle creep to the throne room, the more she gets unnerved.

The faces of those people whom she had imprisoned passed through her mind. Those who were pleading for her to be released, pleading for her leniency, pleading for her mercy…she laughed and scoffed at them all.

Now they've come back to make her pay.

"J-Jarvis…don't let them get here!"

"I will, Your Excellency. Your men are fighting with everything they had as of the moment." the chamberlain reassured her, "We will prevail in the end."

Lady Margaret, however, never really paid much attention to the Jarvis' words. She clung to her sword as if fighting for her dear life. She also kept an entire company of her personal guards stationed at the throne room…men that can reinforce their beleaguered allies fighting the rampaging prisoners below.



The entire Black Tower was in mayhem. Explosions coming from magic spells and matchlock guns would ring out from time to time, and the chipped stones would rain down on the city buildings below. From the broken windows, I could see the local militia of Malvette gathering together outside the courtyard to reinforce the guards of the Duchess of Malvette.

We need to get out of here as soon as we can.

"Where's the way to the main gate?" Banu asked the now-conscious Alein and Vulhex. We tied them up, as they would surely fight us if we didn't, for their slave contract was forcing them to protect the Duchess' interests; though their sympathies were with us.

"Straight down this hall and then proceed to the right." Alein revealed, "You'll eventually find the backdoors and a trail down this hill. The main gates would surely be locked and guarded by Her Excellency's men."

"Banu, can I ask you to leave us at the doorway once you guys escaped?" Vulhex pleaded, "Though we wanted to be set free, our slave contract binds us to the Duchess, and if we are apart from her, we'll be killed by the forced slave spell."

"What, do you prefer to go back to slavery?" Banu countered, "I'd rather die as a free beast, than live long as a human slave!"

"Come on, Banu…we have our own priorities."

"Tch. This is why you dogs were defeated."

I didn't like where the talk was going, so I intervened, "Banu, I know your feelings, but I guess they also decided on their fates."

The bear-man remained quiet for a while as he pondered on my words. From his expression, I could tell that he wanted to tell me something, but was being prevented from saying so.

"I'll try to do something about their slave-contracts," I reassured the bear-man.


"Well, if you want to criticize me for meddling with your beastmen affairs, then go ahead." I told him, "However, set it aside for now. We have to escape before the city militia comes in with reinforcements."

Banu never replied to me. Instead, he continued leading the remaining prisoners to the escape route Alein revealed. I said 'remaining prisoners' because our numbers were reduced after that battle under the dungeon, and the others' going on their own ways. Some prisoners preferred looting the tower first, before escaping, while a number elected to find another route since they didn't trust the servant-slaves.

However, one prisoner headed towards where the Duchess was…Ursura!


"Are you still going to wait for that bear-woman, milord?" a fellow beastman prisoner asked me.

"Yeah…" I pulled my matchlock pistol from my waist and picked up a sword from a nearby corpse, "You guys go ahead; I'll try to bring that beastwoman to her senses."

The prisoner nodded and wished me luck. Then he quickly left to run after Banu's group. I, in the meantime, headed in the opposite direction: back inside the Black Tower.


Ursura's path was easy to follow; I just needed to be on the lookout for groups of bloody mush of human flesh and limbs. That bear-woman surely made a short-work of the Duchess' men. I could tell, for they never had the chance to fire their guns in defense. In fact, I had a field day collecting gunpowder and bullets from the corpses. I eventually had to leave some untouched, since I already had plenty.


But damn…I really shouldn't piss that bear-woman, or I'll turn into a gory mess.

Compared to the outside fields and forests, Ursura could fight well in close-quarters, that's why these poor men didn't stand a chance.


Ugh…the stink of blood is suffocating!

I threw up three times already as I traced Ursura's steps. And then, just when I thought I'd puke once again, I noticed I was at the throne room of the Duchess of Malvette.


And there they were, Lady Margaret, her chamberlain and soldiers, and Ursura, standing face-to-face against each other, with their matchlock guns all pointed at the bear-woman.


At that moment, Ursura knew she fucked up. The throne room was a spacious place, and the Duchess' men could run around as they fight, negating her skills in close-quarters combat. I carefully took a peek while I planned my next moves to save her.

"It's checkmate, bear-woman!" I heard Lady Margaret say, "Even as you try to confuse us by letting the prisoners loose, you're surrounded by my men, and it would be good for an assassin like you to just surrender if you want an honorable death!"

"What the fuck are you saying?" Ursura laughed, "I'm no assassin, but I would kill you, regardless. This is for everything your men have done to me!"

Judging by their conversation, Lady Margaret isn't aware of her prisoners' identities, huh?

"And what about it?" the noblewoman asked, "Oh, are you one of those beastwomen who were given away as entertainment for my subjects? I see nothing wrong with that; a lord's duty is to ensure the well-being of her people."


"Well, it's only fair! You beastfolk are always horny, and it's only natural for us humans to fulfill those desires of yours. We're helping you cope with your nature, and you're helping us by becoming our entertainment!"


Entertainment? Horny? Somehow, their talk was getting creepy and awkward, well, at least for me. I guess I had to intervene now?

Once I made sure my matchlock pistol was loaded, I muttered a fast prayer, prepared my sword, and…

"Ursura, get down!"


The blast from the matchlock pistol generated a thick, white smoke that obscured the Duchess' men from my sight. However, I'm not taking chances. Once I discharged my gun, I quickly dove sideways to avoid the counter-fire from the enemy, which came in seconds after I kissed the floor.

"You're late!" Ursura scolded me as we dodged the disorganized gunfire. Wasting no time, she overturned a nearby table and used it as our hiding spot, "I need your healing power when I kill that woman!"

"You stupid beastwoman!" I shouted back, "I told you healing is different from resurrecting!"

"I don't care! Just use your powers on me if I get shot!"

"Shut up! Let's go! The way out is over there, not here!"

The hail of bullets made it difficult for us to find out the exact enemy positions. Once they discharged their guns, magicians would follow the attacks with magic spells.

"Don't you dare obliterate Lord Kuro!" we could hear Lady Margaret shouting at her men, "Mellow down with your spells!"

"Goodness, won't her mouth shut up?" Ursura commented.

"Well, look on the bright side. At least they won't go full-force on killing us because of me!"

"In that case, I need to murder that bitch! I'll kill one human noblewoman for revenge!"

"Don't fuck with me! I've already told you repeatedly, I could only heal, not resurrect the dead!" increasingly annoyed, I threatened her, "If you ever got injured, I won't give a damn! Go bleed to death!"

Ursura was about to tell me something even nastier when we both heard the Duchess' desperate cries for her men to stop firing.

"Stop for goodness' sake! Lord Kuro might get killed, you fools!"

Immediately, the firing stopped.

"You're dead, woman!" Ursura was about to emerge from our hiding spot when I pulled her down once again.

"Can you use your head for once?" I hit her in the head, "If you continued to fight, they'd shoot at us once again. In case you don't notice, we're trapped, see?"

Though the bear-woman glared at me, she turned around towards the direction I'm pointing at. Much to her disbelief, the matchlock-armed city militia was now standing at the doors of the throne room, with their guns aimed at our hiding place.

"Lord Kuro!" Lady Margaret called out to me, "I'm truly sorry for this mess, but I'm beseeching you to come to your senses and serve under me!"

The nerve of this woman to throw me in the dungeons, then recruit me again…

"You're being recruited by that crazy bitch?" Ursura was shocked, "You truly are something, eh?"

"I told you before, I'm 'that' Kuro. The human hero. The commoner general. It's only you who kept on disbelieving me."

"Well, why don't you tell your bitch to stop killing us and let me kill her?"

"Ursura…are you stupid, or a dumbass? Which is which?"

The bear-woman was bewildered by my question. Of course, she could not answer back.

"Lord Kuro…" Lady Margaret repeated her pleas once again, "…if you drop your weapons and come over to my side, I'll spare that beastwoman! Do you even want her as your slave? You'll get everything you wish for, only serve me!"

"You thought of me that way?" shocked at the Duchess' words, Ursura turned and angrily asked me.

"Never mind her words; just focus on our escape attempt." I replied, exasperated, "I'll create a distraction, and you beat the crap out of those city militiamen to make a way for us."

"Sounds like a plan!" the bear-woman smirked.


The city militiamen and Lady Margaret's guards joined forces in surrounding our hiding spot, their swords drawn, shields up, and their gunners waiting for the orders to fire on us. Fortunately, the noblewoman never ordered them to…just yet.


I took the burning slow match from my gun and cut it short. Then I placed its unlit end on a vase that I filled with gunpowder, securing it with a piece of torn cloth. We waited for the slow match to burn closely to the powder, before…

"Fire in the hole!"


The Duchess' guards were surprised by what I've thrown at them, but they never had the time to react as it exploded on their faces. Guts and ceramic shrapnel flew as the dust settled and disrupted their battle lines. However, it was the least of their problems.

As the survivors reeled from their dead and injured, Ursura went on the offensive and tore through their ranks. The carnage resumed, and soon limbs, heads, and blood were flying again.


Of course, I also took the chance to dash towards the door to freedom. However…

"Ursura, come on! Now's our chance!"

But the beastwoman never listened. She annihilated the entire contingent of the Duchess' men and the city militia that fought her. Soon, only the chamberlain stood between her and the trembling Duchess.


Ursura walked towards the noblewoman menacingly, savoring every second she could now kill her with impunity. Blood and guts were dripping from her hands, and she was terrible to look at. The Duchess was trembling, crying, and tried her best to hide behind her chamberlain.

"J-Jarvis, please protect me!"

"Would you like me to kill you at the same time?" the bear-woman asked, "Or your human dog comes first?"

The chamberlain, however, was not moving. I could tell from the poor man's face that he was scared witless.


"Jarvis! Wake up!" Lady Margaret pleaded desperately. I could see a pool of water forming beneath her; I guess the noblewoman was so scared she already pissed herself.

"Ah, that stinks!" Ursura chuckled, "I like it when you humans pee yourselves out of fear. Alright, I'll just kill you both." She raised her hand, ready to strike them anytime—

"Ursura!" I quickly called out to her, pulling back her hand to avoid further bloodshed, "I know you wanted to have your revenge, but since we got the chance, we need to free Alein and Vulhex first."

"Hah?" the bear-woman looked at me with disbelief.

"L-Lord Kuro!" the disheveled noblewoman ran to my feet and pleaded, "P-P-Please let me live! I-I-I'll free Alein and V-Vulhex if that's your w-wish! Only, s-spare me!"

"Not only Alein and Vulhex…" I told her, "I wanted every beastman you enslaved to be freed at this very moment."

"But milord—"


"What? Can I kill her now?"


"Your Excellency…" I turned back to Lady Margaret, "…once again, I wanted every beastman you enslaved to be free. And also, never try to pursue us, or I'd be forced to move my hand."

"B-But would you work for me, Lord Kuro?"

"Once again, I'd decline, Your Excellency." I answered, amused that this noblewoman still had the guts to make demands, "Besides, I believe that you're not in the position to negotiate…" I made sure she understood that if she ever refused my terms, Ursura would make her move and put an end to her, "Do we have terms?"

"A-Alright, I'm freeing all of my slaves now!" Lady Margaret declared, and at once, the symbols of the contracts that she had—the 'invisible' tattoos she had on her fingers, glowed at dissipated after a while.

"Great!" I handed her a table cloth, "Now that we have a deal, please do cover yourself. Thank you for understanding!"


The noblewoman stared blankly at us as I pulled Ursura away from her. The bear-woman was reluctant to leave the throne room without killing her enemy first. But since I already agreed with Lady Margaret, I don't think she should continue on her revenge…at least for now.

There'd be plenty of time Ursura can get back at her; it's just that, I don't want to turn back on my promises.


"Your kindness will kill you in some point of your life, do you know that?"

Ursura rebuked me once we left the throne room, and we're just walking out in the courtyard, and into our freedom.

"Well, if you killed her, Alein and Vulhex would remain slaves all their lives, unable to be released from their bondage." I reasoned.

"Who cares about those dogs?" she snapped, "That woman and her men caused suffering for many beastfolk! See, I was also kind once. However, your people can't be trusted. They took away my life and even violated me! It's only right that I kill her…and them!

I remained silent as I listened to the bear-woman while she let out her bitterness. As I did believe negotiating with the Duchess was the right course of action—given her forces' superior numbers and her slaves, I couldn't help but admit that I did disregard Ursura and her feelings…

"I…" I'm having difficulty in saying what I had in mind. Looking for the proper words to express my regret wasn't easy, for I'd been an insensitive person.


"Uh…look, I'm sorry if you went through those things, Ursura." I told her, "Next time, I won't interfere with your revenge. It's just that, this time, we got priorities to take care of."

"Yeah, yeah…I understand, somehow." the bear-woman sighed, "Plus, though it may not look like it, I'm thankful you healed me back there, so I guess we're even?"

I only nodded, though I'm still feeling bad.

"Ah, don't worry, I'm cool with it." Ursura reassured me, "Though, next time, I'd hold on to your promise like a true beastfolk." She then reached out her hand to me, "I heard humans seal their promises to each other by reaching out their hands to each other."

I was surprised at her gesture since the Ursura I know were always wary around humans. Nevertheless, I'm happy that she was trusting me, "It's called a handshake."

"Yes, thanks, Kuro—"


Our conversation was interrupted when a gunshot rang out from the courtyard and hit Ursura. Her blood splashed on my face as I watched her fall down. I'm too shocked to do anything at first…


"Ursura!" I caught Ursura in my arms, just as she lost her consciousness. However, I couldn't check on her injuries just yet; in front of us were the city militia, with their guns aimed at us.

"Cease your resistance!" the captain of the militia demanded, "We already surrounded the Black Tower and caught your friends!"


The soldiers showed to us our fellow prisoners who had escaped earlier, with some of them already dead, and their bodies mangled. Banu was still alive, bleeding from a wound on his shoulder while Vulhex was limping.

Where's Alein?

"Milord!" Vulhex called out to me, "Though it's become like this, I'd like to thank you for freeing us! My father died a free beastfolk, and I would soon join him, and the rest of my family a free beastfolk as well!"

"Wh-What happened?" the feeling of dismay and rage grew within my chest, as the situation slowly sank unto me.

"The city militia caught us, Your Lordship!" it was Banu who answered, "We tried to fight back, but their guns…"

"My father was executed by these despicable men—"


Another loud gunshot echoed. And then, much to my shock, Vulhex fell on the ground, with a bullet in his head. I couldn't do anything…

"Just to make it clear, you knaves!" the militia captain's gun was still smoking, "We humans won't tolerate traitors to our ranks. So we demand you surrender, and I guarantee you quick, and painless death!"

I'm having difficulties in comprehending our situation; while I do understand the captain's words, my mind was occupied with the last expression on Vulhex's face as he was about to face the bullet.


He is smiling. It was a genuine one, far from the emotionless face he and his father had before.

So it meant they're really free…


However, for me, it wasn't enough. These people should be living their lives without worry. They should've been with their families…

They should've been alive…if not for me introducing those guns!


A bright flash of light then appeared, followed by an explosion that pushed me off-balance and causing me to fall. Though I'm still in a daze, I could see that the soldiers, as well as the prisoners, were running around. Their faces were filled with terror and confusion.


I could see Banu running towards me; his mouth was moving as if he was telling me something. However, I couldn't hear anything. He then pulled me up and carried me on his back, while he took the unconscious Ursura in his arms.


I was still confused about what's happening. It's as if the scene was playing in a slow-motion. But soon, it became apparent that something unnatural occurred, for huge chunks of hailstones fell from the sky, combined with the torrential downpour. That negated the advantage of the city militia, who were armed with matchlock guns…their slow matches and gunpowder became soaked.

Everyone ran for shelter, though there were a few of the unfortunate ones who were now lying unconscious. Their bloodied heads got hit by hailstones as big as my fist.

"Lord Kuro!"


Suddenly Banu's voice became audible.

"Lord Kuro! Please stop the rain and hailstorm!"

"Hah? What's happening?"

"Please stop the rain and the hailstorm," he repeatedly pleaded, "or we would all die here!"

"What do you mean? As if I could control the weather!"

"Huh? What about your hands?"

I looked at my hands, and much to my surprise…both are glowing golden-yellow.