Interlude: Limited Time

***The passes of the Wessen Mountains, east of Cherwind…***

Bereft of their human allies, the greatly-reduced Fox tribe army of the Beastman Saint continued on their pursuit of the elusive forces of Lady Konka, believed to be hiding on the mountains. It was their fourth 'long sleep' in that dry, cold environment, and the fox foragers had found nothing to satiate the hunger of their soldiers.

"Your Holiness…" it was Kashca Telis, kneeling before her liege as she delivered her report, "…our foragers returned with empty hands. Not even a crop in sight. I'm afraid that if this goes on, we'll die of hunger before we can defeat Lady Konka."

The Beastman Saint, Ruro of the Wolf, sat on her makeshift throne. A hand was on her head, massaging her temple, for the succession of bad news only brought her headache. "We should send foragers down the mountains to get food."

"I already did, Your Holiness." the fox captain revealed, "However, the amount of supply they can bring up to our location is small compared to the needs of our men."

"Then send more men."

"But it would thin out our forces—"

Telis' reply was cut short when Ruro slammed her hand on the table beside her, spilling the wine, "I don't care if we have to send the entire army down to get their own food; just do it Telis!"

"Y-Yes, Your Holiness…it'll be done." Once she realized that the orders of her liege won't change, Telis just went along with it and left the Saint's tent.

Outside, waiting a few distances away, were the lieutenants of the Fox tribe's army. Like Telis, they were also concerned of their precarious supply lines up in the mountains, and they were waiting for an answer from their captain.

"Her Holiness wishes to send half of the men down to buy food." Telis told them, "Each man would carry two loads for two people; the rest would stay here and keep the pressure on Lady Konka's forces."

"Pardon for my words, Captain," a lieutenant came forward to raise a point, "but this is madness. It's impossible to run after Lady Konka with a tenuous supply line! Not only we're risking ambush, we're also inviting death to our men, should we end up trapped in these mountain passes."

"Captain, can't you convince Her Holiness to order a retreat?" another lieutenant proposed, "Hunger and cold will kill us all!"

"Believe me, I tried my best." was Telis' answer, "However, Her Holiness knew better in her divine wisdom. We should believe in her."

The lieutenants remained silent, but they aired their disapproval by shaking their heads. The spirit in their camp was discouraging, and the morale of the fox tribesmen were dangerously low. A good number of the fox commanders were quietly questioning the purpose of their presence in that accursed place, even so, the reason they should fight their fellow Beastmen when the enemy was those arrogant humans who left them.


And of course, those sentiments were not hidden from the mind-reading ability of Ruro. While Telis talked to her men, the Beastman Saint silently peeked outside her tent, and saw through the hearts of those soldiers. However, she couldn't do anything; if she confronted them, it would further erode the morale of their army.

Besides, Ruro fully understands their feelings as well…

Nevertheless, she had to continue her pursuit of Konka. Not because of vengeance after she tried to have her killed, but it was for something else…


Her master, Kuro, was slowly winning over the hearts of the Beastmen, just like how he won the humans to his cause. The Avinus now supported him unconditionally, and the refugees looked at him as their savior. Ruro knew it would only be a matter of time before he ascended into divinity—whether or not he liked it. And she would let no one, not even Konka, to ruin their plan…


Yes…that grand plan hatched by Cassandra David herself, thousands of seasons ago.

But her time was limited. And even more so, when her spies at the Enclave revealed the arrival of Maddie's Paladin Corps. So Ruro had to push forward, though she may become the villain, just to make their dream a reality.