Chapter 9: The Advent of Cherwind's Basic Education

"Oh hey, Kuro!"


Once again I was in the garden of Jules, though this time, I was lying on the grass. Jules' face greeted me, and I almost hit him on the forehead when I sat up.

"Welcome back to my garden!" the former god guided me to a nearby chair and served me a bottle of beer and some snacks. His laptop remained at its usual place at the table, though I could tell it was off. "I got tired of playing games." he told me, "I heard some interesting news about you."

"Hoh? And what is it?"

"Come on, don't you play dumb!" Jules slapped my back, "I'm talking about the recent developments in the land of the Avinus! Those numbers of people looking up to you are of no joking matter now. I'm sure your power have further developed, did you try it recently?"

Hmm…now that he mentioned it, the time when I used my power over the weather to destroy the incoming monsters did have some developments. Aside from the ability to switch it on and off as I please, I could now choose what weather I wanted…though I still couldn't control its intensity. Good thing the battle happened outside Navaren, or the town would end up destroyed.

"Ah, you'll fully control your powers once you add more followers under your name." the former god chuckled, "And that's not a wishful thinking anymore."

"They're my friends, not my followers."

"It's all the same, Kuro. Friend, follower…what matters is that they believe in you."

"Well, in any case, what's up now? Why did you call me again?"



"Of course." Jules sighed, "I wonder when I could convince you. But, don't worry, I won't give up as well. Anyway, the reason I summoned you back to my garden, is because of the coming events."

"Coming events? Tell me honestly, you can see into the future?"

"I told you before, I'm just a mere mortal now, though with a few vestiges of divinity left. Unfortunately, seeing into the future isn't among what remains."

"Then how do you—"



"Ack, don't ask and just listen. I'm helping you here, see?" the former god snapped, "First is about that weird human with you."

"Sir Loin?"

Jules nodded, "Keep him with you, no matter how disturbing his actions are sometimes. I'm sure he'll be of great use to reach your goals."

"Well, his contribution in improving the skills and morale of the Chicken warriors is priceless, I'd say." I told him, "But, I can't help that sometimes I get suspicious of him."

"Unless you can get another military adviser, I suggest you shelve your suspicions of him."

"Yeah, you have a point." but then, I remembered something that I want to ask of him, "By the way, Jules, do you know something about that parka guy? Like his background or something?"

"Sir Loin?" the former god paused for a little, "Nope. Nothing comes to my mind. What I do know is that his military skills are much needed for your forces."

"I see…guess I have to trust him."

"Good." he laughed for a bit before drinking down a bottle of beer, "Next, is the person who would arrive in the Avinus lands in the future."

"Huh? I got some more troublemakers?"

The former god had a sympathetic smile on his face as he confirmed my worst nightmare. "Kuro, you know that the road to the top isn't always smooth-sailing. Of course, you're bound to encounter assholes. I learned it the hard way, you know…that fucking Brutus." He muttered that last part, but I still heard it.

"Alright…?" I took a sip of the beer before me, "Tell me about this person."

"I'll get straight to the point; you need her."


"Oh dear…that came out quite wrong." he cleared his throat before correcting his statement, "I mean, her support. You'll need her support on the way to the top, Kuro."

"Really? I wonder who's this person you're talking about?"

"Well, she's the Beastman Saint's Grand High Priestess." Jules paused for a bit as he tried to search his memories, "I think her name's Sebastenerva of the Serpentinus."

"Sebastenerva? And how would I gain her support if she's Ruro's grand high priestess?"

"Beats me." the former god shrugged, "What I do know is that you're going to need her support. But I'm not knowledgeable about her preferences…maybe give her a hentai manga?"

"She might kill me if I did that, and in the first place, where the hell on Cherwind would I get something like that."

"You could use my laptop and printer over there."

"Shut up."

"Haha! Well then, that's all I can give you this time." Jules winked at me, "Time for you to go back. I think you got a busy schedule ahead of you?"

"Yes." I emptied the beer in one drink, "I didn't know that kingdom-building is something this difficult. Those light novels I read made it look so easy with just getting the support of the population by doing heroic stuff, then become the king."

"Well, technically, those books are correct. That's what you did as well, right?"

"Ah, there's the thing about balancing economics, scientific innovations, and military stuff!"

"And don't forget your followers' feelings, too!"

"Don't…remind me of that." Yeah, I was also thinking of how would I explain to Maddie about Ursura.

Jules laughed, and then continued, "Alright, I hope you use my information that I gave you. It'd serve you well."

"Save from the hentai manga, those are useful indeed." I stood up, "Though if ever I came back again, can you let me print some? I kind of miss those Earth stuff…"

"Pervert." he snorted.

"A-At least I put it in its proper place." then I bowed before him, "Anyway, thank you for your help, Lord Gaius."

"Hoh…that's the first time you thanked me, Kuro." the former god smiled, "You're welcome then!"


The moment I woke up was the start of the 'day' for me.

"Chief!" it was Yufos, who was bringing in my breakfast, "Are you okay? You're talking in your sleep!"

"Hoh? Well, I got a weird dream."


"Nah, I forgot about it." I don't want to keep on explaining to Yufos what really transpired in my dream, so I opted to pretend it vanished in my thoughts.

"That quick?"

I nodded, and took the tray of food from the tiger-boy's hands, "Thanks for the breakfast. By the way, what's this charcoal-like thing over here? Did Senna burned her breakfast?"

"Ah, hehe…" he scratched his head, "Well, it's actually Big Sis Ursura. She tried to bake some bread for you, and instructed me to tell you to just peel off the burned crust."

"Ursura? Baking bread? How's that possible?"

"Err…" Yufos pointed at the burned bread, "That's the result."

"Yeah, figures."

"But Chief…",


"Can you ask her next time to spare us from her cooking? You don't know how difficult it is for Colheen and I back at her kitchen." the tiger-boy narrated with fear in his eyes, "She kept on baking failures and fed it to us for sample."

"Ahaha…" I could only imagine their trauma, "I'll talk to her later."


"Chief!" I was still in the middle of eating when Teviki burst into my hut, "Teviki wants nibbles!"

"You can't disturb him while he's eating, Teviki!" Yufos reminded her, "Just play with the Chickens!"

"Teviki wants nibbles now!" the little tiger-girl demanded.

"Alright, alright!" I offered her my right sleeve, "Here you go, Little Tiger."

Teviki stretched for a bit before pouncing on my arm and started nibbling, accompanied with purring.

She's really like a cat…and I love cats.

"She really likes you, Chief." Yufos commented, "That kid loves to bite, but she gives nibbles to those she likes."

"Oh?" Well, it's more like she loves my arm. But hey, she's also nibbling on Sir Loin's hair! Then that means, she likes his hair as well!

Anyway, I'll just let Teviki do as she please for the meantime, then proceed to my schedule. As Jules had said before, I got a busy 'day' ahead of me.


Jules' advice stuck in my head for quite some time now. I mean, I understand his suggestions about Sir Loin. That parka guy not only did a great service to our cause by introducing black powder, he also helped in drilling the warriors into a modern army. So, of course, only a fool would let him go.


However, I had my reservations on his second advice about that priestess, Sebastenerva. While it was proven true throughout history that religion and government often intermingled, the results were disastrous. For one, religious differences among the leaders of the Holy Roman Empire led to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. The nobilities' desire for conquest and glory ended in the Crusades of the 11th-15th centuries. And, even more recent (before I got summoned to Chersea), the terrorist groups in the Middle East.


Though of course, that didn't mean religion and government couldn't go hand-in-hand. Actually, just like what that popular saying goes: religion is the opium of the masses. The belief in a divinity could galvanize the support of the people for its government, as exemplified by the Swedish Carolean Empire, or the Japanese Empire during the early Showa era.

But then again…it's religion we're talking here. Religion meant that we'll have to deal with religious people; for example, that priestess. Who knows what kind of 'donations' would she require in lending us her support?

Haa…oh well, I guess let's just cross the bridge when we get there.


By this time, the proliferation and use of the steam engine was gaining momentum in the entire land of the Avinus. Almost every tribe—Avinus or not—were using the machines for mining, as a heavy-duty drill for minerals and metals, especially mithril. They also put the engines aboard the new fleet of large fishing boats, increasing their catch and their range. Some even went to the new trading ships we sent to the human lands to trade.


As for other 'innovations', our quest for a sturdier set of pipes for the steam engine yielded the iron-mithril alloy. Mithril was famous for being an extremely durable steel, and combined with iron, we produced cheaper yet tough products like kitchen utensils, pots, and other stuff…including guns, swords and spears/pikes. Luckily, we could also convert the steam engines we made to a mechanical hammer for the smelters, since mithril was a metal that could only be smelted once (hence its legendary durability).

You could say that the scenes around the Chicken tribe's village now resembled an industrial complex. Smoke and steam plumes from the small 'factories' producing goods, or weapons, or even machine parts filled the sky, and carts carrying the products plied the cobblestone roads.

If I may also add, fulfilling my promise to Ursura back in the mountain passes, I requested the Avinus merchants trading with us to say that it was her ideas that led to the creation of our wares. This was to increase her fame, and hopefully, it reaches her village in the Wessen Mountains. The scheme was designed not only to make Ursura's name well-known throughout Cherwind, it also hid my involvement with the Avinus.

However, I felt uncomfortable with Salis on using her inventions. So I talked to her one time about it…

"It's alright Human Chief," the owl-girl answered when I talked to her about it, "I told you before and I'll say it again: use my genius as you see fit."

"But aren't you angry we made another person famous for your works?"

"Err…aren't you missing something, Human Chief?"


"While I certainly did the designs for our inventions, it was you who gave me the ideas. That's why I said 'our inventions'; it isn't possible without your contribution as well." Salis winked at me, "So technically, you're also an owner of my inventions."

"Even so, I'd like to compensate you with something…"

The owl-girl paused for a bit as she pondered. Then, when she figured out what she wanted, she told me, "Well, if you'd want to repay me for those works, then let me stay by your side, Human Chief."


Salis blushed as she realized the mix-up in her words, "N-No! Wha-What I mean is…I-I'll stay beside y-you so I c-can have more i-ideas to invent!"

"A-Alright!" I let out a forceful laugh to diffuse the awkward air around us.

"And, don't worry Human Chief," she chuckled, "as far as I understood about your cover story, that bear-woman is only responsible for the ideas of our inventions. She did not invent it herself, but with an aide."

"Yeah, I made it clear to the merchants. I hope they don't jumble it up."

"So yes, don't worry too much about my great self, Human Chief!" Salis proudly declared, "I'll do my best to help you in your cause!"


So, in the end I could say, all were going smoothly as planned.


Passing by the training grounds, I saw the new recruits of the Chicken tribe's army training under Sir Loin. By this time, the Chicken warriors had built a solid reputation of brave and powerful soldiers capable of taking down the harpies barehanded. On their left arm was an armband made of a golden cloth band and a black feather…I think that's their insignia?

The Black Feathers, huh? A symbol of their bravery.


In connection to this, the monster territories around the Avinus lands were steadily shrinking, thanks to the efforts of Sir Loin, Rumia, and Luka. Under the parka guy's watch, our army minimized its casualties, while producing a well-trained cadre of Chicken tribe warriors capable of passing their experiences to the other recruits. It was a popular saying across the tribes of the Avinus that if you're given a 'Black Feather' armband, then you're the best among the best.

With the problems about the food supplies, health, economics and security solved, I guess it's time for the Beastmen to move on to the next level of societal development. And for this, I founded the first-ever 'basic education' school in all of Cherwind!


Why a school?

Well, this was because, with the unprecedented advancements in Beastmen technology, I think it's high-time for them to become literate enough to operate complex machinery…for example, our steam engine. Just like that former god, Jules, I'm basing my moves on my intuition; and my intuition told me that the Beastmen would surely advance in their technological level even if I return to Chersea. So, with the free time I had in my hands, I taught the Beastmen in a wide range of subjects: from reading and writing, to basic science and math.

We're going to need literate and curious people to ensure it would happen.

And so, with Chief Minahaba's permission, I was given a mid-size hut and a parcel of land to turn into a school. While I'm trained and wanted to teach children, I also accepted adults who were interested in learning literacy.

"Hey, what's up guys?" I greeted my students once I entered the classroom.

"Hello, Human Chief!" my students waved their hands back to me. "We're in for another letter?"

"Yep. This time we'll be learning about the letter 'G'. Ready your parchment and pens."

"Oh? So we're really going to become like scribes, eh?" a student from the Raven tribe commented, "With all that writing and reading stuff?"

"Well, technically, yes. You'll be literate, just like a scribe." I explained to the guy, "But it doesn't mean you're automatically one. Being a scribe meant that you'll read and copy a book so others could read it as well."

"Hoooh…that's cool. But I'm lazy to do it."

"It's not for everyone." I smirked and ruffled his hair, "Just freeze your ass in your seat and try to learn stuff. You won't regret it."

Ah, pardon me. It's not that I don't know how to teach these guys proper manners; it's just the way how I teach and connect to my students. And well, I kind of missed my old job from Earth, so I carried it over to my class here.


Also, while I could read and write Chersean alphabet when I was summoned here (still a mystery for me), I don't know how to teach it. So, as an alternative, I chose to teach the Beastmen the Latin letters and Hindu-Arabic numerals. I guess that, in due time, a Beastman scholar would translate the Chersean literature into their own…as long as they were literate.

"Okay class, so this here is the letter 'G'." I showed how to write it, "Try to follow me!"

Among my students was Salis, who was more than interested to read and write. I think I remember her dream was to become a scribe in the service of the Beastman Saint? If so, then that explains her enthusiasm in attending my classes.

Actually, I was wondering if I can give her a Science or Math teaching job in the future…

Another student of mine was Rishnu. When she had nothing else to do at the infirmary, she would come by my school to learn. And then, once she got the idea of the lesson, she would pass that knowledge to her companions Yufa and Taro.

Rishnu can assume the role of the Health teacher…


However, I think the most peculiar of my students was the bear-woman, Ursura. She didn't join classes because she wanted to read or write, rather…

"Hey, Ursura, why are you not following me?"

"Ha? Do I have to? I'm just here to watch over you!" she said that as she exchanged glares with Salis from the other table.

"Well, since you're here," I went purposefully in between them, to remove the tension, "why don't you try to learn?"

"Tch. It's hard."

"I'll teach you a game later if you want."

Ursura jolted slightly at her seat when she heard that. Looks like I know now what subject to assign her later…


***The port town of Navaren, several 'long sleeps' after the riots…***

The destruction of the homes and buildings by the rioters became like a blessing in disguise for the Eagles, for it allowed Chief Gislaine to construct the apartments Kuro had proposed. It was two sets of four three-story wood-and-stone buildings arranged in a square, with a central courtyard, just like what's in their plan. As the works were almost done, the Eagles realized that their new town got more spaces to allot for other purposes.

"Oho…I like how our town looks now!" Chief Gislaine happily exclaimed, "Imagine, from a dense bunch of huts to this! We can build a proper marketplace, bathhouse and a town square now, if we base our plans on the Human Chief's proposal."

"Well, Chief," her adviser pointed out, "we still need to construct these canals so that the water from the aqueducts would flow throughout the town. Then after that we can build those places you mentioned."

"Heh, sometimes I can't help but to thank those rioters they destroyed our town. Now, Navaren is newborn!"

"Ahem. They murdered one of our eggs."

"Right. Fuck them rioters. They make me angry!"

The adviser could only reply with a wry smile. Chief Gislaine then suddenly remembered…

"Oh yes, Chief Malu of the Owls are asking if they can borrow the Human Chief's blueprints for the apartment buildings and aqueducts. I think they'll also reconstruct their village following his plans."

"About that Chief, I asked our best painters to give them a perfect copy of the blueprints." the adviser revealed, "I think they'd finish by the next 'long sleep'. The Human Chief's illustrations are pretty complicated after all."

"Heh, you know what, we've been relying on that person this whole time." Chief Gislaine pointed out, "Sometimes I'm getting scared what would happen if he suddenly disappears…"

"Isn't that what he had in mind all along? The Human Chief is returning to Chersea."

"Well, I guess our people would always remember him as a friend. And I guess, we should follow him wherever he takes us."

"Indeed, you are right, Chief." the adviser looked around Navaren, and stretched his arms for a bit, "Ah, this is the first time in a long while that it has gotten quiet in this town, don't you think?"

"Don't say that, or you'll jinx it." the Eagle elder chuckled, "But seriously, yes, it's peaceful. And I like it."

"Human ship incoming!"

"!!!" Chief Gislaine and her adviser exchanged surprised looks, as the coast watchers alerted them about the ship that suddenly appeared at the horizon. Flying to the town's shores, they saw a wooden ship powered by oars and approaching their direction.

"What's a human ship doing here?" her adviser asked.

"I don't know as well. But considering that we resumed trade with them, maybe they're in for our merchandise?" Chief Gislaine surmised, "After all, if it's an invasion, it'll be a multitude of ships instead of a single one."

Soon, the human ship reached the shores of Navaren and anchored at the borders of the shallow waters. Several boats were lowered, passing through a line of Beastmen steamships that were moored nearby. Chief Gislaine stood by the beach with her adviser, ready to welcome the human merchants from the mainland.


However, the nearer the boats came, the more it became apparent to the Eagle chief that its occupants were not a group of human merchants, but…

"Chief, don't you think that banner is familiar?" her adviser pointed out.

"It is familiar." Cold sweat began to form on Chief Gislaine's forehead, "That's the banner of the Grand High Priestess, Lady Sebastenerva of the Serpentinus."


The Eagle chief stepped forward the moment the boats came to the beach. The Grand High Priestess' guards, donned in their magnificent, shining armor and weapons, were the first ones to set foot on the Avinus lands. They quickly formed a line opposite of each other, as an attendant carefully assisted a lady—with her face covered with pure, white linen—down the last boat. Once the lady was on the beach, the other servants took the hem of her glorious, yet cumbersome gown to keep it from getting wet.

A stupid display of opulence, Chief Gislaine thought. One does not wear such grand clothing and stepping down on water.

"Hear ye oh people of the Avinus!" a crier with the group began his introductions, "The Holy Grand High Priestess, Lady Sebastenerva of the Serpentinus now makes her presence!"

At once, every beastmen present kneeled before the holy lady, who was looking around as if searching for something.

"Have the Eagles grown so arrogant that their chief refused to meet me?" the priestess, never removing her face's cover, asked, "Where is Chief Harkon of the Eagles? I demand his presence!"

"Forgive me, Your Eminence, but Chief Harkon has died long ago." Chief Gislaine interrupted her.

"And you are?"

"I am the new elder of the Eagles, Your Eminence. My name is Gislaine, daughter of Chief Harkon."

The priestess remained silent as she carefully examined the young elder. And then, "You are but a child! How can you be so young and have the wisdom of the elders?"

Chief Gislaine could feel her blood boil at the priestess' questions. However, she had to control herself, "My father declared me an adult before he left this life. Please treat me as such, Your Eminence."

"Ah, right! My apologies for forgetting!" the holy lady laughed, "Your father had been lacking in height before, so you must've reached his shoulders even before your mind matured!"

The elder of the Eagles took a deep breath to keep herself calm. She honestly wished she could smack the face of this insolent serpent-woman, but common sense dictated that she should stay her hand, lest she and her people suffered the wrath of the Beastman Saint.

"Y-Your Eminence!" it was her adviser, who finally took the courage to intervene in her behalf, "W-We welcome you to our lands! What is it we could help you?"

"And who's this disrespectful eagle, barging in our conversation without permission?"

"He's my faithful adviser, Your Eminence." Chief Gislaine defended him. "He's never impolite."

"My! Chief Gislaine, is it? You should discipline your people about their manners!" the serpent-lady gestured to her servants, "Or they won't do well to me!"

"A-As you w-wish, Y-Your Eminence!"

"Good! Now then, I came here to your…barbaric lands under the authority of our Holy Saint. According to her heavenly wisdom, there are some of your people here that are spreading heresy and is worshipping that accursed Konka."

"I assure you, Your Eminence, there's no one here who is like what you have said." Well, in part, what Chief Gislaine said was true. There was no one among the Avinus that's promoting any heresy, and they looked up to the Human Chief, not some Insetus woman.

"Hmph. We'll see about that." Lady Sebastenerva then continued her way inland, "Give my servants the best provision you could provide. We're staying here until we determine that are no heretics among your people."

"As you wish, Your Eminence." Chief Gislaine called her adviser and whispered, "Send a messenger to the Human Chief. Tell him we got trouble."