
GrayDale High-school.

You're typical all-boys school. Five story building covered in gray and white vivid paint with a huge dorms and a baseball arena beside it. Inside of the school was a long crowded hallways that transfers you in each particular class. The cafeteria food inside was surprisingly delightful like a mother's dishes that was full of hard work, affection and.. oil.

Typical cliché school, right? Well they do have something that every schools doesn't have,

They have Les Mignons.

(p.s. I don't really know why the councils are proud of it like they really thought they've done something in the society but I am just a paid 3rd pov so let's just contiue the story.)

The Les mignons are a group of students with 10 members. Each of them has to dress up in cute outfit to break the very lifeless and boring life of the very sTrAigHT boys in the school.

But don't worry, hot stuff (yes I am referring to you), their lives aren't that cruel as some people think it is. This event last for a day in every month but as soon as the day ends and you completed some missions, you can choose between

- 3 day pass on going to school

- Free cafeteria food for 5 days

- Chance to change your roommate for a whole week

- +5 in all of your test and quizzes

- immediately pass your test on one subject

- Random thing you want to buy worth of 50 Dollars

Good trade, right? Only the downside is all of your classmates get the chance to touch or eye-fuck you all day.

(but honestly tho. I don't really know why the do this in a goddamn scho-)

[Helloo! This is the creator of this story, MERCI! Thank you for clicking to my story :) Hope you enjoy and don't worry about 3rd pov, he's fine! Maybe] .