-Chapter 1- Gum + Hair = Disaster

Random Story Facts:

'Les Mignons' translates to 'cute ones' in french


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AND YOUR CHILD!" The principal screamed at Oliver and his mom, his raging eyes sending daggers at Oliver's direction. His dad was about to talk to the principal but Oliver's mom stood up and slammed her fist in the table of the principal, her usual warm blue eyes was now filled with thunderstorms as she glared at him. Dropping the phone where it showed the cctv footage.

"NO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AND THIS SCHOOL! YOU CANT BLAME MY CHILD FOR CHEWING GUM. THAT GIRL WAS SWAYING HER FUCKING HAIR LIKE CRAZY AND DONT YOU FUCKING DARE TO TEST HOW I TRAIN MY FUCKING CHILD ,YOU FUCKING MICROPHONE STAND" Oliver left out a little chuckle for the nickname, well his mom is not wrong though, his principal always liked to wear color black clothes and he has a very cleaned waxed bald hair. The most questionable thing is why he has to wax his head.

"How can he just react like this after what happened to the girl! SHE COULD'VE DIED MS. ACREMANN" his principal screamed and thats it, Oliver's mom just literaly snap for real. She grabbed his collar and look at him in the eye.

"Look, i know my son had some faults in this too bUT WHY DONT YOU TALK TO THAT GIRLS PARENTS AND TELL THEM HOW SLUTTY THEIR CHILD IS! She could've walk like a NORMAL PERSON but what did she do?!? SHE SLAPPED PEOPLE WITH HER FUCKING HAIR, HAIR!! THE ONE THAT YOU DONT HAVE!!!" she pushed the principal back and forth. The totally forgotten father was just there looking at his wife, his look was like telling the whole world that hes so proud of his wife literally bullying the principal, hes so amused he didnt see his son and Aaron laughing their ass off on Oliver's mom.

The whole story of the accident was at the hallway last week. They were walking towards their next class laughing ,talking and joking around. The girl and her boyfriendwas walking opposite from them and she was swaying her long hair and biting her lips trying to 'seduce' her boyfriend, though it wasnt even working because her hair is so long that it slapped people's faces in the way which made her boyfriend embarrased.

Oliver said something funny to Aaron and out of habit, he pushed Oliver slightly but for Oliver who doesnt even know what exercise means, it was rather a strong push. He immediately gained his posture and blew his gum but his luck still wasn't with him at that time so the girl's hair slapped his face and the gum sticked to her hair. It wasnt really a big deal..not for the 3 boys. The girl was sending glares at Oliver but he just look at her knowing its just an accident, though if she was a boy, Oliver wouldve snap back. He apologized to the girl but the girl said nothing and just walk off leaving her boyfriend.

The next day, the girl went to school with her hair ridiculously short. Her classmates teased her by they got worse day by day. Even though she looks like a person who have a proud personality, she has a fragile and sensitive emotions. She couldn't take people grabbing her hair, making fun of her, her friends betraying her because she looks like a crazy bitch so she decided to cut herself, but luckily, a girl in her class saw her and immediately remove the sharp blade from her.

A week later they found out what happened to the girl. Her boyfriend was so furious. He went to Aaron and Oliver's desk and punched Oliver in the face startling everyone in the room. Aaron stood up and grabbed the guy's collar giving him icy glares. The guy yelled painfully at him to let go and he will beat the shit out of Oliver because he was the main reason why his girlfriend almost died. Aaron wasn't the type to just punch everyone but when he do, it'll be hard to stop, especially when his only bestfriend was involved. He talked to the guy, trying to make this fine by talking but seems like the guy wanted it the hard way.

Aaron wasnt really feeling good that time and just wanted to punch the guy but he kept a little more patient  so this issue would've get bigger, he yelled insults at Oliver but Oliver just ignored it, although he would not admit, it stug a little too much that when he looked his friend, Aaron saw that pain inside those chocolate orbs. Thats when he snapped.

He kept punching the guy that he was already bleeding too much. Oliver panicked and rush towards Aaron, he tried to pry him off the beaten guy but because of his strong build, he didnt bulge. Three of his classmates help Oliver and soon Aaron was pulled away from the guy. Some of the teachers already rushed towards the room and dragged the poor guy to the nurse's room. The other teacher called their parents to go to their school.

In the end, the reason why they're kicked out was not because of the accident but because of Oliver's mom still shouting at the principal who was almost gonna cry.


Nice to meet you again :)

Hope to see you till the end of the story!!