-Chapter 2- Remember Dates, kids

Random Story facts:

Oliver is sensitive about his height and gets very uncomfortable and pissed when someone jokes about it


Oliver hoped put of the car and pulled out his bag that are too big for him to carry so he just dragged it away . He smiled to his parents and wave goodbye.

His mom was so angry after what happened to the principal's office that she wanted him go to go an all boys school so he can get away from sluts, well thats what she said. Aaron and his parents really doesnt care where school he go so they just transfered him there too. It wasnt a problem for the both of them because theyre not that eager to have girlfriends and prefer having friends.

He waited for Aaron but was a bit unusual because Aaron usually came earlier than him. Well, theres nothing usual to their friendship anyway.

He took a look at his new school. It was way bigger than his recent school, it was five story building covered in gray and white. The building beside it was smaller than the school which he assumed was the dorms, he even saw an almost naked girl running away from the dorms looking side to side to check who saw her. She ran away red-faced when she saw Oliver staring at her.

He scrunched up his nose and ignored the incident to find a place to sit because his tiny legs cant handle standing for five minutes. He slumped into the nearest bench, hooking his phone from his jeans and played some games to kill some time.

Minutes later, he saw Aaron running towards him, his face is red and his chest was visible from his thin white t-shirt covered in sweat. He stopped for a moment trying to catch his breath then running again. Oliver chuckled and paused him game, arranging his bag that was scattered on the floor. Aaron slumped in the chair, panting heavily was wiped his face with the handkerchief on his hands.

"Were so late. Did the bell ring already?" He said closing his eyes as he calmed fown a bit. Oliver raised his eyebrows then laughed." Its saturday you idiot". Aaron looked at him in disbelief and snatched Oliver's Phone from his hands, he looked on the calendar and he was right, it was saturday.

"Then why did i rush?!? I was having a beautiful dream!!" He shaked Oliver back and forth then groaning, giving back his phone. "Well you should've checked the day, Come on now, were going to get our dorms" he pulled Aaron by his hand and he groaned grabbing his and Oliver's bag following behind Oliver, still muttering and regreting his decisions in life.

They walked towards the school, passing some people who was walking and they saw two boys making out near the school gates. Aaron's eyes widened and unknown expression was in his face but the its not the deal with Oliver.

Oliver's eyes starts shining and his face turned into a grin, although it was just seconds and theyre back to being normal. Oliver really liked watching or reading yaoi or bxb stories but he didnt want anyone to know because they might made fun of him.

They continued to walk towards the school, passing the couple without saying anything to each other. Hours later of searching and finding, they found the principal's office and claimed their uniforms, books and dorm. They thanked the principal and walked towards the dorms.

"What's your dorm number?" Oliver asked strugling to hold every item while Aaron is just chilling holding everything in one hand. He looked at his key, the numbers are nearly gone from the key

"199, yours?" He sighed after realising they werent gonna be roomates and had a chance to have an idiotic roomate."148"

"Hey, lets go McDonalding at 2pm, its been 34 years since i went there" Aaron suggested, Oliver rolled his eyes trying to open the door "we literally went there yesterday but who am i to refuse McDonalds" They both grinned to each other and walked towards their dorms.

In his whole life, Oliver never thought that he would have a bestfriend like Aaron because of his sarcastic personality but whenever he's with him, hes like very comfortable because they have the same likes and dislikes and Aaron is a very good listener, he will give advises here and there like he was a big brother he never had. He dont like him in a romantical way but more of a family way


Do you think Aaron likes Oliver in the different way around?

Hello!! I have a question to all of those who wrote books....

I was actually wondering if you guys plan out literally all the things you write even the little things like where the character will sit or walk towards..something like that or like just whatever comes good inside your mind, youre gonna write it down then publish.

Hope you have a great day!