-Chapter 3- Blessed with gayness day after day

Random Story Fact:

Aaron has a pet hamster named ham that he forgot with him


Oliver's eyes roamed around the room, for a boy's room, it was surprisingly clean. His roommate's things are arranged neatly that he felt like he was the only trash in there. He noticed that his roommate already claimed the top bunk because of the headphone and charger that are placed up in there. He started arranging his things putting his clothes on the empty drawer, toileteries in the toilet. For a normal person it would be normal to do this stuff but not fot Oliver who was just doing this for the sake of his clean-freak roommate.

He noticed their schedule on the side near the window, he dragged himself there looking at the piece of paper then groaned when the first subject was math until he heard the door clicked. At first, he thought he was gonna be the nerdy type with big round glasses and freckles but he was surprised to see a boy with white hair ,warm chocolate orbs, smooth, pale skin and plump pink lips. He was attractive, not even a straight person like Oliver can deny that.

He looks confused for a bit until he saw Oliver's bag scattered on the floor. He smiled warmly at Oliver which he returned back shyly of how the boy infront of him reminds him of a cute innocent sunshine.

"You must be my new roommate, im Samuel" he extende his hand towards Oliver offering a handshake, he shaked it slightly and looking at his eyes. "Im Oliver" Samuel smiled again, the way he look at Oliver was screaming 'a wild new bestfriend appeared' which made Oliver return the genuine smile that he rarely shows, seconds later the door clicked again which caught both of their attentions

He saw a tall, pale skinned man leaning on the window, slipping his ands on his pockets as he raised an eyebrow at Oliver and Samuel's interwinted hands. They both let go awkwardly and suddenly Samuel launched himself at the man who easily caught him because of how light he was, so much to Oliver who was shocked to find out that his roommate was gay. Samuel backed away slightly after seeing his reaction. Samuel's expression turned 180 degrees as he became insecure and rather not pleased at Oliver's reaction. "Y-youre homophobic?" He mumbled slowly.

Oliver came back to reality then shook his head rougly. He was just so shocked that starting today everytime the tall man went to their room, he will always see them being cute and all that he just usually see in anime and novels, plus, theyre both cute together. His list of gay ships just getting longer and longer.

"No im not! I mean-I would love to see both of you make out- w-wait -not that -its not" he groaned covering his red face as both of the boys looked at him confused but just laugh it off and felt quite relief when they found out he's not homophobic and actually supports their relationship.

"Well, im glad.." Samuel smiled before continuing "By the way, this is Nathan, my boyfriend" Oliver tilted his head, taking a good look at the guy's dirty blonde hair, dark but soft brown eyes,  skin and pinkish lips. He realised he forgot about his friendly date with Aaron and was already 15 minutes late. "Oh, I forgot i have to meet with someone today so i'll be going now, its nice meeting you Samuel and Nathan" he said shyly, still adjusting his behavior to the both of them. Samuel smiled and move Nathan away from the door. "See you later then, Oliver" he nodded and wave them goodbye. Its hard to be so polite and nice, he thought walking towards upstairs to the unfamiliar hallways towards Aaron's room.

"Why is he so nice?" Samuel frowned. Nathan rolled his eyes, carrying him as he place him in Oliver's bed "because you were being nice to him. Its just give and take" kissing Samuel's neck as he found his sweet spot, kissing and bitting at the area which made Samuel moan in pleasure "but i feel he was just faking though, because as you said, i was being nice", Nathan kissed him, asking for entrance as Samuel gladly accepted, fighting for dominance but easily lose. Nathan's hands roamed around his chest, playing with his pink nipples that made Samuel groan in pleasure,

Nathan broke the kiss staring at his boyfriend "stop talking about other boys when im pleasing you" Samuel nodded as he eargerly connected their lips again.