-Chapter 4- You're born to be gay

Random Story Facts: Samuel talks when hes asleep, sometimes copying other people's voices like his mom, Nathan and even his pet dog.


After looking at the door signs, turning left and right, passing by some buff, skinny, dark, and some perverted looking guys until he finally saw Aaron's room. He sighed in relief then opened the door, revealing Aaron still busy arranging his drawers. Oliver walked towards the bottom bunk hooking up his phone from his oversized hoodie. "Did you met your roommate yet?" Oliver asked, his eyes still roaming through the website, finding some memes that made him chuckle.

Aaron looked at him then nodded "Yea, his name is Anthony. He actually told me something quite unbelievable", Oliver closed his phone putting it beside the drawer, quite interested in what Anthony told him. "What did he say"

Aaron closed his drawer looked towards Oliver again "He said that straight people are nearly extinct in this school", with that both of them burst out of laughter, clunching at their stomach as they tried to stop themselves but end up laughing even harder.

Minutes later of laughing their ass off, Oliver's phone vibrated and he picked it up, his stomach still slightly aching. He noticed it was a video call from his mom. He put the phone slightly away from his face and answered the call. His mom and dad appeared on his screen, smiles plastered on their face as Donny, his pet dog run towards the camera and placed his nose on the screen blocking his parents view. He chuckled and his mom placed Donny on her lap. "Hi Oli, did you already arranged your things" his mom said brushing off Donny's hair that needs to be cutted. "Mom, i told you to stop calling me that'' he groaned while Aaron crawled to the bed, squeezing himself with Oliver so that they will both fit in the screen, waving at Oliver's parent while they smiled at his presence. "And yes i already arranged and were planning to go to McDonalds later".

"Well, how about your roommate? Is Aaron your roommate?" He shooked his head as he reached for the potato chips near the bed "No, i just visited his dorm. My roomate is very nice, i was actually expecting him to be more like a buffed guy or something like that but he was skinny, pale, nice looking guy" he shrugged, he didnt really know how to actually compliment or judge people because he spend his whole life with a guy like Aaron who doesnt really care about people's appearance he prefer their personalities.

Oliver felt like he really needs to ask the question about everyone's sexuality in there even though he knew to himself that theyre more straight there and Anthony was just kidding about almost everyone in there are gay "Mom, can i ask again, why did you make me go to an all-boys school again?" His mother sighed, Donny leaving her lap as it went to find something to eat. "Actually, that wasnt even an all-boys school in the first place" she muttered lowering her head. "What do you mean mom?" He asked confused and theres something telling him that he shouldnt have said that. "Gray-Dale is not an all-boys school, its a university that supports lgbtq community and only transfers gay people"

Oliver and Aaron was shocked to their nerves, the forgotten bag of potato chips falled on the ground as they can only focus on the new information that was revealed to them "But im not gay, and so does Aaron" his mother raised her eyebrow as the they forgot about Oliver's father again munching on some cakes as he totally enjoying the drama between them.

"Really? How do you explain about when in daycare you dressed up as Snow White in the halloween party" Oliver's cheeks turned bright red as he clearly didnt want those memories to come back while Aaron was laughing his ass off, imagining little Oliver in a cute princess gown, knocking and asking for candies in each houses. "MOM! I told you not to bring that up!!" Her mother laughed at the memories while his father almost choke laughing and regretting that he didnt saw it because he was at his work

"And your first kiss was a boy and you're even touching his hardened croth while the teachers try to separate you both, it wasnt even a kiss it was almost a sex! And let me remind you, YOU BOTH ARE 5 YEAR OLDS" Oliver covered his red face as Aaron couldnt breathe of laughing and his dad nearly choking to death "MOOOOMM!! I HATE YOUU! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT WERE KIDS!!" Oliver yellled as he slapped Aaron shoulder.

"See honey, you were born to be gay, youre just denying it. May you found a hot boyfriend in there... and you too Aaron! Youre mom told me you like to touch youre classmates crotch because you said you like them to scream your name, YOU WERE LIKE 3 ,MISTER!! Youre even more worse than Oliver" now its Oliver's turn to laugh his ass of on Aaron who was curling into a ball, emarassed that his mom said that to Oliver's parents. "I gotta hang up now, your father is nearly dying, good luck finding some hotties in there, bye!!" She hung up, he placed his phone in the bed, lying beside it as he absorbed the new informations that his mother told him. Am i really gay?


Do you think Oliver will look good in a Snow White costume??