-Chapter 5- The gayness test

Random Story Facts:

Donny and Ham was the polar opposite of each other but share two thing in common: they like food and attention


After they went to McDonalds and ordered foods like a madmans, Oliver saw a bookstore and decided to check it out. Aaron didnt came with him at the store because he didnt really like books and he knew Oliver will check out those books for atleast 5 hours so he excused himself that he was going to video call his mom on the dorms.

On his way to the dorms, kicking some rocks on the ground as the weather gotten

more cold and darker, remembered what Oliver's mother told to them. He never really thoutght that one day, he would doubt at his sexuality..well might as well test it out.

He went an ice cream store where a bunch of boys are hanging around, chatting, eating or just putting some ice cream on their friends' faces. He went to the line, secretly eyeing the small group of boys near the window. He noticed the attractive guy scrolling through his phone as his friends kept disturbing him. His green eyes playfully glared at his friend as his loose black t-shirt didnt do a great job hiding his buff body.

He was attractive but Aaron didnt feel anything special to him,maybe im not attracted to hot boys he though and went forward the line placing his hands on his pockets to grab his wallet and paid his mint chocolate ice cream.

He sat on the empty table and looked outside the window. Aaron noticed the cute baby faced boy with big round glasses having trouble of carrying the big box in his tiny hands, his dark brown hair sticking in all direction and slightly blocking his mesmerising green eyes but then again, he didnt felt anything special towards the boy.

Well im not attracted to cute boys either.. he frowned and looked towards the window of the art supplies store infront of the ice cream store, he saw a handsome slim but well toned man buying poster paints and brushes as two girls behind him were taking pictures and tried talking to him. The guy had dark piercing green eyes, pale skin and pinkish plump lips which now displayed a smirk as he went to a cute crew boy who was just innocently arranging the bond papers as the handsome boy wrapped his long fingers to the boy's waist, so much to the envious girls and the half scared half shocked a little angry expression. If thats a word. Then again, he did not see feel any difference towards him too.

He slumped his back to the chair and looked at his watch. His forgotten ice cream was  in his hands so he ate it in one bite and walked towards the wooden doors of the ice cream store. He sighed in relief, Well that shows i am not ga-

Before he could even finish that single letter, the door slammed open and a laughing boy collided into him. He was about to yell at the crazy boy but then he met his warm eyes. They stared for a moment absorbing each others feeatures while the boy was on top of him. The boy snapped back to reality and a slight blush formed its way to his soft cheeks, he removed himself from Aaron who was still mesmerized by the boy's slightly wavy brown hair, smooth skin, soft small nose and cute lips. The boy noticed Aaron staring at him so he averted his eyes, faking a cough as he finally snapped back to reality. He stood up and brushed his hoodie that was stained by some dirt, gosh, Oliver's gonna kill me...

He really likes wearing Oliver's oversized hoodies or sweaters because he smells like lychee and it look very good on him so when they were packing some stuff to put to their dorms, he went to Oliver's house to take them. Oliver let him do it because he trades his hoodie to Aaron's nintendo.

"Im sorry i stained your hoodie" the said as he scratched the back of his head, not dating ti look at Aaron out of embarrassment. Usually, Aaron would say some things like 'see where you fucking go' or would start a fight but theres something about the guy's reaction which made him not throw a fight. He nodded his head, signalling the boy that its fine as he walked outside the ice cram store


He closed his room and launched himself in the bed and closed his eyes, for some reason, the boy was still in his mind, there was something about him that regretted not talking to the boy. He shrugged his whole body "Im just tired" he talked to himself as he put the blankets in him but the boy still lingering in his mind


Do you guys have siblings??

I have a younger brother and sister and they were hella annoying but i love them with my whole heart and soul :')