-Chapter 6- Why are nerds always abused :/

Random Story Facts:

Both Oliver and Samuel has Coulrophobia, fear of clowns


Oliver walked on the dark street, holding 3 books on his left hand and his phone on the right. He was too occupied by the interesting, mostly bxb books in the store that he didnt notice he was there for solid 7 hours.

He passed by some threedrunk guys that was staring and walking towards him "Heyy cutie, wanna have some good time?" one of them said which made Oliver panicked but kept his calm posture avoiding their gaze, good thing there were a two guy near him so he inches closer to them so it looks like they were walking together.

The guys stopped talking and looked at him confused until they saw the three drunk guys walking towards them, stumbling a little "Oh come on dont be scared, well be gentle" the guy on the left said as the Oliver and the two guys started walking a little bit faster and so did the drunk guys "Dont be so hard to catch, well punish you~" they smirked making Oliver scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Oliver's calm posture started collapsing little by little until he let out an internal squeak when the guy beside him wrapped his hands on his shoulders and put his head on Oliver's neck ."Play along, now pretend i said something funny" he whispered on his ear. Oliver let out a forced giggle as he the guy smirked and lowered his hand that was recently holding Oliver's hand. It travelled on his jeans then on his butt. Okay now that one wasnt a pretend!, he thought as his hands started curling into a fist.

He look slightly to their back and saw that the drunk guys are still following behind them. The guy caressed Oliver's butt and he glared at him shuffling a little far way but still keeping close just incase. Once the drunk guys got tired and lied down on the cold concrete floor, he pry off the guy's hands in his ass and noticed the other guy wasnt with them anymore. He looked around the dark alley until he saw the huge university near them.

He started to walk towards it but the guy pinned him to the nearest tree. He grunted from the sudden force and looked in the guy's hungry eyes "Thank you for saving me from the drunk guys um..?" The guy chuckled and inches closer to him. "Jacob" he said while slowly putting his hands into Oliver's tiny waist.

"Right, Jacob, um i should get going because the dorms will get closed in 1 hour and again, thank you for everything, um could you-" he tried to pull off Jacob's hands from him but he didnt bulge, Jacob leaned closer, putting his head near Oliver's ears "Dony worry, we could do so much things until your dorm closes" he roamed his hands on Oliver's body.

He got pissed as he snarled at him"Get off me, im straight!" He squirmed under Jacob who easily towered him because of his height, Jacob raised his eyebrows and chuckled,"Dont joke with me baby, you attend GrayDale, there's no straight guys there" he didnt want to explain to Jacob why he was there and just wanted to go back to the dorms as soon as possible. He dropped his 3 books forgotten books to the side and started harshly pushing Jacob away from him

"Fine! I have a boyfriend" he tilted his head to the side, avoiding Jacob's lips as he tried to connect it together. He pinned both of Oliver's hands ontop of his head on the tree with one hand and the other holding his waist. He squirmed and an invisible light bulb flickered in his mind.

"Your boyfriend wouldnt notice.." he started unbuttoning Oliver's clothes with his hand that was recently holding his waist. And then a moment later, Oliver saw his chance and kicked Jacob's balls, harshly.

He grabbed his scattered books and ran towards the dorms while Jacob was on his back, grabbing his balls as he tried to stand up. Oliver ran away as fast as his tiny unexercised in 5 years legs could take him and hugged his books on his chest so that they wont fall.

He was so close to entering the dorms when he felt rough large hands grab him on his waist and pin him on their back. "No, you're coming with me" Jacob said as he pull Oliver away from the dorms, "Stop it Jacob! What's the point of your saving me from the drunk guys when you're just gonna do the same thing they will do!".

He stomped on Jacob's foot which made him hiss and pin him to his chest tighter, "you know why? Because i want to rape you myself and i wouldnt like sharing with others" Oliver was having a hard time getting out of him but then he saw a boy who was walking away from the dorm and noticed them.

"Oliver?" Samuel appeared running over him to see what was happening. Once he can see clearly that Oliver saw in trouble as the guy grind himself on him, he spoke up,"Hey what are you doing on my boyfriend?" Samuel asked Jacob who was facing his back on him. He loosens his grip on Oliver and he immediately ran away towards Samuel. Ofcourse, Oliver knows that Samuel was just kidding because he knew that it was the only way possible and Samuel already have Nathan so he just played along.

Jacon was quite scared at first but he turned around and saw saw Samuel's slim and skinny body, he laughed at him because he thought that Samuel counldnt hurt him. He walked closer to them and towered both of them "So what are you gonna do about it? Punc-" Samuel cutted him off by slamming his fist on Jacobs face which made him stumble and fall in his back, his nose gushing out his blood everywhere.

Oliver was utterly shocked and quite scared, he never knew that Samuel can throw a punch like that with his body. The Samuel he saw in the morning was no longer there as his warm eyes became cold as he glared at Jacob.

Samuel walked towards Jacob and grabbed him at his collar,"dont touch Oliver ever again, you piece of shit. Now get out from my sight." Jacob stand up immediately, holding his nose as he ran away from them.

The moment Jacob was out of sight, Samuel's expression was back to warm amd genuine as if nothing ever happened, ''You okay back there Oliver? Why were you with him anyway.." he picked Oliver's books which he grabbed immediately, hoping to every Gods that he didnt saw that it was a bxb books. He sighed and tiredly walking to the dorms, "Well its a long story..." Oliver started as Samuel nodded, sognaling him he was listening.

Oliver told him what happened while they were walking to their dorms. "Well, you sure do have a very tiring day" Samuel commented while unlocking their dorms,"well you can say that..by the way, youre so cool back there.." he said making Samuel chuckle "Well, people always likes to judge other people by their appearance and thats my advantage when fighting because they thought im weak or something like that" he shrugged, kicking away his shoes as he climbed on his bed, "why are you there anyways?" Oliver said while putting his books on the desk.Samuel tilted his head, looking at Oliver then on Nathan's message on his phone "well i always go there outside for some fresh air" Oliver nodded his head and slumped on his bed, cant wait to just sleep and not think about everything.


Did this chapter change your thoughts about Samuel?

I made him into a yandere :>