-Chapter 7- Out of blows, friendship grows

Random Story Facts:

When they were in grade 5, Aaron had a stalker who steals his clothes on his locker.


"What a bastard!" Aaron said as he grab a handfull of chips and shove it in his mouth as he tap rapidly on his phone so he can caught up on the currently first place.

Oliver sighed as he slumped his back on Aaron's bed,"Whats the point of him saving you when he's gonna do it anyways", Aaron paused his game, shifting closer to him as he dust off the tiny pieces of chips beside Oliver who was about to sleep if Aaron hadnt spoke up

"Well thats what i told him " Oliver said as he kicked his slippers off and resting his feet the bed. The first thing he did in the early morning of sunday was to barged into Aaron's room and tell him about the incident because his mind was about to explode of overthinking last night.

Aaron was so guity for leaving Oliver in the bookstore on his own. He regretted the fact that he was checking out boys and sleeping the whole day while his bestfriend was sexually harassed twice.

He admitted that to Oliver an hour ago which to his surpise, Oliver wasnt angry to him at all. He said that he was already done thinking about it and just wanted to forget about it.

Minutes later of Him and Aaron watching the new season of their favorite show, Oliver stood up and grabbed his phone on the side of the bed.

Im gonna go shower, see you later" Aaron nodded as Oliver dragged his feet in the slippers and closed his door, heading towards his and Samuel's room.

When he opened the door, he saw Samuel dressed in his casual clothes as he unplugged his charger and stuffed his phone in his jeans, he noticed Oliver standing in the door, rubbing his tired eyes.

"You're going out?" Oliver asked. Samuel smiled at him then nodded his head, his white locks now covering his eyes. He arranged it slightly by moving his head again."Yeah, me and Nathan are going on the cinemas", he said as his eyes lit up when he talked about his boyfriend,"Actually, its our first date..".

"Really? When did you two became a couple?" Oliver instantly forgot that he's tired and started to ask things about both of them. "We liked each other for 2 years but no one confessed, until my friend decided to lock us in his room while were drunk and well it ended with us...um-" Samuel covered his face, embarassed to tell Oliver the whole story. Oliver laughed at his expression and patted his back, "Well good luck then, hope it ends well with the two of you fucking in the back of the cinema. Dont forget protections"

Samuel blushed even harder and started hitting Oliver slightly who was laughing his ass off. "Ughhh Oliver! I was avoiding saying that because i thought you were innocent...and i dont forget protections" he hooked up 3 condoms on his jeans and sticked his tongue out on the shocked yet amused Oliver.

"I was literally just kidding about you two fucking in the cinemas..and im not innocent, i was trying to be nice because i thought youre the innocent one" Samuel faked a gasp, pretending he didnt know why Oliver could say that with his attractive baby face, skinny body and lips that always showed a warm, gentle smile. Oliver rolled his eyes playfully as he pushed Samuel away from the door.

"Go away now, your boyfriend is waiting for you" Samuel snapped in realisation and shove his condoms deep down on his jeans so it wont fall out..because condoms are too expensive for him. He rushed through the hallway then stopped abruptly. "Hey Oliver'', Oliver tilted his head looking at Samuel's brown orbs. "I think were gonna be bestfriends" Oliver smiled widely then rolled his eyes playfully and crossed his arms "Sorry, i dont like white haired grandmas" Samuel faked his gasp again then copied Oliver's crossed arms, "Well i dont need Olive oil anyways".

They both laugh at their weird jokes and bid goodbyes. Its nice having new friends that you dont know how the heck both of you end up being friends, both of them thought


What do you think of their frienship?

The next chapter will be my favorite :> and quite long

Is there something wrong with my writing in this chapter? When i was writing this when i kinda felt weird and i dont know why. Im not sick though, it just felt that something was wrong or somethings like that :<

Anyways, hope you are doing fine today and thank you for reading this chapter :)