-Chapter 8- *sighs* *unzips* Here we go again

Random Story Facts:

Aaron and Oliver's father are both named Gilbert and sometimes their fathers argue on who's the better Gilbert


Oliver locked his doors then dragged his tired body to the small bathroom connected to the room, his head throbbing slightly from the lack of sleep. He stripped off his clothes and threw them on the laundry bin near the almost broken doors. When he was about to go to the showers, he noticed his pale, skinny body reflecting on the mirror.

He was actually very insecure of his skinny body because when he was in grade 4, his classmates treated him like a piece of garbage and became a punching

bag because they knew that Oliver couldnt fight back.

Until one time, Oliver cant take it all anymore and decided cut himself in the boy's bathroom but luckily, Aaron randomly walked inside the bathroom, saw him sitting on the corner with a cutter near his wrist as quickly snatched it from his hands. He was about to ask Oliver why was he planning on commiting suicide but he noticed that he was trembling and crying on the cold, concrete floor. His left eye was swollen and he has so many bruises on his face.

Aaron was slightly panicking and didnt know what to do. He felt that he cant just sat there and watch him cry all day without doing anything even though he didnt knew Oliver but what happened next surprised both of them. Aaron hugged Oliver tightly and hold his cold, pale hands, like what he did when his younger sister is crying.

Oliver was shocked to the point that he forgot that he was crying as Aaron slowly patted his back, tapping on some of his bruises on his back which made his wince a little. Minutes later, his breathing was back to normal and Aaron let go of him. Aaron was actually having a crisis in his mind because he thought that Oliver thinks that he's gay and a pervert.

Oliver looked at him in the eyes which Aaron avoided slightly, still embarassed of what he did but when he looked up at him again, he saw Oliver with a warm gentle smile on his face even though his eyes where full of sadness and axiety.

Aaron asked him if he was okay to tell him what was happening and why did he do that.

When he was done explaining, Aaron was angry to what his classmates did to Oliver and he said that starting from now on, he'll always be on Oliver's side to protect him. Oliver chuckle and was very glad because he finally had someone to come over when he had a problem, someone to tell his secrets, someone who would laugh together with him. The whole day, they were talking about their favorite games and show which they found out that they have so many things in common together.

Oliver smiled at his childhood memories with Aaron and turned on the shower, the cold water touching all over his bare body. He grabbed his lychee scented shampoo as he spread it all over his dark hair.

Once he was done in the bathroom, he noticed that his towel dropped on the floor and was now soaking wet so he had no other choice but to open the door nakedand went to  his drawers and grabing some clean new clothes. He doesnt want to change in the bathroom because it was really small and it smells quite weird.

He opened opened his phone, typing the password as fast as he could because his balls are freezing and picked his favorite song. He connected it on his bluetooth headphones and turned the volume more louder. He scrolled through the internet, liking his online friend's posts and sending a text to him mom.

He dropped his phone on the bed, bouncing on the pillow and then his favorite part of the song blasted through his ears. He sang along, swaying his hips slightly, forgetting the fact that he was still naked.

He was so lost in the music that he didnt heard the door opening and a guy was walking in, putting his hands on his pockets, his eyes focusing on his phone. "Yo Sam-Sam can you come with me to the art supp....ly..." he finally noticed Oliver, shaking his hips as he bounce on the hard floor. The guy's eyes roamed at Oliver's  perfect body for a whole minute until he decided to take a picture of the most beautiful moment in his life. Once he was done he immediately stuffed his phone in his pockets, pretending he didnt take a pic.

The moment Oliver turned around, he saw the guy staring at him very impressed of his dancing skills. His eyes went wide and covered his crotch, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU PERVERT!!" He threw the things laying peacefully on the desk, while the guy swiftly dodge all of it but decided to leave anyways, teasing Oliver by sighing loudly, his eyes  telling Oliver that he doesnt want to leave, which made Oliver throw icy glares at him

"By the way, have you seen Samuel? Why are you in his room naked anyways" he started to walk closer to Oliver who was  inching away from him, grabbed a towel near the floor and wrap it around his slim  waist, glaring at the smirking guy, as his tiny hands became a fist.

"Im his roommate! Can you get the fuck out of my room, this is sexual harassment!" He said as he pushed the tall guy towards the door. He suddenly grabbed Oliver's wrist and pulled him in his chest. A bright red blush started to crept on Oliver's face as the guy inched his face closer to his. "I barely touched you, do you want me to show you what a real sexual harrasment is?" Oliver scrunched up his nose in both annoyance in disgust but slightly turned on when the guy bit his bottom lip, staring at Oliver's pink plump lips. He grabbed Oliver's and moved his other hand towards his waist, moving it closer to his body. Oliver closed his eyes, his brain thinking weird sceneries about both of them and surprisingly waiting for the guy to close the gap between their lips, but nothing happened.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the guy  smirking at him, obviously amused to the fact that Oliver wanted to kiss him. He blushed even harder, pushing himself away from the guy. "Can you just go away! Samuel went on a date!" He yelled as he pushed the guy from his back and led him into the door. Still embarrased and confused that he wanted to actually expecting a kiss from a pervert, annoying, weird stranger.

"Okay, okay im going out, baby" he stop on the door and tilting Oliver's face by touching his chin,"by the way, my name is Alexis, you can call me daddy if you wan-"

"Nice meeting you, ass wipes" he cutted him, slapping his hand away from his chin. Alexis raised his eyebrows and laughed. "Well nice meeting you too, sweetheart" he playfully blew a kiss at Oliver. He srunched up his nose in disgust and rolled his eyes as he slammed the door in his face.

"By the way, nice moves you got there" Alexis added, shouting through the brown wooden door. Oliver felt his face heat up again. Not because of his dancing skills but was because no one really appreciate and compliment him like that.