-Chapter 9- E. X. E. R. C. I. S. E

Random Story Facts:

Alexis loves every green vegetables except brocoli


"Is our door broken?" Oliver blurted out, biting his bottom lip out of habit as his eyes gazed on his book. Him and Samuel was on his bed, hanging around and talking about nonsense topics here and there, sometimes calling each other weird names and randomly moaning which made both of them laugh.

Samuel looked at him for a moment then gazed back to his phone, "Yeah.., i forgot to tell you yesterday, how did know anyways? Did something bad happened?" Samuel asked as he got off his bed and grab his earphones which are scattered on the floor, the neat, clean dorm room that Oliver saw on his first day was no longer with them as everything was scattered everywhere.

"Its nothing special, i just thought the door was locked and somebody came in" he shrugged but inside, he was having a crisis, just thinking about the guy's smirking face makes his blood boil, as he tried to push his thoughts of the pervert out of his mind. Samuel nodded in agreement, he was unsure of Oliver's answer but he didnt push it to him because he can clearly see that Oliver doesnt want to talk about it.

Samuel already came back from his first date. He said that Nathan decided to watch a horror movie because he thought it would be cute and he was very sure that tiny Samuel will cling his arms into him when he's scared and he'll wrap his arms around Samuel. He was so excited for his imaginations to happen that he forgot Samuel isnt a little shy and innocent crybaby so what happened inside the cinemas are the exact opposite of what he wanted to happen. Nathan wrapped his big arms around Samuel, almost suffocated him to death because he was scared out of his life.

After the movie ended, Nathan walked red-faced beside Samuel as he explained why he chose a horror movie which he clearly coulnt handle watching as his boyfriend laughed at his imaginations and kissed him on the cheeks. They went next to a cheap but peacefull restaurant because fancy restaurants makes their wallets cry. He was actually quite dissapointed because Nathan didnt bring him to a hotel which made Oliver chuckle when Samuel was telling him.

Minutes later, Samuel stood up from Oliver's bed and shoved his phone into the top bunk, he looked at Oliver who was still focused on his book, his body was placed in a weird position on the bed as he bit his bottom lip. "Im gonna go walk outside, do you wanna come with me?".

Oliver gazed his tired eyes at Samuel and nodded slightly. He closed his book and placed it on the wooden desk near the window. They grabbed their sweaters because it was almost nighttime and it was getting cold outside. As they were walking towards the exit of the dorms, Oliver saw Aaron drinking outside that were sold by a little cafè a few meters away from them. Oliver walked towards him as he grabbed Samuel's hands who dumbfoundedly followed him.

Oliver introduced Samuel to Aaron who immediately remembered him that he was the boy who saved Oliver from Jacob. Samuel smiled brigtly which Aaron awkwardly smiled back, slightly not believing that Samuel was the one who saved Oliver.

Samuel suggested to go to their school's rooftop which both of them agreed right away. They went inside the empty unlocked school doors as Samuel lead them to the huge stairways where some of the janitors are resting and eating snacks. They walked passed them and went to the another stairways leading to the third floor. They saw a guy who looked the same age as them with cool dark green hair and tattoos covering his left arm.

Aaron stopped for a moment and eyeing at the guy before following the two boys again. "Did you see guys see that dude? He looks like Cyken" Samuel's head suddenly shot up towards Aaron with his eyes shining brightly, "You play Galaxy of Warfare Lords?" (Dont mind asking google i just made this game in my imaginations and if there was a game like this, it was just mere coincidence).

Aaron grinned at Samuel and wrapped his arm on Samuel's shoulder even though they just met 10 minutes ago, "Finally! Someone who understands me, not like someone there who doesnt wanna play with me" Oliver puffed his cheeks as the 'someone' was obiously him.

He didnt like playing the game because it was filled with blood everywhere and he hates seeing bloods. Another reason wwhy he hates it because the game takes so many hours to open up and the wait wasnt worth it because it was laggy and poorly designed but Aaron always told him that it was a good game because of the story plot, by the 'story plot' he meant the girls who was almost naked but like, who the freak goes to wars with only a small bra and tight panties.

When they reached the rooftop, Samuel and Aaron was still talking about the 'awesome' game as Oliver crawled behind them, his legs giving up on him as the two boys didnt even shred a single sweat.

He looked at the great scenery before them. He can see the dorms, a small nearby park, the dark alley where he met Jacob, a sweet little cafe shop, Alexis staring at him with binoculars, students entering the dor- wait what?