-Chapter 10- John the nerdy and his unholy books

Random Story Facts:

Oliver never dated anyone before.


Oliver's eyes widened when he saw Alexis smirking at him. Whats this weirdo's problem with me?!, He though as he clicked his tongue.

He glared at Alexis as slumped in a bench. He rested his throbbing body in the almost broken wood. Trying to forget Alexis from his mind by thinking when was the last time he ever exercised.

After a good 2 hours, The three of them decided to go back in the dorms. Aaron and Samuel was still talking about the game, arguing on somethings that Oliver couldn't understand. He sighed and his mind eventually repeated his incident with Alexis and started hitting his head. Damn you Oliver! If you just decided to change in the bathroom, that wont happen! Arghhh! Idiot! Idiot! Idioooottt!!

Aaron noticed the small boy as Samuel stopped talking and looked at Aaron's gaze. Aaron slightly gripped Oliver's hand. "You okay?" Aaron asked as he loosen his grip from Oliver's hand. He looked at Aaron and nodded,"Yea..i just remember something stupid i did in the past"

Aaron playfully wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Oliver. Just enough to almost trip Oliver down the stairs. "I bet your thinking about that time when you accidentally kissed John the nerdy in front of the whole class"

Oliver gave out a loud groan as he definitely didn't want to talk about the unwanted memory.

John the nerdy was the typical nerd next door but he's obsessed to the bones with bxb stories. Even though he was bullied for bringing his collections to school, he couldn't care less and sometimes he even let the other girls borrow his books.

One time during a little pretend prom in middle school, he confessed his love to Oliver in front of the whole class in which Oliver turned him down but when he was about to leave, he slipped and accidentally pulled John by his clothes, bringing John with him as he landed on top of Oliver, connecting their lips together.

Not even God knew how much Oliver hated himself that day and even tried to switch schools.

"Aaron!! I told you not to bring that up!! " Oliver yelled as he walked faster down the stairs, trying  to slip away from the two boys who were laughing their asses off.


Oliver woke up at the sound of Samuel literally yeeting his books in his bag. It took him a full minute to realise that it's his first day in his new school and he only have 10 minutes before his first subject. He jump out of his bed and rushed towards the bathroom. "Why didn't you wake me up?" he half-yelled as he took of his clothes as he grabbed his shampoo and slapped it on his hair.

"Whaat?? I was waking you up last 20 minutes ago and you said youre awake and you don't wanna go to school becuase you want to see the zoo for a check up."

Oliver let out a laugh as he went outside the bathroom. "oh I forgot to tell you that I sleep talk when someone is waking me up.." he grabbed his uniform and necktie as he continued ".. Why did you believe it?".

Samuel laughed as he sat back on Oliver bed. Waiting for Oliver to finish arguing with his necktie "I heard you whispering 'I'm not cute, I'm a sexy lion' before I woke you up so I thought you seriously injured your brain in your sleep and needs a check up" he finished it off with a bright smile with sarcasm in his eyes which made Oliver snicker at him.


Oliver gripped tightly on his books. He was kinda disappointed that Aaron wasn't on his first subject but luckily, Samuel was there to accompany him

They entered the big, surprisingly mint scented classroom. He let his eyes wander around the room, familiarising his new classmates as Samuel dragged him towards the empty chairs.

After sometime of talking about the subjects, Samuel went to the other tables, talking to his other classmates as Oliver was on his phone, scrolling on the Internet. Their teacher was late to their class which made Oliver quite pissed because he should've rushed his bath time if he knew that he'll not be late.

The teacher opened the door as the whole class immediately closed their mouths and  found their seats. When Oliver looked up to the teacher, his breath caught up on his throat at how handsome their teacher is. He looks like he was the same age as his and He had black styled hair, pale smooth skin, pinkish lips and slim but muscly body that matches his effortless beauty, holy cows he's so handso- wait a minute.. He straightened up his posture and frowned. Did, did I just checked out a guy?!

As Oliver was having a rough crisis in his mind, he failed to notice a rather familiar smirk, immediately noticing the tiny boy in the corner,mindlessly touching his fluffy hair.

"Goodmorning Mr. Kings, you're  very early today." he ripped his gaze from Oliver to face the teacher who was smiling at him brightly, even though every single bit of his tone drips off sarcasm. "I woke up early today. Thanks for noticing, Mr. Cahill"

He walked towards his usual seat as Oliver was now staring into the teacher's soul as he called down the names of the students, still failing to notice the pair of hungry eyes staring at his back.

"uhhm? Oliver Acremann?"


"oh, You're the new student. Can you please introduce yourself to the whole class?"

Oliver lazily walked beside the smiling teacher. He stood in front of the class, slightly anxious from all the unfamiliar eyes that were staring at him.

"Hi, I'm Oliver Acremann..." he was having a hard time finding the rights words to say so the teacher stood up and patted his back "You can ask him whatever you want"

With that said, the students immediately bombarded him with questions. Interested in their cute new classmate.

"which school did you come from? "

"SouthRiver Academy"

"I heard you were kicked, why though?"

"It's a long story..."

"Is the Aaron guy from next class your boyfriend?"

"uhh, no. He's my close friend"

"Are you a virgin?"
