-Chapter 11- It eez what it eez

Random Story Facts:

Oliver is the youngest but have more braincells than his group of friends


The class turned their heads to Alexis, who was leaning his face to his hands, smirking at Oliver's angry expression.

How in the world did I not notice this big piece of garbage!

Oliver's hands turned into little fists. He couldnt accept the fact that he was busy eye-fucking his handsome, young teacher that he didn't notice Alexis staring at him the whole time. Mr. Cahill faked a cough as he sternly gazed at Alexis.

"Mr. Kings, that's not a very good questi-" before Mr. Cahill finished his sentence, Oliver blurted out the most convenient answer he could think of. Something that will make the pervert leave him alone. And that is, "No"

The whole class bursted out of laughing when they saw Alexis' soul left his body. Realising that Oliver didn't even bother to sugar-coat his answer but what makes him pissed is that Oliver was already marked and touched by another man.

Ha, lies. As if i would actually let someone in my pants. Oliver smirked, failing to realise the handsome guy staring at him with a big sheepish grin.

After some time of the class teasing Alexis, they were told to seat down until Mr. Cahill noticed something. He placed his hands and his waist, eyeing his students who was looking at every direction, except Mr. Cahill's intense gaze. They fidgeted to their seats as Oliver was helplessly looking around, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Didn't I told everyone that you can't change seat mates?"

The class didn't answer as they were busy looking at the walls. Even though many of the students weren't scared of him, he was one, well screw that, he was the only one who was respected by the students because of his patience and understanding personality, so no one usually dared to disobey him.

And disobeying him actually has many consequences, the first one that you will actually regret it for a long time and the other...There is a huge fandom in their school that is dedicated to him, even though he doesn't have a single clue about it. So you'll have dozens of fanboys chasing after you for the whole week.

Mr. Cahill gave up at looking at his students and sighed. He slumped back to his seat and gathered all his scattered papers. It hard to be a teacher, let alone be a teacher in an all-boys school at a young age with nearly half of the students eye-fucking you everyday.

"Well, none of you admitted so I guess I'll have to change your seats, again, for the 5th time this month" the students quietly groaned as they packed their scattered school supplies. Some are already saying goodbye to their friends.

As Mr. Cahill was busy instructing the students, Oliver was gripping on his pen, praying God that his lucky card isn't expired yet so he wont be picked to sit with Alexis. Come on, God. Please just this time! I promise that I won't watch bl hentais that often! Just don't make me sit with a pervert. I know you love me, God.

He anxiously waited for Mr. Cahill to call his name as Samuel grinned beside him. He already knew what happened with them because Alexis tells him everything he knows because Samuel is his personal diary. He sometimes grin uncontrollaby when he imagine the scene in his head.

"Oliver Acremann..." Oliver's head shot up to meet Mr. Cahill's eyes as he impatiently waited for him to continue. "you can sit with Dylan Jacks"

Oliver almost screamed from his joy as he grabbed his bag and waved goodbye to Samuel, who was pouting at him.

He can sense there's something weird at how Samuel's pout suddenly turned into a smirk but he ignored it and headed to where Mr. Cahill is pointing. I knew it God!! You love me! Sorry if maybe I can't do my promise, but I'll try.

After a while of meeting his seat mate,

Samuel has been told to sit with Alex is but he's got other plans. He walked towards Mr. Cahill and waited for him to notice Samuel

"Mr. Cahill, im sorry but I can't sit with Alexis because its too far away from the white board and I can't see things that is 1 meter away from my face"

He chuckled as he erased Samuel's name from his paper. Gazing for a moment to check out the noisy students "My bad, I forgot you have a poor vision. Where do you want to sit then?"

Samuel grinned brightly to Mr. Cahill" can I please seat beside Dylan? I won't cause any trouble" he said as Mr. Cahill nodded at him, erasing Oliver's name and replacing it with Samuel's.

"so due to something important, Oliver, please switch seats with Samuel" he immediately snapped his head towards Samuel's seat mate and what he saw makes him feel like God doesn't want him anymore.

He defeatedly walked towards the smirking bastard as he muttered to himself "God doesn't love me..".

Samuel heard it as he was walking past him, he tried not to explode out of laughing and went beside Dylan.

I'm so sorry Oliver, God loves you but sadly, I owe Alex a big one because he was the one who made both me and Nathan together.