-Chapter 12- Be gone, gay thoughts

Random Story Facts:

Samuel was sometimes called a gay magnet because every now and then, a random guy will confess his love to him.


"Stop that"

Oliver groaned, slapping away Alexis' hands that were travelling towards his legs. He still couldn't get over the fact that out of all the students in the class, he was unlucky enough to managed to sit with this unfairly hot bastard.

"Not my fault that God made your thighs too attractive" Alexis tried to flirt but was painly ignored by Oliver, who was paying attention to Mr. Cahill's face. Obviously just staring at him but not paying attention to the subject.

Oh come on Oliver. I'm way more attractive than that nerd. I didn't even know how he managed to be the teacher when he's just a year younger than me. Alexis slumped back to his seat, threwing some paper balls that were thrown in his desk.

Almost all of the students in the classroom where just staring quietly at Mr. Cahill. It just stunned them at how kind and gentle his voice are, how his thin plain white shirt didn't do a very good job hiding his muscular body, how he randomly slicked back his hair that made them swoon over him more, and how educated and trully hard working he is.

He's just naturally gorgeous that it made them wonder what kindness did the earth do to have him. And yes, the boredom made them think about this,

And there's some students who pay no attention to him, also know as those 'there are no other handsome men in here exept me' persons, which was Alexis. He just could not understand that some people think Mr. Cahill is much more attractive than he is. Which is one of the reasons why he's pissed at the sight of Oliver dreamingly looking at Mr. Cahill when he can just dreamingly look at him.

He leaned in closer to Oliver, who was still focused on their advisor, failing to notice Alexis staring at him again, 3 inches away from his face.

Alexis huffed silently. Getting a little pissed that Oliver kept on ignoring him.

Goodness gracious Oliver, you're the only one who actually ignored me for the longest time in my life. People just couldn't ignore this face, yet you still choose Cahill's over mine. But are you actually thinking that I'd leave you alone just by ignoring me? Oh no hot stuff, I deadass wanna sleep with you after I saw how amazingly flawless your body is.

Oliver managed to break his gaze at Mr. Cahill and found Alexis staring hardly at his body, which somehow made him feel like Alexis can see his nude body under the thick fabric of his sweater.

He shuffled uncomfortably around his chair which succesfully broke Alexis' intense stare. He looked up to Oliver's confused eyes and inched closer to him.

"I want to sleep with you" he randomly blurted, waiting for Oliver to react.

After some time of thinking whether was it just his imaginations or reality, He looked Alexis weirdly as he went back to look at Mr. Cahill "How about I make you sleep forever"

Alex is was about to say something back but Oliver immediately cutted him off, obviously not wanting to hear anymore dirty things he have to say. "Just focus on the lesson goddammit"

"Oh? I can say the same to you.." He raised an eyebrow to Oliver, who was still trying his best to ignore him.

"Because last time I checked, the lessons are not written in Mr. Cahill's body" Alexis smirked, as he didn't fail to notice Oliver's face reddened by being caught eye fucking his teacher

"Fuck off, atleast his body was more appealing than yours " he said as he tried to defend himself.

"Bet you won't be saying that when 'this body' fucks your virgin ass"

Before Oliver could rant, the school bell rang across the hallways as harshly opened doors echoed through the room.

The students immediately started packing their belongings. Even though they felt quite sad for leaving Mr. Cahill, nothing could beat the satisfaction of leaving a classroom without learning anything.

Oliver glared at him and packed his scattered things, Not giving a glance to Alexis who was proud of himself that he managed to get the final roast from Oliver.

"Acremann, can you stay here for a bit? I need your help for something"

All of the nosy students looked at Oliver, who was still absording Mr. Cahill's words.

Once he snapped out of his dirty imaginations, he walked towards Mr. Cahill's desk, hearing some of his classmates mumble.

"You're a luck one"

"Don't choke too much"

"Oh come on dude. Its nice to share"

"Invite me next time"

He felt his cheeks go red as he tried to hide his face with his books.

After some minutes, the huge classroom was now filled with silence.

Mr. Cahill was changing his clothes at the corner of the room. His bare back facing his direction as the sun highlighted his masculine body.

He went to the teachers desk and casually leaned on it, waiting for Mr. Cahill to finish changing.

Oliver rested his eyes, trying really hard not to look at him. His heartbeat increasing every second as he mindlessly drift to his lala land where him and Mr. Cahill where going out and doing sweet couple stuff that they do in the books he read, until he remembered something.. Something important.

HOLY MCNUGGETS DID I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT DATING A BOY...oh lord, I was eye fucking him the whole class why did I just thought about this now w ha t d a f uk.


Oliver looked up confused to Mr. Cahill, who was walking closer to him. His heartbeat increasing drastically as Mr. Cahill placed his hands on the wooden table, trapping Oliver between his arms.

Oliver's mind went blank as he looked closely into his brown orbs. Silently admiring his unique feafures and how he smell like strawberries. His body began to act on its own and inched closer to him.

"Applesauce..." Mr. Cahill spoke. Oliver immediately stopped inching closer and awkwardly faked a cough

"Um what?" he mumbled, looking at every direction except the attractive guy in front him.

"My applesauce" He said as he reached a bottle of freshly made applesauce behind Oliver.

He removed himself away from Oliver as he picked up a silver spoon that was on the table.

"Do you want some?"