-Chapter 13- A new rival

Random Story facts:

Alexis was secretly Mr. Cahill's favorite student before because they're very close friends but they suddenly started hating each other.


"Why did you ask me to stay, Mr Cahill?" Oliver started, trying to forget his dumb actions toward Mr. Cahill. He removed himself from the teacher's table and stood in front of his teacher,who was too occupied from the applesauce.

"hmm?" he hummed, picking up his some pencils that were scattered on the floor while holding his applesauce oh his other hand.

"Didn't you ask me to stay to help you for something?" Oliver repeated, biting his bottom lip out of habit.

Mr. Cahill placed his half-eaten applesauce and went over to his desk, picking up the huge stack of papers and dropping them into Oliver's slim hands.

"Can you please help me check those up? I don't really trust the other students because they change their friend's answers. And don't worry about your next class, Mrs. Peterson is sick today so she won't be there" He finished off, grabbing his left over applesauce and finishing it in one gulp. Oliver nodded at him and dropped the papers into the nearby desk, huffing a tired breath even though he just carried it for 30 seconds.

After some time of Oliver examining the papers, Mr. Cahill leaned down behind him, trapping him again with his muscular body. He gave out the answers as Oliver his best not to look like a fool again and listen to him.

Mr. Cahill placed his arms on Oliver's shoulders, leaning in closer to understand the confusing chicken scratch hand written notes of the students.

"And also, don't call me Mr. Cahill, it sounds like some old man. Just call me Sage" Oliver hummed in response, not wanting to look at Sage in his eyes because their face would end up inches closer.

He inhaled a sharp breath when he felt Sage shuffle through their position and leaned in to his sensitive ears, "Or you can call me daddy for sho-"

His sentence was abruptly cutted when the door suddenly slammed open, reveling a smirking Alexis, quite proud of hinself when he saw Sage's pissed off expression.

"Mr Cahill as a very concerned student of yours, I came to tell you that you're late on your class next door" He said as he gave Sage a very bright smile that made Sage secretly roll his eyes.

He clicked his tongue and smiled as brightly towards Alexis, not bothering to move an inch for Oliver to escape his grasp, "I gladly appreciate your act of kindness but I'm still busy so please tell them to wait a little moment"

Alexis rolled his eyes, pissed off at the fact that he knew Sage so well that he know that Sage wanted Oliver to himself too.

"Jay's back at it again on treating Charles like a punchingbag and now he's lying on the floor, hardly breathing" he said bluntly, crossing his legs and leaning on the doorframe to give him a space to exit the spacious room.

Not this again..., Sage thought as he went over to his desk and gave Oliver a piece of paper which contained the right answers, incase Oliver forgot about the correct answers and just randomly check all of the it, "I'll be back, if you're done arrange it on my desk and thank you, Acremann"

Oliver nodded, his mind drifting back to remember what Sage was saying before the unfairly hot bastard slammed the door.

Was he telling me the answers? Yeah probably that.. And what a lame reason on making me do this, does he thought that I don't have many friends? Well he's right but that's not the point, Oliver thought and went back to finishing his duty because he already wanted to eat after finding out that the cafeteria sell pork ribs.

After getting some first aid kits and calling some teachers to help, Sage rushed towards the next classroom, leaving Alexis alone with Oliver.

"What are you doing? We're late to class" Alexis asked, picking a random pen in the ground and throwing it to the other side of the classroom for no reason at all.

He looked up to Alexis and sighed, "What's the point, the next teacher isn't coming anyways and why are you still here?"

"Because as you said the next teacher isn't coming anyways so I'm bored and I have the urge to annoy you" He said, sitting beside Oliver and snatching some papers on his desk. Oliver clicked his tongue and faced Alexis, who was laughing at his classmates attempt to write an essay.

"Go annoy someone else" Oliver rant, grabbing back the papers that was almost torn apart from the sudden pressure. Alexis huffed, leaning back on his chair and played with Oliver's  hair, curling it with his fingers as Oliver tried to slap it away. "What's with you and being so salty" Alexis grumbled.

Oliver stopped writing and looked him dead in the eye, he grab Alexis's wrist and yanking it away from his hair, "If you aren't so dumb and barged into my room, I would've been nicer"

"I didn't know Sam Sam would randomly have a roommate, and whatever you say, I would never regret every second I saw" Alexis smirked, caressing Oliver's cheeks that were starting to turn pink, "Ugh fuck off. Just be glad that I'm tired enough to not call the police"

Alexis laughed at him, removing his hands from Oliver's pale cheeks and arranging his chair to completely face the small child as he mocked at him, "So what are you gonna say if you actually called the cops? That you were so busy dancing naked that you didn't notice me innocently eye-fucking you" Oliver's blood started to boil as he harshly slapped a handful of papers and a red pen in Alexis' face, "If you're here just to mock at me, atleast be usefull"

"Jeez, I'm just kidding. Slap me with a paper anywhere you want except this gorgeous face." Alexis rant, rubbing his cheeks as he hoped that it didn't get any papercuts.

After a while of them surprisingly checking the papers silently, Alexis got bored and handed the left-over papers at Oliver. He leaned in beside Oliver and rested his head on the hard desk, examining Oliver's cute features as he tried so hard not to launch himself at him and kiss Oliver until he drop, " Sooo what do you say?"

He stopped writing and looked confusedly at Alexis, who was has his eyes closed as his hands secretly travelled  towards Oliver's thighs.

"Say what?" He asked, slapping Alexis' hand away and picking up his pen that rolled down to the table.

Alexis opened his tired eyes and leaned over towards Oliver who was already curling his fist incase Alexis tries to kiss him.

"Will you sleep with me? " He whispered, leaning in closer to Oliver as he closed the gap between their lips.

Oliver quickly gained his senses and slapped Alexis again before he could kiss Oliver, earning a childish rant from Alexis "No fucking way, go fuck a donkey or something" Oliver argued as he left his seat and walked towards the teacher's desk, placing the huge stack of checked papers.

"So mean. I already told you not to slap my face" Alexis huffed and stood up to left his seat "Well, see you on the voting lines then, I'll make sure to vote for you, hot stuff"

Oliver curiously glanced towards him but Alexis already left the room, leaving the small boy clueless, What voting lines?
