-Chapter 14- Surprise, Surprise

Random Story Facts:

Samuel and Alexis are close friends ever since middle school.


"How come did Mr. Cahill became a teacher when he's only a year older than us?"

"Hmm.. Honestly, nobody really know either, he just started teaching last two years ago and everyone thought that the council was insane for transferring a student just like us" Samuel replied, munching on the 3 patty burger while his boyfriend was beside him, amused that he can eat all of those when his body is like a small teenage anime girl.

They were eating at the cafeteria now, with Aaron and Nathan, gossiping about everything while Nathan was being quite moody because his boyfriend is talking about how attractive their teacher is.

"One last thing, What is this voting line that my..um classmate is talking about?" Oliver asked, stealing some fries on Aaron's plate when he was looking away.

"Oh yeah, the voting lines.. Ughh hope they're not gonna vote for me this year." Samuel sighed as he gulped the last drop on his soda. "On GrayDale, there's a thing called Les Mignons. Where the 10 persons are assigned to wear girlish clothes for one day once a month for a reward. Seriously... I don't even know why the council let us do it, they must be going insane" Samuel finished off. He grabbed his scattered tray while his boyfriend helped him by carrying his phone and books. "See ya. We're gonna be late on our next class"

"What a dumb voting competion" Aaron blurted out, fishing out his phone in his pockets and playing with it for a while. "But in some way, it's kinda interesting, don't you think so Oli?" Aaron glanced at his friend, who was too occupied with his pork ribs.

"Hmm, I don't know. But I had a pretty bad feeling about it. And don't tell me you're going on that way" Aaron calmly shook his head, eating some fries that Nathan gave him. And yeah, ever since Samuel found out that he liked Galaxy of Warfare Lords too, he told Nathan, who was also a big fan of the game, they immediately became friends, leaving Oliver all alone with his bl books. Surprisingly, Aaron didn't don't mind them being in a relationship and even secretly gave Nathan some condoms to tease him.


"Oh Holy fuck." Samuel and Oliver both said as their names where one of the highest among the voting lines.

"How the fuck did they even know me?! It's my first day what the fuck?!" Oliver exclaimed. He can't believe that ever since he went to this school, all his luck left him.

"Oh come now people! I've been joining that shit for 3 YEARS NOW GIVE ME A GODDAMN BREAK" Samuel rant, almost throwing a chair on everyone but luckily his giant boyfriend caught him on time.

As Aaron was busy calming down his two little angry friends, he caught something spectacular with his own two eyes. "holy fuck what a cute goddamn ass" he mumbled under his breath.

His eyes trailed on the boy's body that felt quite.. Familiar. After some time of having a small battle with his eyes because it kept looking at his butt, he looked up to check the owners face.

Oh, he's the guy who bumped on me last Saturday...He thought as he realized what he was thinking and shook his head. How did I even remembered him. I don't even remember what I ate last morning.

But as Aaron went to his small angry friends again, the image of the perfect ass still lingers in his mind.


"How long are you gonna be angry?" Nathan patted his back. The four of them went to the nearest Mc Donald's and skipped their classes because of Samuel whos still pretty angry because he totally dislike being one of the members of Les Mignons because apart from the center of attention, he will be touched by other persons other than his boyfriend.

"AS LONG AS I WANT TO" Samuel huffed, shoving his fries into his mouth.

Nathan sighed and placed another 3 nuggets into his plate, "How about now?".

He stopped ranting for a moment looked into Nathan's soft and worried. "10 hours"

Nathan playfully rolled his eyes and placed his untouched fries into Samuel's plate, "How long are you still gonna be angry?"

"30 minutes" He mumbled, a smile succesfully creeping out of  face as his boyfriend laugh at him for trying to hide it.

Nathan leaned in closer to him, smiling at how adorable he is even when he's angry and childish. He gave Samuel a quick peck as he grumbled on his seat, not satisfied about the short kiss, "How abo-"

Samuel didn't wait any longer as he launched himself into him and flodded Nathan's face with kisses, completely forgetting about Oliver and Aaron who was grinning like idiots on them.
