Chapter 15 Unexpected Twist

Random Story Facts:


"So you might be wondering to yourself, 'why the actual fuck did they pick me?' Well news flash, dumb fucks! They voted for you because you're too hot to be kept hidden among the shadows of unattractiveness of the world, Nows your time to show your true beauty beacuse you are now officially all new members of Les Mignons!! " The school spokesperson finished off, giving some members a very tight hug

"Yay. " Samuel sarcastically said as he took a bite on the drizzling chocolate cake.

"I can't wait for it to start. Wohoo. " Oliver joined him, stuffing his face with his huge stack of mochis and chocolate sticks.

"Sadly its tomorrow morning" Samuel sighed as he leaned back to the cushioned chair and rested his eyes. "I can't wait for it to end" He mumbled.

There are surprisingly a huge amount of people inside the room because 3/4 of them was just there for the food like Aaron who managed to sneaked  inside and was devouring the steaks.

"So nearly half of our members are transferees so let me introduce you the rules. First of, The more men you seduce the bigger the prize..." The spokesperson started of.

"Gosh I deadass wanna switch schools right now" Oliver huffed, pissed off at the persons who decided to vote him off.

Oliver looked around to his fellow members, who has a huge smiles on their faces. Why the actual fuck are they smiling? Do they have a kink for being eye-fuck by many guys or something? Weird. All I wanted on this damn event is the rewards beacuse free food for 5 days? Hell yeah!

"Wait what will happen to you guys if you didn't participate?" Aaron asked, putting some steak in Samuel and Oliver's plates.

"You'll be fined 1000 Dollar to contribute on the school or you'll be named 'coward' for the rest of the school year. They are pretty serious about this." Samuel replied, taking a bite from the stake.


"Hey hot stuff"

Oliver stopped on his tracks, facing the annoying bastard as he slowly walked closer to Oliver, "What do you want, buttwipes."

Oliver already left the party because it was getting quite boring and the spokesperson kept on talking which was getting very annoying. He was walking his way to his dorm all alone because Samuel said that he would spend the night with his boyfriend.

"Hmm..I wanna ask if you wanted to make a deal with me" Alexis started, grabbing Oliver's slim shoulders and cornering him on the wall.

"What deal? If its gonna involve you asking me to fuck again, then sorry but you're wasting my time" Oliver said, slapping away Alexis' huge veiny hands from his body and continued walking towards the long empty hallways but was abruptly stopped when Alexis grabbed his wrist and cornered him again, putting small Oliver between his arms as he leaned in closer to met Oliver's warm chocolate orbs.

"Not all I ever think about is sex, sweet face.. Well you're right but that's not the point. The point is.." Alexis caressed his cheeks, down towards his pinkish lips. Oliver was standing there, frozen at his position as he tried to fight the urge to look into Alexis' eyes.

Alexis tilt up his chin, making them look into each other's eyes. Oliver would never in his life would admit it but, he was very fascinated at how naturally flawless Alexis's face is. And how soft his lips looks that it makes him want to..

"Serez-vous à moi (will you be mine?)"

"What now?" Oliver asked, forcing his eyes to look around everywhere except the handsome bastard that was pinning him. What the actual fuck is he saying?, Oliver thought, as he squirmed to escape Alexis but he wouldn't bulge.

"Sam Sam haven't told you anything about Un beau?"

"He isn't in a good mood lately so no" Oliver replied as Alexis backed away from him, giving him space to breathe. He sighed heavily and hooked a piece of paper in his jeans, giving it to Oliver who slowly opened unrolled the paper.

"Un beau is also a group of students with 3 members and they were like the most attractive students that was personally picked by the teachers. They have the choice to pick their own Les mignon member as their mate. When you're mated with a Un beau, you are not allowed to be touched by any of the students except your mate." Alexis finished off as Oliver nodded at him, returning the paper because Alexis already told him the whole details.

"So I'm asking you again, will you be mine, Oliver?"