Let's get them married


A loud voice echoed the whole house making the elder flinch, he turns around to see his daughter running down the stairs. He signs and stands up already knowing the cause of her sudden tantrum. She approaches him and stood in front of him with her hands folded around her chest. She glared at him but he didn't back out as he too stood stern on his place with his type of dominant glare.

She starts feeling intimidated by her dad's glare. "You know i-it is not fair. You know how much I wanted to get admitted to that university." She speaks stuttering under her father's intimidating gaze. William signs and looks away then at her. "And you know I don't want to do that but I had to and I did. You will study online and graduate. That's it!" He says with his dominant tone of voice.

"But Dad! I understand that you love me but isn't this like torture for me? I am an adult now. I am 19 years old now. Please let me study at a university with people around." She says whining against her dad but he stood firm with his decision. She felt hurt and much more indefinable emotions inside her but all she did was pushed them away, bottled them in a corner of her heart. But she had no choice. This is what she had to do... to survive.

"This is not fair..." She runs away towards her room with tears making their way out of her eyes. Sarah did watch them from the corner and was silently tearing up. She approached her husband from behind and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turns around to meet Sarah's teary gaze which broke his heart even more than it already was. Yes, they had done so much to protect their daughter from her misfortune.

They had handed their company under Oliver till she turns 25 and moved out of the town. They bought a house in a slight rural part of the country with less civilization but adequate facilities. William often remained out of his house to handle their company with Oliver, but he often took a long vacation while Oliver handles the company. It often happens after their company got merged into one and because of their hard work, It was going famous and successful day by day. They were quite proud of the outcomes of their hard work and they were sure in a few years their company would be one of the top companies in the whole country. William and Sarah had then given birth to their another daughter after a year of their arrival in their new house and named her Lauren. Lauren was a sister and only a friend she ever had so close to her. She was glad to have her.

"Don't worry honey... Jamie will understand us. She just needs to escape her cruel fate then all will be fine. Hmm?" He says caressing her face within his palm and wiping out the tears making their way out of her eyes down to her cheeks. He showered her with few kisses all over her face, receiving a giggle from her which brought a warm feeling within his heart.

"But still... we still haven't said her anything about the marriage thing. Do you think she will agree?" Sarah says looking straight at his eyes with much pain and sadness.... only for her daughter dear to her life. He smiles and grabs her hands and peck them. "She has too. This is the only way she can live a peaceful life. And we will make sure she does." He replies flashing an assuring smile to his wife so that she could stress less. "But all this is worth for her... Thanks to Oliver and Barbara. They were like a source of light for our darkness." Sarah says with her smile fading away. William nods his head and caresses her hair. "I still can't believe it... Barbara was the one to plan all this.. but, She is not here to see all of this going so well."


The two couples were now seated in the living room, all tensed over their current situation. Sarah was silently crying and Barbara was busy in her thought. While the two other males were discussing what they should do.

"Do you think we can find her a perfect boy to marry off? Moreover.. who would want to marry her.. if she disguises herself as a guy." William signs and caresses his forehead with his index finger.

"But...It's not possible. I mean if a boy is ready to marry her as a boy then... that boy must be probably interested in boys rather than a girl. And our baby is a girl." Oliver speaks out his opinion which for sure made William more hopeless and worried about his daughter's life. William groans pulling on his hair. The two women, silently listen to them bickering with each other. This for sure was a lot of stress and hard for them to solve. With every sec passing by, they grew more hopeless. They were not sure what to do to save her life.

It was then Barbara spoke

"Why don't we marry our children to each other in the future? Hmm?"


"What..?" Sarah spoke once she gets out of her trance, she was in once she heard Barbara. Barbara turns around to face Sarah, who was already staring right at her with wide eyes and wide-open mouth. Barbara smiles seeing all of them shocked and confused.

"I mean... look my boy he is like two years older than your daughter. When she turns 25, My boy will be 27. Then we can marry them off. "

"But why would your son marry my daughter, he obviously would think she is he. He is not gay." William speaks not getting her point of view. "Who said he has a choice, let him think we married him off to a boy. He will find out she is a girl once they get married." Barbara replies with a shrug and wide smile on her face. Oliver then glances at his son peacefully sleeping on the couch beside him, then up at his wife. Then a small smile creeps up onto his face.

"I see no bad in it. Why don't we make them fall in love with each other?" Oliver says receiving a nod in return from his wife. Sarah then burst out laughing listening to them. "Are you okay?" Barbara questions Sarah's unusual behavior. Sarah shakes her head no in response. She stops laughing with her wiping out her fake tears.

"What were you thinking, Sarah?" Oliver questions with a brow raised in amusement.

"No...I Just imagined Ethan being grumpy and yelling at you for marrying him off to a boy. I even imagined you two dragging him with his hands and legs to the aisle." Then Sarah continued laughing while Barbara glared at her. The two males shook their heads no in disbelief. Moreover, she was crying just before. How fast could this woman change her emotions? They all laughed at her as Sarah was busy laughing at her imagination.

"Okay...I will stop," she says snorting in between her laugh.

"But I don't think Ethan will agree..." William says with a concerned gaze. " What if he fell in love with someone else?" He continued.

"Same goes for our girl too.," Sarah says. "No, You are going to keep her within four walls of your house. Pick up a suitable area for settling, and business? Leave that to us." Oliver speaks.

"What do you mean..?" William questions.

"I mean let's merge our company and let me handle it till you settle. Then after that lets work together." William nods his head agreeing to Oliver's idea, He smiles.

"And let's sign a contract for our merge and their marriage. Let's marry them in private and let them not know about each other for now. What if they hate each other because of all these?" Barbara speaks making the other three nod their head in approval. "Let's do that. Let get them together one year before their marriage without them knowing. What if they do fall in love?" Sarah puts out her thought and they all smile nodding their head.

"Then that's it! I hope everything goes according to our will." Sarah whispers loud enough for the other three to hear her, they smile and wish for their plan to get successful.


"No...She is watching over our children. Tho not from her but she still is... she loves them too much, not to do so." William speaks with his soft voice grimacing over his painful memory. She smiles nodding her head but their moment gets ruin when they heard the door being shut with a loud bang. They turn to the direction of the sound to see nothing but the door swinging to and fro because of the force. They still scan around and glance at each their to have their eye widen at the same time. Both of them rush towards her room to find it locked from outside.

They opened the door to find Lauren on the floor sobbing silently. Sarah bends down and engulfs Lauren scanning the whole room. "Lauren... Where is Jamie?" William questions concern laced over his voice. She looks up at her dad meeting his worried gaze. "She ran outside dad... I tried to stop her. But she locked me and went outside." She sniffs and continues "And she dressed as a girl... She wore my dress and went outside."

William signs and places his hands on his hips angered over Jamie's childish act. He had really put her in control till this date and kept her safe but as she slowly grew big, She started protesting his every decision, and this time it ticked him off. He felt anger rising inside him as well as fear of losing her. "Why won't she just listen to ME!?" He yells frustrated pulling on his hair. He then signs. I am going out to search for her.. you two go and look nearby. Make sure she is safe."

With that, he runs out of his house.


Jamie was running out with all speed she had. She never believed anything her dad said as it never made sense to her. She always wanted him to believe her that she is safe and she doesn't need to keep hiding. She never agreed to cut off her hair as she loved them a lot. So, She agreed to stay hidden inside the house. As she grew, her feminine character too started taking a toll on her body. She was growing more beautiful day by day. With beautiful and slender curves, eyes greenish-brown, plump lips, and a small but slender nose. Her face was heart-shaped perfectly matching her features and she looked really beautiful. It was a pity for her to stay hidden when she could rule the world with her beauty.

She had a pair of beautiful eyes, but those eyes were gloomy shedding tears of pain and sadness. She always wished to escape everything and to leave freely. She was unaware of the outcomes of her sudden act in sheer anger and despair. She had no idea what she was doing. She wanted to prove to her dad that she was correct but she did not know she was going to prove her dad correct risking her life due to her stubbornness.


"Ethan! Buddy! Hey!!" The boy yells out his name when he finds Ethan lost in his own world. He shakes him slightly to have Ethan flinch and back into the real-world out of his imaginations. "Y-Yea.," Ethan replies with his gloomy eyes. "Are you okay... What were you thinking?" Liam asks again being concerned over Ethan who was lost somewhere else.

"No..I am okay. I just miss my mom... This is the last place I was with my mom before she left me." He says taking in the scenery as his eyes start tearing up. Liam then side hugs Ethan but Ethan pulls him into a hug as he silently cries over his memories of his mom. Tho those memories were a blur and almost fading away, he still could feel a deep connection to this place where he once played with his mom and a girl as a child.

"Hey... it's okay.." Liam kept comforting Ethan. After a few minutes, he pulls back and wipes away his tears. Ethan then looks up at Liam who was looking at him with a teasing smile. Ethan nudges Liam with his elbow, Liam winch in pain while Ethan laughs. "Should we head back?" Liam question receiving a nod from the boy. They head towards their car and buckle up in their seat ready to drive away.

As they were driving away they saw a girl running in the middle of the road. Liam tried to stop his car but his car started speeding towards the girl. "Liam! What are you doing? Slow down! There is a girl ahead, can't you see?" Ethan says slightly panicked but when he turns to the side to observe Liam, he was already panicking and sweating out of fear. Ethan then looked in the front to see them approaching the girl. He yelled at the girl to move but she just turned around at the voice. Upon seeing the car speeding towards her she stood froze on her foot. She couldn't move tho she had a great urge to move her body from inside.

Ethan began sweating scared and tense because of the situation. He grabbed the starring of the car as his instinct. He then pressed his leg on Liam which was on the brake paddle and stepped on it hard enough to apply the brake. Just then the car stopped, but just in front of the girl. She flinched and fell back on her butt.

Ethan was panting really hard inside the car as relief rushed over his body once the car stopped. Liam too was panting hard and thankful for the girl, as she was all okay. While Jamie, on the road started tearing up scared over the incident that just occurred. Once Ethan calmed down, he exits the car and came out to face the girl with a brow raised.

"What were you thinking when I yelled you to move away! You could have died! Aish! Do you not love your life?!" He yelled making the girl flinch with his sudden loud voice. He was about to utter something more but stopped once he saw her crying. Liam too came out from the car and bend down on her knees. "Are you okay?" He questions her and she simply nods her head.

"And Liam? What took you so long to press the brake, Huh?" Ethan yells again pissed.

"I swear I did press the brake. But I couldn't as if the car moved on its own towards her. I don't get it why it moved on its own?" Liam says with a confused expression plastered over his face. But his words sure made the girl tense and scared and she started regretting coming out of her house. She then stands up straight tho she felt her legs wiggling because of the shock she felt. But she ignored those feeling and ran back towards her home scared to stay one more second out of her house.

[It's my fault... I should have listened to Dad.] She thought as she ran off from there, leaving the two boys there puzzled and shocked over her sudden act. They just stared at her figure disappearing from their sight.