Beginning of a new life

William keeps running away from his home looking out for his daughter, Jamie. He was not only panting from lack of breath but also overstimulation of his emotions. Fear, exhaust, sad, anger, all-consuming him at the same time. He desperately runs around the road calling out for Jamie. But he soon stops and struggles to catch his breath once he finds his daughter solitude running towards him. He felt a sense of relief coursing all over his body. He felt at ease but he frowns seeing his daughter in a panicked state. Moreover, she was crying loudly making him worried as hell.

Jamie runs into the elder's embrace, which calmed her down. She instantly felt safe and calm once she felt her dad patting her head lovingly. She wanted to apologize for her careless and stubborn attitude but she was too scared and weak to form a word out of her mouth. William pulls back and caresses her cheeks between his palm. "D-Dad.." She stutters with her quivering lips and trembling figure. William eyes her with much worry and love making her doubt herself. She hated herself for being such a burden and trouble them. She hated for not listening to them and making everything hard for them with her stubborn attitude and behavior. That was the moment when she made up her mind to follow everything her parents say and do. She would do anything they say as she also had a desire to live a happy life peacefully.

"Let's go home, shall we? We can talk there," he says smiling softly and caressing her hair. She nods her head wiping away her tears.

Once they reach their house, They found Sarah sobbing while Lauren was comforting her. Once Sarah caught her daughter's figure she jolts up to stand on her feet and rush towards Jamie, engulfing her within her warm embrace. Jamie hugs backs as she starts crying again. 'I-I... so s-sorry..." She apologizes sniffing and crying inside her mother's hold. Sarah shook her head no tho Jamie couldn't see her. Sarah kept patting Jamie's head.

Then they pull apart. "Are you okay...?" Lauren questions from behind her. She turns around to face Lauren and gave a subtle nod with a reassuring smile. Lauren smiles back engulfing her in her tight hug which she returns giggling. The couple smile at their daughters' bonding. They were glad to see them love each other and look after each other. They were just 2 years apart but they act as if they were of the same age, they were a perfect friend one needed for each.

"I am glad that you are okay. I was scared when you ran away. Thank god! Nothing happened." Sarah says smiling ear to ear. Jamie nods her head recalling the incident back then where she almost died. She felt bad when she realized how much of a stupid she was to make her parent suffer in pain and stress just because of her. She decided to hide that part to prevent them from worrying more about her.

"Mom...Dad... I decided something after a lot of thoughts." she says with a much serious tone making the other frown in confusion and anticipation to her coming words. "W-What?" William questions completely surprised by her sudden change. "I decided to follow your words... you wanted me to cut my hair to be completely disguised as a boy right?" She says making the couple nod their head in utter confusion and shocked displaced all over their face. Jamie signs. "So... I agreed. Are you not happy?"

It was then they started smiling, Sarah went to her husband and hugged him happily. Lauren jumped on her feet excited over the new change her sister had. They all were happy and seeing them happy made Jamie happy as well.

[After 5 years]

"So? What do you think should we start our plan? It's time now. Jamie is 24 years old."

Oliver speaks with a brow raised while William seemed to be lost in deep thoughts. William them glance at Oliver with furrowed brows and concern laced over his face. William signs and grabs the glass of water sipping it. He then put the glass back on the table and stand up walking around the room.

"Just don't stress yourself. Everything gonna go well. And must be at least for Barbara... We need to make sure it happens, for our children and Barbara." Oliver says with sadness laced over his voice. He felt his heartache as he recalls his wife. William approaches Oliver and gives a smile with a pat on his shoulder.

"Sure... But I think we need to make a better situation for them to be close to each other." Oliver signs then nod his head. " Let's then proceed with our original plan for now," Oliver says.

"Then when will we handle this company to Ethan? I guess it's the right time. And Jamie did complete her graduation too... She is good for the secretary post." William speaks with excitement gushing all over his body and veins. " Then... Next week? In the board meeting."

"Good idea. I am thinking to finally move over here from that place. I guess we should." William replies back half lost in his own thoughts. Oliver chuckles nodding his head. "Then see you next week at the meeting? I will head back and prepare to move here." He says walking towards the exit. "Do say hello to Sarah from me! And settle fast... we have lots to DO!!" He yells making sure William heard everything he said as he disappeared from the room.

Oliver signs and grabs the photo stand that he had on his office desk. He brought it close to his face and smiles at the picture of him, Barbara and his baby boy Ethan. He felt a drop of tear escape his eyes down his cheeks. But he cared less as he emerged in the memories of him with his wife. He missed her, every second... he missed her presence, her voice, smile, laugh, yells and many more.

[I miss you so much... hun. I wish you were here with me. If only you were here, you would be so happy. The moment came... And I really miss having you here. I love you.]

He wipes away the tears strolling down wetting his cheeks then smile within his thoughts.


"Are you saying for real?" Jamie jumped for joy as the news fell on her ear. She then jumps on her dad giving him a bear hug tho she was 24 years old. William chuckles hugging her back and patting her head. "Dad... I can't believe it. Are we for real moving to the city? I mean.. can I go and work among people?" Jamie says excited and happy to experience her new life in the city mostly among people which was new to her.

"Yes, we are. And I have already got a job for you." William says smiling proudly at her. Jamie grins mockingly at her dad. "What are you going to make me do online jobs?" William gags at her question then glare at her. "What?! I thought of giving you to do decent jobs in the biggest company in our country but..." He says dramatically sulking towards the end making her laugh at her dad. "But What? You don't want to?" She questions with a brow raised as she was still playfully mocking at her dad. He nods his head rolling his eyes. "But I can consider your thought dad, it must have been hard to find me a position in our own company?" She laughs loud as she saw her dad glaring at her and looking defeated.

"Okay Stop! You won. So? Will you accept?" William questions with a playful smile on his face. "Of course I should. You did so much work for my job and I don't think I will be excused if I say no." William giggles finding his daughter funny at how she easily defeats her with her words. He somehow felt proud of himself for having such a matured daughter who grew perfectly as he wished for.

"So? When will we move? I can't wait to move out of this jail." Jamie says with a smirk but the older rolls his eyes and stands up from the couch. " I am sure it was much better than that word you used my dear. But We will be moving out tomorrow. Get your things packed. I have informed your mom and Lauren. They both are busy with their own packing." He walks out of her room.

"OMG!! Finally!! Owo... I am going out of this place. I will be living around people. I can make friends and travel to more places. Ahhh!! I am so excited. I can't wait! I can't wait!"