The new CEO

The people are walking around prying over the sudden news of having a new CEO in their company. This was a piece of total shocking news for them as not even one had thought the two best people who are still quite young and good enough to handle the company were getting down from that post.

William and Oliver had done many efforts to bring their company to that level and to still keep it steady making more profits and success. It was a total disappointment in their opinion as they were not sure who the new CEO would be.

"Do you believe? I heard the new CEO is very young!" One of the workers says with a displeased expression.

"Is it? I don't think the new CEO would be good enough. Hah! Should we resign before that happens? What if this company goes bankrupt?" The other says expressing his own opinion with a mocking glare.

"Haha... At least he would be handsome. I wonder what he looks like?" One of the lady workers says interrupting the male workers' discussion. They look at her annoyed while she was still in her thoughts with dreamy eyes. They shake their head no in disbelief.

"You and your crazy imaginations. Calm your self Sally!" one of them reply her making her roll her eyes at them and turn around on her seat focusing back on her assigned work.


"Dad! Is it necessary for me to do this?" Ethan whispers making sure his voice only reaches his dad's ear. Oliver turns around and nods his head with a serious gaze. "Yes! Now come on! Don't wanna get late in your first meeting, right?" Ethan signs and walks behind his dad sulking and cursing at his life.

They then exit the house making their way to the car which they were using today to travel to their company. Once they enter the car, Ethan gets surprised seeing Liam seated in the passenger seat and smiling at him. He gasps smiling wide at the other figure and signs in relief.

"Thanks, Dad! I love you so much!" He says engulfing his dad into a hug while Oliver eyes his son in confusion. "For what?" He questions, Ethan pulls back and smile glancing at Liam frowning at him.

" For having him as my secretary. AH! I thought I will die being bored there." He says excitedly but frowns when Liam and Oliver start laughing out loud. "W-Why are you both laughing? huh?" He stutters pissed over them making fun of him. He was not sure why they were laughing at him.

[Did I say something wrong?] He thinks to himself watching the other two trying to control their laugh.

"N-No... I-I am not your secretary but I will be around you. Don't worry." Liam says still struggling hard to control his laugh but seeing a pissed Ethan was not what he wants at this moment, so he does his best to subside his laugh.

Ethan, however, glares at him seeing how he was struggling to stay calm. "You will get to see your secretary soon. Are you that excited?" It was not Oliver's turn to mock his son who was getting annoyed at them.

"No! I don't even want to see you both! I just want to get inside my room and sleep." He yells while the other two burst out into laughter. The diver now joined them while Ethan just scoffs and turns around to the side and looks out of the window ignoring their annoying laugh and presence.

"Okay then! Let's move." Oliver says while the driver nods his head starting the car. The car ride goes painful for Ethan due to the constant mocking and teasing of his cousin more like a friend and his dad.


"Are you sure you will be fine?"

"Yes, MOM! I ensure you that I will be completely fine. Moreover, Dad will be there with me." Jamie replies with her arms raised in the air as she exclaims seeing her mother getting protective over her once again. Sarah nods her head signing as she still felt somehow scared to let her daughter go out on her own. She felt a conflict within her.

But she just shrugs off her conflicts and focuses on her daughter in front of her. Jamie was dressed properly in a shirt and pants followed by a suit as it was her first day. She checked herself in the mirror combing her short-hair. She smiles admiring her boy-like disguise and she was proud of her look.

"Ahh! Mom, don't you think girls will fall for this look and this face?" She questions with a laugh escaping out her lips. "Of course! My daughter is very handsome." Sarah says then laughs at her own words while Jamie chuckles admitting her mother's word.

"Make sure to bind your chest so that people don't assume you to be a girl? And Behave as a boy." Jamie nods taking in all her mother's words. She was used to hearing this from her mother ever since they moved to this new place. "Yea... mom. I already did that and yes I will behave." Jamie replies.

Then the door to the room burst opens with Lauren entering inside with a big smile. "Dad is waiting for you outside. Are you ready yet?" Jamie nods her head smiling then makes her way out of her room. She grabs her boot and walks downstairs. She then wears her pair of shoes and makes her way outside of the house. Lauren and Sarah follow Jamie out with a small smile on their face.

"Aww~ Is this my handsome daughter?" William jokes once he finds Jamie making her way out of the house towards him. Jamie giggles nodding her head. They both exchange a hug then part away. "Take good care of her!" Sarah whispers from behind. William nods his head and pulls Sarah close pecking her forehead lovingly. Sarah smiles with a pink tint appearing across her cheeks.

Jamie and Lauren chuckle seeing their parents being romantic but the couple clears their throat flustered. They all share some minutes of laughter then William and Jamie head inside the car bidding a goodbye.

The car leaves their house premises heading toward the company. "Make sure you hide your identity okay? Even don't let Ethan know what you are. Hum?" He says facing Jamie while she just nods her head. "Okay, then all set. Are you ready?" He questions glancing back at his daughter.

"As ready as ever I could be. I am really excited about this Dad. This is my first interaction with people and moreover, I am working myself." She says smiling happily as her minds take her to her imaginations where she could herself at the top. She grins at herself and then glances back at her dad.

"Do you think I can do this? Do you believe in me?" She questions catching William's attention. He averts his gaze from the newspaper on his hand and looks up to meet her determined gaze. He smiles and strokes her head lovingly. "I believe in you. I for sure know that you will do your best and make me proud." She nods her head smiling brightly at her Dad.

"I will for sure dad. Just wait and watch!" William smiles then turns around paying his attention to the newspaper in his hand reading the current affair of the country. She then observes the view out of the car amused over the tall buildings and infrastructures. It was probably her first time traveling in such a big city with tons of people surrounding her.

This thought got her excited as she could feel her body getting excited over this new feeling. She was happy. This was much less to describe what she was feeling at that moment. She felt like she was flying with the air hitting her face from the window. She felt alive. She felt alike. She felt comfort within her.