Meeting someone

The hall went noisy once Oliver steps inside the company with Ethan and Liam following behind. People started murmuring and talking about the two figures tagging along with the current CEO. [Who is the CEO of the two of them? ]This was what going on inside the brain of each person they passed by.

"Aww~ Look at them. They are so handsome!"

"Yea... they both are so handsome."

"I prefer the smiley one. Another looks cold."

"But still he is handsome. I prefer anyone from them."

The lady staff started commenting on their looks which were one of their concern. They began squealing at their own thoughts. When they passed by them, they even blushed and some pretend to be faint. And all laughed together before heading to their own work. While the male staff observed the female staff squealing making them puck in disgust.

While some rolled their eyes slightly jealous. As soon as they disappear from the lobby making their way to the lift, the commotion of the people slowed down. People started engaging themselves in their own work getting over the talk of the day.

"Did you see all girls were eyeing me! I told you I am more handsome." Liam says making the other scrunch his face in disgust. Liam laughs rolling his eyes at the younger's expression. "Whatever, I don't care. I am not fond of those... Like YOU!" Ethan says mocking Liam as Liam scoffs while nudging his shoulder with Ethans'.

"Behave you two!" Oliver yells as he listens to them bickering like small kids. "He is at fault!" Ethan says as he tucks his tongue out at Liam as Liam just glares at him rolling his eyes. "Sorry Uncle. This kid here is annoying." He says simply shrugging off while Ethan scoff offended. "How dare you!?" Ethan says intensely glaring at the smirking Liam.

"Stop! Now no more bickering. What are you? A child? Behave, Ethan. You are already 26 years old." Oliver says signing at the end. He then turns around walking ahead with a pouty and frowning Ethan following behind. Liam takes a deep breath following them.

Oliver opens the door and makes his way towards the front of the mass. The workers and members of the directing board stood up welcoming his presence. He then looks back from his shoulder making sure the two followed behind. As he sees them, he turns around and greets all the present members.

"I see you all are present here." He says scanning the rooms and smile as he finds William gaze upon him. "Okay, so I guess you all know the sole reason for today's meeting?" The members nod their heads and he continues.

"So Here my son, Ethan will be responsible for the company's welfare from now on as I decide him to take over the company. If you have any questions then please proceed." As he says this the rooms get silent and Ethan makes his way to the front beside his dad. The members observe Ethan and his facial structure which yells cold and strict.

The image they had created for this new CEO got crashed once their eye found Ethan. Most of them couldn't utter anything afraid of being thrown out.

"I see this is your son, Mr.Bryne. I wonder if he can actually handle this company as you and Mr.Grimes did." One of the board members speaks glancing between Ethan, Oliver, and then to William. "As you see, Mr. Brown. OUR Son, Ethan is quite capable of handling everything. So don't worry, he will prove you wrong." William speaks with a fake smile mockingly and makes his way towards Ethan and pats his shoulder lovingly.

Ethan returns the gesture with a small smile feeling overwhelmed by the elder's words.

"But why is it not your son? Mr. Grimes. I heard he is here."One of the members of the group spoke trying to create despair between them. But what that person didn't know was that they were much far from such feeling.

People always thought Oliver and William might end up splitting and some even tried creating misunderstandings between them. But it was not easy when they had deep faith and trust within them. Such gossips and talk were useless for them.

William signs rubbing his forehead then looks up facing the people. "You see... Um... I don't have a son. " The whole room gasps upon hearing this statement from him.

"What? I have seen you coming to the company with a boy." Another of the staff speaks. "AH... That. He is like my son but not my Son. But here Ethan is my son. I see him as my son, You see. And I am happy enough to handle this company to him." He speaks as the room went silent.

The members and staff glance among each other and keep their heads low not daring to speak up anything.

"So? Any more doubts?" Oliver speaks grinning from ear to ear glancing at his friend. He expressed how proud he was to have him shut others making them unable to speak up. "No. Mr. Bryne."

He then nods at the statement. "So I gladly announce Ethan to be the new CEO of our company." The whole room echoes with the sound of claps. Ethan bows his head down showing respect to the older members who were congratulating him for his achievement.

But still, Ethan had a fake smile plastered on his face tho it was not that noticeable. The staff feared if they were gonna have a bad year with him being their new CEO."Now about the vacancy of the financial director post... I have assigned a person. You will know about it soon at the next meeting." Oliver ends the meeting. As the meeting gets dismissed and all make their way out of the room.

"So? Are you ready for this?" William question with a smile on his face. " Yes, Uncle. Thanks for the support. I won't disappoint you. I promise." He replies back with a small smile which was genuine.

"And Make sure to keep your staff in control with that attitude of yours'. You are doing great. Today I realized we let them too much freedom." William says again making Oliver laugh while Liam snickered from the side. Liam's snicker caught William's gaze as he turns around with a brow raised and a questionable gaze.

"Aha... He is Liam Bryne. Son of Mr. Mason Bryne."Oliver replies making the two younger laugh at his statement. "You could have said he is your nephew. I would understand, wouldn't I?" Oliver shrugs laughing at his friend's reaction. "Nice meeting you, Liam!" William says smiling at the younger.

"Same goes for me. Mr. Grimes." Liam replies with much respect. "Just call me Uncle as Ethan does." He replies. "Okay."

"So where is he?" Oliver questions with an excited tone, as he was eager to meet Jamie. For sure, he is going to see her after a complete 4 years. He was excited and eager to see her. "Aaa... Waiting in my cabin." He replies with a shrug. "What are we waiting for then?" Oliver says walking towards the door.

"Wait... Dad. Where are we going?" Ethan speaks confusedly as he remains clueless about why his father was so excited? "Just follow me. You will meet someone there." He says making his way out of the door. "Let's go then, shall we?" He questions the two as they nod and follow William out of the room.

"Uncle... Who are we meeting by the way?" Liam questions. "We are going to meet Ethan's secretary!" William replies while Ethan signs in dismay. He really didn't want anyone to assist him as he didn't want to get involved with others.

He first was relieved when he thought Liam would assist him but when he found his guess wrong he was completely gloomy. He just hopes to have someone who would be less annoying and just focus on work rather than him and his matters.

[I guess I have to adjust with whoever that person would be. Please god make sure I do not kill that person.]

He signs walking behind the elders with him conflicting with his own thoughts.