Sudden visit

The next day follows by with the sun shining brightly up in the sky, covering the whole world with brightness. People began with their daily lives and work. Some out for delivering the newspaper, some jogging while most dressed up in proper attire with a bag and making their way to their destination. Likewise, moring for the Grimes family came naturally with the couple sipping coffee in their lawn. Lauren was busy tossing around on her bed deep in her sleep while Jamie was busy fondling with her closet for proper work attire. Once she decided on an outfit, she makes her way to the washroom readying herself for her long day.

With a fresh shower, She comes out looking as stunning as ever. She stands in front of her mirror and examines herself. "This world is surely missing a beauty... only if I could show them. " She signs turning around and looking herself at the mirror. "But for sure... I look to good even as a boy. " She laughs at her own words. She then glances at the clock on her wrist and exclaims in surprise. "Oh! Shit! I am gonna be late." With that, she rushes out of the room making her way downstairs. She grabbed the keys and walked out of the house making her ay to the car. She smiles once her eyes fell upon her parents acting lovely-dovely and turn around taking a seat then drive off.

She finally reached her office, just a few minutes early. Sher made her way to the cafeteria. Once she enters the cafeteria, she prepares a coffee for herself and one for her boss in the coffee vendor. She returns back with coffee on her both hands. On her way, some of the staff greets her. She had been much recognized day by day for her pretty and cute face as well as behavior but mostly as a secretary of THE EVIL BOSS. She had been friendly with them as much as she could so that she could mix herself in the new environment with less effort.

As she reaches the door to the office, she tries to push the door open with her hands trying not to spill coffee but she stops as a hand appears pushing the door for her. She stares at the hand and slowly looks up meeting the eyes of the person standing in front of her. And that person was none other than her boss. They had their eye on themselves as they couldn't see anything around them, both lost into each other. The door produces a creek sound as his hand was holding it. The sudden sound distracts them from their starring contest. They both felt a sudden hit of embarrassment at that instant. Ethan clears his throat and brings his hand towards his neck grabbing it slowly trying not to show his flustered state. Jamie looked everywhere except him.

"Um... Are you planning to stand here or what? Get inside!" Ethan yells startling Jamie as well as himself as he was not sure why he was telling all of a sudden. "Sorry, sir." She says hurriedly making her way inside. She then places one cup of coffee on his desk and move to her own desk and place it. She then walks to his desk and stands there waiting for him to assign her with work. "What?" Ethan speaks with a brow raised not understanding the meaning of her standing in front of him.

"Um... What should I do today?" She says looking at him in the eyes.

[Why am I getting so nervous under his gaze? Aish!] He speaks to himself as he keeps looking at her.

"Sir?" She calls out for him as he seems to be lost somewhere. "Yes?" He replies more like a question. He feels flustered but he regained himself with his cold facade.

"First tell me my schedule." He says making her nod her head. She turns around on her feet and all to her desk. She grabs a file from the desk and all back to the previous position. She opens the document and scans it before raising her head. "Today you don't have must work to do. Just two meetings, one with the merchants' group and the other with Mr. Chen. He decided to finally complete the deal. " Ethan nods his head and turns his wrist around glancing at the watch. "When is the meeting?"

"At 10 Am with merchants and 12:30 with Mr.Chen." She concluded closing the file. Ethan nods his head in acknowledgment.

"Okay then. And what about the progress of our new project?" He questions

"About that... It's going well as you asked for. The deal with the engineers' had been done and they will start their work soon. And we need to have a field inspection soon as the work starts." She concludes receiving a nod from him. "Good then. And can you please bring me the document of this project from the team leader also can you bring me another cup of coffee on your way here? It's already cold. " He says playing with the cup of coffee.

"Yes sir. " She makes her way out grabbing her and his coffee. She disposes of them in the bin nearby and heads to the team leader, leader of the group assigned with this project. She alk al the way to the elevator. She enters inside and clicks the button to the required floor where all the staff sits and work. As she makes her way out of the elevator, she walks towards the team leader. All the staff walking pass by her stop to talk to her or just to greet her. As she was walking she heard a voice call out for her.

"Hey! Jamie!!"

Having that voice slightly familiar, she fell into deep thought. When she couldn't grasp who that person was she turned around to face the owner of the voice. She saw a smiling Dylan in front of her. Just then she remembers her uncle warning her to stay away from the man standing before her.

[It would be impolite to just walk away but how am I gonna avoid him?]She just talks to herself trying to come up with an excuse.

"Hello... Dylan." She says trying to smile a little. "Oh1 Great! You remember me. I thought someone pretty as you wouldn't." He says with a flirty smile and Jamie controlled herself not to choke.

[Guess what? Uncle was right. I shouldn't have accepted his offer.] She signs with a fake smile creeping over her face.

"Haha... But I need to work. See you. Bye!~" She says turning around and making her way to the team leader. She could hear him calling out for her but she tried to act as if she never did hear.

"Mr. Lee. Boss wants to ponder on the recent project file, so he had asked me to fetch the file." She says once she reaches the team leader who was busy working and typing on his screen. "Oh! Okay. It's ready." He says handing her the file. Se smile and bow her head then walked away with the file on her hand. She then walks to the cafeteria and brew coffee. She returned with a file and two cups of coffee on her hands.

She opens the door and walk over his desk and place the coffee and gave him the file. He takes it and starts going through it. Jamie alk to her desk and take a seat. She signs and looks out of the glass at the sky. She sips the coffee as she enjoys the view.

Just then the telephone on her desk rang catching her off guard. She flinches and gathers herself before picking up the call.

"Yes?" She questions then pause listening to the person speaking on the other line.

"Aaa... Okay. I will inform the boss... Yes. okay."She says hanging up the call. She stands up and moves closer to Ethan. "Sir." She says and he looks up from the document.

"I have been informed that we will have Mr. Bryne here in one hour." She replies slightly excited to meet her uncle after a week. While Ethan seems confused to why his dad was visiting him all of a sudden.

"What with a sudden visit...?" He whispers to himself.