For Me?!

In a busy city, with people rustling here and there, some distributing their business parchments across the road, cars passing by with many sounds and hurry while some walking around. There came a lady figure in presence walking calmly with a smug face. She makes her way to the cafe nearby and enters inside. As she enters inside, She started looking around. Just then a hand raised above indicating its presence. The day smiles and approaches the seated figure and takes a seat in front of him.

"It's good meeting you after a long time. How are you, Mary?" The figure speaks with a fond smile on his face. Mary smiles. "I am good, George. How are you and Emma?" She smiles and questions him after she completes her reply. "We are fine as well."

"And what about Liam? It's been long since I saw him." He speaks with a chuckle following by. "He is good as well. And yes he has grown a lot since then. " She says giggling while the other nods his head. "So, What made you come back here... Brother?" She questions with her brow raised while a smile never left her face. "What do you think?" He questions back with the same expression as she had. "Who knows what goes on your mind? I can just assume if it was for me?" She playfully questions backs making the other laugh.

"Of course one of many reasons. " He retorts back laughing. "But why are you alone? You should have brought Emma."

"I will be returning today, I just wanted to meet you. But... I am deciding to transfer my business here. So, I will back soon after a few months. Then we will meet again." He says intertwining his finger and placing his hand on the table leaning on it. "I see. Hopefully, It would be better if it happens soon. I will wait for you. " Mary says with a sigh escaping her lips.

" Tell me how is Liam doing?"

"He is doing just fine. His uncle has assigned him as head of the financial department. " She says with a sign leaving her lips again with a train of thoughts disturbing her from inside. "I see. But you don't seem to be happy. "He says with a raised brow. She scoffs rolling her eyes. "Don't act as if you know nothing, huh. " She says making the other chuckle.

Just then a waitress approaches them with a pad and pen on her hands. "Excuse me, Sir Mam would you like something?" She questions with a polite smile.

"NO. We are leaving, thank you."

"Okay then. Have a nice day." She leaves them with a bow. " Are you leaving now?" Mary questions slightly disappointed at the older's response. "Yea. I need to return back and take care of some business. We can discuss your problem after I return back. See you then." He says standing on his feet. Mary stands up and goes for a hug. "Sure. I will miss you, brother. Take care. " With that, they part away and make their way outside. They part aw3ay after bidding goodbye and walk to their own way.


"Hey, Lauren you okay. "

"Yes. I am why?" She questions back at them. "No, nothing. " Noah says smiling awkwardly.

"But I heard that one of the professors has been fired. " Zoey speaks catching the attention of the other two. "Why?" Lauren questions confused. "That I don't know. I heard it from my roommate. She said that he did something careless yesterday leading to him getting fired." The other two nod their head as they make their way to the class.

"Hey. I asked about that bad boy with my roommate. He told me a few of the things but still not that much. But I got to know his name. " Noah says smiling eye to eye but Listening to him talking about that boy, Lauren felt anger rising up inside her body. Zoey nudges Noah by her elbow trying to shut him so that he wouldn't anger Lauren more than he already has. Noah clears his throat laughing sheepishly. "Let's head inside. Or we... we will lose a seat at the front." Saying that he runs inside while Lauren signs following him with Zoey beside her.

They make it to the middle of the row and take a seat. As they sit, the atmosphere gets noisy. They could hear girls squealing around the hallway. They look at each other before averting their gaze to the door where the noise was coming from. Just then a figure enters with annoyed and carefree expression making his way to the back. Lauren's eyes twitch in anger once she recognizes who was that. Once he neared Lauren while walking to the back, their eyes meet. He smirks at her while Lauren gasps glaring darkly at the figure walking away from her.

Just then a girly voice was heard from behind.

"Ryan!! " The whole class went silent and watched the girl making her way to the said boy. Even Lauren couldn't stop herself from looking at them. The girl stands in front of Ryan with her hands on her knees supporting her body with pants and deep breaths. She then jerks head up to meet his eyes with a glare and gritted teeth.

"How dare You!!!"

She yells raising her hand in the air to slap him hard across his face but just before it lands on his face, The boy grabs her hand by her wrist. The whole class gasps as the crowd increase around them. All had their eyes wide open and jaws dropped at the attempt of the girl to slap the most popular boy in the university.

"What do you mean?"

Ryan replies with his hoarse bad-boy like a voice with an intense look. The girl beneath him felt intimidated but her anger and hatred towards him were much more to turn around and leave right away.

"How dare you fire my Dad just for that?"

She yells with her gritted teeth and again the whole class gasps murmuring among each other. Some were intensely watching while few were gossiping around and cursing for the girl. Ryan scoffed throwing her hands away making her stumble a little on her feet.

"What is with 'Just for that?' Do you think it is simple?"

He says with must rage in his voice. The girl still showed no sign of backing away from this. She groaned before speaking.

"Yes. The girl yesterday was not even hurt. Then why does my dad need to lose his job? Huh? Or was that girl someone so important to you that you fired my Dad in anger?"

She retorts back with much fierce and loud voice. But The words made Lauren froze.

[Are they talking about me? Am I that girl? No. No. How come he would do that for me. Hahaha No. No.]She talk to herself shaking her head with no wide wide eyes.

"Do you think driving a car carelessly is not of a bad thing? What if he does that again? I hate when someone takes such things lightly. Moreover, It was your dad's words that made me fire him. If not then I wouldn't have done that. Go and ask your selfish dad yourself. "

He says with his eyes throwing daggers at the girl standing in front of him. He scoffs and walks away bumping his shoulder with the girl's but as he walks down he eyes Lauren who had her eyes wide open and mouth gaped open. Ryan rolls his eyes at her but he sure smiled a little as he walked out of the room. [Crazy girl.] He smirks walking away from the class.

The whole class dispersed on their own seat once Ryan went out. That girl stood there with her fist clenched. She stomped on the floor with angered groans and curses. Once she gathers herself, she runs her hand through her hair and makes her way out of the class.

"Who might that girl be?" Zoey speaks grabbing the other two by their shoulder. They turn around facing Zoey. Noah shrugs while Lauren stays motionless. "I wonder but I really want to know who got that cold man's heart. " Noah says giggling while Lauren was still on her thought.

[It was for me... why me... Me?]

"... Me!? "

She yells making the other flinch.