Who is 'HER'?

"... ME!? "

She yells a bit loud making the students nearby turn around to eye her confusedly.

"What are you yelling for?" Zoey nudges her with a brow raised while Noah chuckles. "What happened to you Lauren?" Lauren groans with her grabbing her hair and banging her head continuously on the desk. "Why him? Among all him? OMG!! Ugh!" She keeps yelling just a little loud enough for them to listen. They both frown in confusion.

"Yah~ Why happened to you? Huh, te-"

Suddenly the professor entered the room making Noah stop with his words. All the students greet the professor as he begins the class. The other two clear their throat and focus on the class while Lauren only had her mind on him with the mixed feelings which she couldn't comprehend.


"Sir, Mr. Bryne arrived."

Jamie informs as she receives a call from the lobby about his arrival. Ethan nods his head busying himself with the paper works. Jamie then returns back to her desk with an excited smile on her face. She sure was looking forward to meeting her uncle. With the urge to run to him at the moment, she had difficulty focusing on the paper works she had in front of her.

Just when Jamie grabbed the documents dismissing her excitement, The door opened revealing Oviler with a happy bright smile on his face. Jamie stands on her feet with a wide smile and runs engulfing inside the older's embrace.

"Uncle!! I missed you. And I hate you too! You didn't even come to see me these days." Jamie attacks Oliver with her words while he stood patting her back with a small chuckle. While on the other hand, Ethan stood froze on his legs at the sudden affection and scene being created. He scoffs grabbing Oliver's attention. Oliver then looks at his son and smile waving his had at him. Jamie pulls away and looks at her uncle to see him smiling at her boss. When she glanced at her boss, she regretted it. She wished she had never met his eyes because they were trying to kill her at the moment.

Sensing the awkward tension, Oliver coughs making his way to Ethan.

"Why are you here dad?" Ethan's question with his stern gaze remained motionless, intimidating him as if he did wrong.

"I-I uh.."


After seeing Jamie throw tantrum at the house every day, made William a bit sad and hopeless. So in stress, William made his way towards Oliver's house. And at this moment, they both were seated on the balcony with a cup of coffee on their hands while their mind filled with thoughts.

"I am stressed. I don't know what to do at this moment. "

William signs leaning his back against the chair where he was seated.

"But are you sure they hate each other?"

Oliver speaks with hesitation to accept the reality- that reality is that they are failing. And this was not what they wanted. They really did need to do something At least try to unite them. If possible.

"They do. Every day Jamie comes home cursing your son. She even yelled that he is a Son of Satan. "

Oliver choked on his drink once he heard what William said. William uncomfortably shifts trying to suppress his laughs. "No. She didn't mean to call you Satan. She meant that Ethan is the son of Satan and he got replace with your son." He says trying to cover the situation and for sure it worked while Oliver started laughing hysterically.

"I can't believe her. She seems so innocent but she curses. Like really bad."

Oliver says making the other nod his head shrugging and they both laugh once there eyes meet. Once they both stop laughing, they take a slow breath but as their eyes meet again they start laughing their ass out.

"I can't believe, we are laughing like this instead of finding a solution."

William says trying to calm down.

"Haha... but what... what can we do w-w-when you tell me something much funnier than a joke itself."

Oliver stutters snorting in between but because of their laugh, the coffee dripped out of cup enjoying its freedom. And they had no idea when their cups emptied.

"But I wonder what will happen if Ethan heard her call him Satan. " William says, Oliver stares at him with a stern gaze and speaks. "If that happened Jamie doesn't need to wait for her birthday." With this being said they start laughing again.

"Okay. Let's stop this. And let's think of something." Oliver says with a heavy breath. William nods and grabs the bottle of water placed on the coffee table and drinks it. "But what should we do?"

"I guess I need to pay a visit before we decide anything. What do you say?" Oliver questions as an answer to William's question. William nods his head subtly. "Seems good. Talk to both and learn their behavior and thoughts towards each other."

"Okay then." Oliver response with a smile.

"Time to meet my Satan and your devil goddess," Oliver speaks again erupting laughter, and William joins as well making their moment memorable and funny. At least they did enjoy their time and talks.


"What dad?"

Ethan questions with a raised brow.

"Uh... I came so that I can see how you are keeping up with the work." He says walking over to the couch and took a seat. Ethan nods his head and takes a seat beside his dad. They share a hug and smile at each other. "Jamie, Dear can you bring me something to eat and a cup of coffee? I feel hungry all of a sudden." Oliver says glancing back to Jamie who had to observe them quietly after being glared by her boss.

"Okay, Uncl- Mr. Bryne." She says rushing out of the office once she got glared by her boss for calling his dad her uncle. Oliver playfully hit Ethan on his shoulder at his unusual behavior. And Ethan groans caressing the part where he got hit by his dad.

"Okay, I will be quick as I got something top question you. " Oliver says with a serious face. Ethan nods his head in approval but confused at the sudden change of atmosphere, mostly his dad's demeanor. "How is she?"

"She?" Ethan questions back totally confused at his question. "Aaa... no. I mean he? How is he?" Oliver curses under his breaths as he kept repeating his mistake. "Who?" Ethan questions, again totally unaware of his dad's intention. "Jamie who else! How is he? I mean how do you feel about him?" He questions looking at the door time and again and with an eager tone. Tho he really was eager to know.

"What do you mean by that? I don't have any feelings for that boy. " He says slightly taken back by his dad's word. "And what feeling are you talking about? Who would even like him? Have you seen him? Gosh, he is too feminine and he works really bad at communication but he talks as if he can own the world." He continues talking about anything that came to his mind. Oliver sure was dissatisfied with this response of his son.

"It's normal for her to be feminine... but why do you hate her?" He speaks again but he again with the same mistake of his which he had no idea. "What do you mean by Her? Look at you... I am sure because he looks feminine you too got confused. " Ethan speaks but Oliver's breathe hitches at he realizes his mistake. "Ahahaha... That just by mistake. I mean he is a nice kid. Why do you hate him? Just stop doing that he is someone very dear to your Uncle William. " He says trying to cover up his mistake.

"I can't promise but I-" The door opens with Jamie entering inside with a plate and a coffee on her hand. Oliver smiles and grabs the plate and place it on the coffee table in front of him. He does the same with the coffee.

"Thank you, dear." Jamie just nods her head in approval.