Can we be friends?

"Jamie dear, I know you are busy but I have something to ask. I mean I need to talk to you." Oliver says dragging Jamie with him to a confined room. He brought her to the couch and made her sit on it. He took a seat beside her. He then signs facing her while Jamie had been confused with him acting so unusual. "Uncle? Is something bothering you?" Jamie inquires worried and concerned. Oliver nods his head with a light chuckle.

"Really? Then tell me. What is it?"

Oliver clears his throat as he eyes between the wall and Jamie. "Actually I just wanted to see if you both are doing fine. I care about you two very much." He replies making Jamie smile brightly. "I know you are. And thank you for loving me so much uncle." Olivers shakes his head no gesturing her that she shouldn't thank him.

"But Jamie... Is it true that you two don't get along? Does he bothers you?" He questions making her sweat in nervousness. She was not sure if she should tell him the truth but she was not sure if this was a good idea. "Uh... I actually yea. We don't get along. I am sorry for this uncle. " Olivers chuckles patting her head.

"It's okay. But Don't hate each other. Try to be friends first. Okay?" Jamie nods her head with a small smile. "Actually ever since his mom died... he had distanced himself from people. And he had a girl in the past whom he liked and she left him too. He hates girls because of that. I just want him to be happy. I know once he will be comfortable around you, you will know how he really is. " Oliver says standing up and he glances down at Jamie. She was lost in her thoughts.

"Jamie, there will come a time when you may hate us. You may hate everything. But just know that whatever we do and everything we say are for you. I just want to live your life happily without that curse of yours. I love you like my daughter. And I want you to be safe."

He speaks again making the girl tear up with his words and affection. She smiles despite her teary eyes. She stands up and goes for a hug which he gladly accepts. He chuckles patting her head. "Now go and work properly. Make him see that you can work better than he had thought. Make yourself his favorite." He says but Jamie blush flustered by his words. "I don't know about favorite but I will surely prove him I am the best." Oliver laughs nodding his head at her statement.

"I guess the meeting with the merchants is over. Go and serve him. And for the meeting with Mr.Chen. It's a little important as he will be sponsoring for our new project. So best of luck! Fighting!!"

"Sure! I will do my best."

With that, they both walk out of the room. Once again with a hug, they bid goodbye. Olivers makes his way out of the company while Jamie head up towards the office. Jamie opens the door and head inside to see the office empty.

[He still must be in the meeting. I hope it went well.] She thinks to herself.

She makes her way towards her cabin at the corner of the room with a glass slit. Ethan had a problem with her being in the same room. As this was his dad's arrangement for him he couldn't deny this but he just made a slight change. He had ordered the designers to prepare a small cabin in his office room with a glass slit at the front and woods covering from the other two sides against the wall. It was quite a good style and was not that small for her to feel suffocated or caged. As the wall had a window providing her with bright light and fresh air with an amazing view of the sky and the world below her.

She gets herself busy with the review of the file and data of the new ongoing project. As this was her first work, she was all excited and giddy about it. She wanted to do her best to create something that she can get proud of later in the future. She then engaged herself in her work but her mind suddenly went to the moment when She was talking with Oliver. She felt sad hearing about Ethan and about him being betrayed by someone he liked made her pity him. She had never felt how it feels to like someone. What it feels to have a crush on someone. She never got to experience that she believes she can never. This hurts a lot. Somehow she wanted to help him escape that painful trance of his.

[But will I be able to make him open up to me? He hates me, even my presence around him bugs him. How will it happen?] She slumps down on her desk with her head resting on the desk. As she was thinking to herself in that very position she failed to observe some moment inside the office. The figure scanned the room and once his eyes find Jamie slumping on her desk making him a bit different. He was annoyed but seeing Jamie pouting as she moved her head to and fro, made him smile. He always questions why he had always this type of reaction for his secretary. And it was making him angry the more he thought about it.

He approaches Jamie with slow steps and stood on the door with his back leaned against the edge of the door. He clears his throat trying to grab her attention but she was unaware of his presence being lost deep inside her thoughts. He rolls his eyes at her and walks closer. He stands in front of her desk, he bends with his hand supporting him by the desk. He observes Jamie, but feeling uncomfortable he coughs again a little louder than before. And this time, Jamie hears him getting startled. She looks up towards the owner of the sound.

But as she raises her head, she found Ethan glaring down at her. She gulps looking at him shocked but none looked away. As he was looking at her with his stern look, Jamie smile awkwardly embarrassed. The smile on her face did something to him. He felt his stomach turning around with unusual feeling developing inside him. His eyes soften as he kept staring at her. Jamie felt attracted to his eyes which seemed to be talking to her. Telling her something but what? She had no idea. They both had no idea what was happening to them.

Jamie gets herself out from his spell which was to much for her to bear, she clears her throat trying to speak. "Sir?" She questions making Ethan flinch. He blinks his eyes gathering himself and he looks away. He felt embarrassed, he could feel his cheeks burning up with the heat. He tried to avoid her eyes as much as possible and say something that he could use to cover up the situation. But at that moment his brain was out of function, he couldn't think of anything and he was at a loss of words. Jamie felt awkward but she didn't want to stir up things.

For the first time in these past few days, she wanted to befriend him. Her inner self was forcing her to ask him if he would want to be friends. "Sir...?" She says Ethan looks up at her thankful for starting the conversation. "Yes?" He answers back heaving out a relieved sigh. "Um... I ... I wanted to ask... if you... I mean how was the meeting with the merchants?" Ethan scratches the back of his head with an awkward cough and speaks; "Good. I mean it went well."

"Okay then. It's good to know that." She replies with an awkward laugh. Ethan nods with a small smile on his face. He didn't even know that he just smiled tho it was small but he did. Jamie says his smile. She was happy thinking that they can be good friends as she kept hope for it. She wanted to ask if he would want to. He turns around walking towards his desk but he stops turning around as he heard Jamie calling out for him. "Yes?" He questions with a brow raised as he finally got out of that embarrassment.

"Can we be friends?"