If you hate him you will die

"Can we be friends?"

Ethan was completely frozen on his feet. He never in his thought had imagined for his secretary to ask him if they could be friends. With all these fights, glare, and yell going on between them he had never thought he would even consider such a proposal. But at this moment, watching a curious Jamie anticipating his reply made him think otherwise. It amazed him that he WAS considering being friends but he shakes his thoughts away not wanting to develop anything between them. He looks away and heaves a sigh of frustration as he was not sure what to do.

"NO! Do you think I... I would want to be your f-friend?!"

[Why am I stuttering?!] He curses himself feeling flustered for stuttering in front of his secretary. But seeing him hesitating Jamie sure understood that he needed time. She smiled seeing a new side of him. Ever since she talked with Oliver, she couldn't help but think good of him. Maybe because she felt pity? Or was it that? But that was what she thought.

Even after being rejected, seeing Jamie smiling made Ethan doubt her sanity. He was not sure why she was smiling?

[Was he hoping me to reject him? If not then why is he smiling like that? I have never seen one who becomes happy from rejection. Is he crazy?] He says to himself watching Jamie with a wide smile on her face. But what he didn't know was she saw through him and she was willing to make you open up to her as a good friend does.

"What? What are you smiling for?"

He questions slightly flustered, cheeks tinted light pink.

"Nothing. But I will make sure you accept me, Sir!" She says with a smile and His throat bobbed as he felt his body temperature rising slowly. He was blushing. "Whatever!!" He says walking away. Jamie giggles watching him walking out of the room. She then sits back on her chair and opens a file to go through it. But she couldn't concentrate on it. Her mind kept replaying Ethan's blushing and flustered face.

"Hehe... He looked cute blushing." She says just to be amused by her own statement. She felt uncomfortably calm and happy than any other day she had worked in here. She was not sure why it was but she was happy that at least she didn't need to have a bad day. She shakes her mind out of these thoughts and focused on her work.


"Mom~~ Dad~ I am home~~" She cooes making her way inside the house. This unusual way of speaking caught Sarah's attention, as she was downstairs in the kitchen preparing for the dinner. Sarah peeks her head out of the kitchen and looks at the living room to see Jamie smiling widely lying on the couch. She was very much surprised to see the sudden change in her.

[How can she turn into a silent angel from a devil queen? Maybe she had a good day.] Sarah laughs at her own question and returnS back to work. Soon Jamie makes her way to the kitchen.

Jamie speaks back-hugging her mother "Mom~ What are you making?"

" What do you think?" Sarah replies and Jamie stretch herself beyond Sarah's shoulder and observe her cutting vegetables. "I can see you are cutting vegetables."

"Haha. kay, you will know it later. But tell me why are you soo happy today?"

Jamie giggles back-hugging Sarah even tighter than before and snuggle her face deeper into her mother's back. "Just I had an easy day. Even we had achieved a good sponsor for our project." She says smiling wide.

"Then I need to congratulate my daughter for working so hard and achieving good results." Jamie nods her head from behind and giggle. "Go and fresh up. I will prepare for dinner." Sarah says and Jamie pulls away. Just then a loud voice was heard from upstairs.

"Mom!! Is Jamie back?!" Lauren yells making Jamie and Sarah exchange glance. "I will go and see her." Sarah nods her head and Jamie makes her way towards stairs.

"MOM! Is S-"

"Yes, I am back. What happened?" Jamie says making her way upstairs. Lauren widens her eye and runs downstairs. As she stands in front of Jamie and grabs her wrist dragging her inside the room. "Yah!! What happened?" Jamie, questions startled and surprised with Lauren's sudden behavior. Lauren drags Jamie and makes her sit at the edge of the bed and she bits her fingertips looking at her with delusion filled eyes. Jamie raises her brow anticipating what Lauren would say.

"I found out who that boy was."

"Who?" Jamie question unsure what Lauren was talking about.

"The guy who saved me from an accident! You don't remember?"

Jamie widens her head with an "Ohh yea. I do remember." as a reply. "And He is that Satan, who I had been cursing yesterday. "Lauren says, a groan following behind. "What? That guy who insulted you? " Lauren nods her head and Jamie chuckles.

"I feel like you two are gonna end up together like in dramas and novels. Tell me each and every detail okay?" Jamie says poking Lauren's waist with her elbow. Lauren playfully laughs glaring at her sister. "Say again," Lauren says with her gritted teeth picking up a pillow and hits her with it. Jamie laughs asking for Lauren to stop. And it didn't stop.

After one hour, they ended their pillow fight and laid on the bed with their chest heaving up and down with small pants. "Did you thank him for saving you?" Jamie says side glancing at Lauren who was comfortably lying with her eye closed. "No... Noah and Zoey asked me the same. But I couldn't bring myself to appear in front of him. Who knows what he would do?" Lauren huffs.

"You know he fired the professor who almost hit me."

"What?!" Jamie says all of a sudden sitting with her legs folded. "Umm... He said he hates people who are careless but it was not for me, don't think whatever." Jamie chuckles lying down back on the bed. "But who knows what the future holds? By the way who is he that he can fire someone?"

"He is the son of the principal of the huge uni I study in."

"Oh! It's normal that he is popular." Jamie nods her head agreeing to her own words while Lauren chuckles at her sister.

"Jamie!! Lauren!! Honey! Dinner ready. Come downstairs."

Hearing the call for dinner, they sprint out of their room and head downstairs. They rush down and take a place ready for dinner. William joins them.

"How is that I didn't know your arrival? Did you not shout?" William says earning giggles from the other while Jamie glares at him. William playfully raises his hands in air indicating his defeat.

"How was your day?" William questions and Sarah starts serving them.

Lauren replies, "It was good, dad."

"I had a good day as well. " Jamie replies with a small smile.

"I heard today you had a meeting with Mr. Chen. How did it go?" He questions with much curiosity on the said topic. "It went well. And Mr. Chen, he was impressed with our strategy and agreement. He was quite irked with the concept and the site. He said he would gladly sponsor us. I can't explain how happy I am feeling at its moment. It's my first work."

William smiles proudly at his daughter and nods his head in approval. "I am really proud of you."

"Thank you, dad."

"How is it going with Ethan? All okay?" Jamie nods her head and starts eating. "I believe you should stop hating him." Sarah nods her head agreeing with William.

"Why?" She questions slightly amused by their sudden words. William seemed struggling to form a word but what he said further was not he had thought to say.

"If you hate him you will die."