Lucky to have you


He says bowing his head and Ethan nods his head.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. Nice to meet you. " Mr. Lee says extending a hand which Mer. Chen returns with a handshake. "Same here. Thanks for the hard work. " He replies as Mr. Lee felt proud at the sudden praise. He nods his head bowing his head down then face his boss.

"Is everything here?" He questions observing other staff approaching them a hand full of documents and layouts.

"Yes sir. What should we do now?"

"Now go and check if the layouts we have matches with the layout engineers have. If there is a change, make sure to mend it. And about the contract papers, the company had made some changes you know that so make sure to enlighten the contractors. Now disperse. " He orders and the rest nod their head leaving one by one.

" Jamie! " He calls out making the girl startle. "Yes sir...?"

"Go and get us some drink. There is a mini-fridge in the van our staff arrived. "

"Okay, sir." Jamie rushed towards the van while Ethan now faces Mr. Chen. "I really hope you enjoyed your visit here. " Ethan says as a responsible CEO. Mr. Chen nods his head.

"I am but as I saw this site with my own eyes, I am relieved. I guess I should return. I have a meeting in an hour." Mr. Chen says smiling and patting at the younger. "I am amazed you being so young, the things are handled well. I am looking forward to more cooperation. So, I will take my leave. "

He says. "thank you so much. I am gladly looking forward to it. And thanks again for having faith in us."

"No, It's really okay. So, I am heading back."

Mr.Chen turns around walking towards his car. His driver opens the door for him to enter, and then they drive away. Ethan sighs and looks at the site admiring the imaginary building which he sure had made up in his mind.


He turns around to see Jamie with two cans of cold drink. Ethan takes one and opens the lid sipping it. "Did he leave?" She questions and receives a hmm as a reply from him. Then she opens the lid of the can she had in her hand and sips it moaning lowly with the ecstatic feeling arousing inside her mouth with the taste of the dirk. Moreover, the drink being cold itself was much more refreshing in the chilling atmosphere under the sun.

Ethan raises his brow startled and surprised at the sudden sound emitting from his secretary. He clears his throat trying to ignore her.

[why is his voice so sharp like a girl? hm, I wonder... What even am I thinking?!]

He looks away and spanks his head irritated by thinking absurd every time he is near Jamie.

[What is happening... ugh... this boy...]

"Sir?" Jamie calls seeing her boss behaving weird. "H-Huh?" He stutters.

"You okay?" She questions, Ethan nods his head massaging back of his neck and clears his throat. Then he looks away and sighs in relief.

"Sir The work is done. There was not much to do. " Mr. Lee says once he approaches them. Ethan nods his head. "Then should we head back?"

All the staff replied to him with yes and they walk towards their van. Then Jamie and Ethan make their way to the car.


"I knew that would happen. I just had to talk with them. " Oliver says smiling ear to ear feeling proud of his work. He and William had made a plan to talk again after Oliver's visit to the company. As everything was going well since then, they couldn't hide their happiness.

"Yes, you are right. I didn't have expected them to be nice to each other so fast. I salute man! You did something impossible to possible. " William says patting Oliver's back with a wide grin. Oliver nods his head and both burst out laughing.

"You know actually this is the time to toast a drink and celebrate and here we are drinking black tea. " Oliver says raising his cup in the air.

"Yes you are right but tea is not that bad either... especially for us. Cheers!!" William says clanking their cups and sipping it slowly. They eye each other and laugh again.

"But what should we do now? I hope they become friends now. " William says standing up as he walks towards the railing of the balcony as he admires the scene from the house and feeling fresh breeze hit his face.

"I know your daughter would agree but my son... I don't think he will... so easily. He hates girls." Oliver says slightly disappointed.

"Yah!! But Jamie... he thinks Jamie is a boy. He hates girls... But why?" William says processing Oliver's words.

"You remember right... years ago I almost paid for a girl. " Oliver says looking down at his feet.

"Umm, a little. Can you tell me again?" William says scratching his head. Oliver chuckles and nods his head.

"Ethan Liked a girl back when he was in high school. And that girl was not good... especially for him. I asked her if I give her money will she leave my son? And she didn't even think twice before saying yes to me. " William comes back and sits beside Oliver. "And then?"

"Then, unfortunately, Ethan heard that and he felt broken. He even asked me not to give her any money and she left and never came in front of us. Since then... he thinks all girls are the same. "

Oliver sighs as William pats his shoulder trying to comfort him. Oliver really did regret doing that at some point but he knew everything happens for the right. But what would have happened if he didn't say that? Would he be still like the smiling boy he was in past or would he be broken somehow later by the girl herself?

"But it happened for good. He knew how to see the world. He will definitely have someone who he will love. " William says speaking as a matter of fact.

"But he will have Jamie now and in the future. " Oliver says with a smile on his face.

" But Oliver if... if Ethan falls in love with someone else. I wouldn't want to bind him to our problems. He is also my child and I would want him to be happy. " William says as the smile falls off his face. "No... He won't. I will not let that happen. What about Jamie then? Saving her life matters... he may slowly love her. Trust me... he will. "

"I don't know Oliver. If that doesn't happen, once they get married... if they don't want to stay together. I will allow them to split for their happiness. " William speaks feeling a sudden emotion taking over him. He felt sad, a little too much to make his eyes teary with the overwhelming emotion.

"It's gonna be fine. We will make it happen. We have time and we can do this. I believe they are made for each other. Let us just help them develop a good relation and rest... leave it to their fate. "Oliver says reciprocating the same emotions.

"Yes, we will try... I wish it happens the way we want. I just want my children's to be happy." Oliver nods agreeing with William. They both look at each other and smile leaning for a brotherly hug. They hug each other patting each other's back and comforting the other.

"I also want you to be happy Oliver... I know it was hard for you. You have done so much for me... my family when it was not even your problem but you were with me with us. I owe you my life. I really mean it and I am so lucky to have a brother and a friend like you. " Oliver chuckles as he tightens his hold on William and within a second, tears started streaming down his eyes wetting his cheeks down to the chin and landing on William's shoulder.

William felt his shoulder wetting by seconds, "Are you crying, Oliver?" William says with his shaky voice, he tries to pull apart but Oliver holds him tight. William could he slow sobs and sniff.

"You are right... it was hard... very much. And I missed her so much. I still do. I love her so much. " William pats his back trying to calm him down. "You, Ethan, Jamie, Lauren, and Sarah... you all were the reason I stayed alive. It is all thanks to you that I could stay strong. Not only you but I am glad that I have you. One day... even if I leave this world sooner... I will look after you all with Barbara." Oliver chuckles as he felt William hit his back.

"Yah! Stop with the nonsense. I don't want that to happen. We still have to see our grandchildren. " William says. Oliver pulls back wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. "Aaa... Yes. I totally forgot. How can I die before seeing my grandchildren!"

At this, they both laugh silence covering them as they both were lost in his thoughts.

"I guess I need to head back. Take care. I will visit you soon again." William says standing up with his hands in his pockets. Oliver to stands up and nods his head.

"Come I will walk you out."

Oliver says as they make their way out of the house.