It will be so much fun... crazy girl

Lauren rushes out from the class with emotionless expression but inside she was burning in rage. She didn't want to show her ager or lash out to others except for the sole reason for her anger- Ryan. She walked passed by the students with her eyes on the floor observing her legs catching up speed as she makes her way out to peaceful surroundings. Just as she was walking she heard her name being called out. Being acquitted to that voice just before, it was not so hard to determine who that was. Once she got the owner of the voice, she felt her anger rising up to its limit or even exceeding it.

"Yah! Crazy girl!"

She tried to ignore it as much as she could, she makes her way up to the rooftop of the building. She just wanted to have an alone time up in the rooftop so that she can calm herself down. She rushes up the stairs and soon the call was not heard. She sighs in relief and walks upstairs. Once she reaches the door, she halts and grabs the knob turning it around and entering the rooftop.

She closes the door behind her and moves forward. Once she comes upon the railing to the end, she looks around and down to see many students and professors walking around. She closed her eyes as she raises her head up and feels the cold breeze. She inhales slowly and a smile forms on her face. She lowers her head sighing in irritation as the image of the professor yelling surfaces across her mind.

"Ugh!! That asshole! If only... If only I could...ugh!!" She curses stomping her feet on the floor and hands clenched in a fist at the side.

"If only you could what?"

She flinches startled by the sudden voice invading her space. She snaps her head towards the direction of the voice just to be surprised. She had assumed he had left her or he had missed her before. But no she was wrong, he was standing, no, leaning against the door with a smirk on his face and hand-folded around his chest. She was speechless with this sudden appearance of the boy she least wanted at the moment.

"Ryan... What are you doing here? " She says under her gritted teeth. Ryan looks at her with wide eyes which turned into a look that had a mocking smile and it was irritating her.

"What!? Why are you following me?" She yells again just to receive a snicker from the boy before her. Seeing her getting angry and her gritting her teeth were an amusing sight for him. He had never seen such a girl who would have talked back especially to him. He even believed if she got a chance to hit him she wouldn't go back. And this very fact of her was something he found interesting. The more he sees her, the more he seems to get into her. He believed he would have a thrilling and amazing year ahead with this new girl who would be his victim.

He had obviously thought of different things he could do to her and make her suffer. Seeing her getting angry and lashing it on him, was something he wished to encounter every time they met. He sure was not going to back out. It was just too entertaining for him.

"Tsk. Tsk. Calm down, crazy girl. "

He says detaching himself from the door he had been leaning on and walks towards her. She frowns feeling somewhat bad aura coming from the way he was walking and his eyes looking at her as if she was his prey. She walked backward slowly getting nervous by his sudden action.

"W-What are you doing...? Yah!! Don't c-come close. Stay there!" She yells moving backward but Ryan just smirks walking forward. "But I am amused you already know my name, crazy girl. I should know too. What is your name?" He says tilting his head, both walking on their own.

"Why should I? It's not that I investigated and your name is everywhere, I just heard. I am not interested in telling you my name. And stop calling me Crazy girl. I am not!!"

Lauren yells with her chest rising up and down, Ryan just laughs shaking his head. Lauren frowns.

[Is he insane? OMG!! Where did I do wrong to have come across such a psycho!!]

Lauren groans and she pushed him away from her. He stumbles back on the floor. He laughs looking up at her. She tries to run away but he grabs her hand and she stumbles down on top of him. Lauren yelp in surprise as she lands on him, her both hands supporting her placed against his chest. She slowly opens her eyes, she raises her face up, her eyes meeting his eyes which were staring right at her.

She felt her stomach curl and twist inside and her body started heating up at the close proximity. She felt bewitched by his eyes making her unable to detach herself from him. He smirks as he felt her looking at him. As she realizes in what position she was, she starts to wiggle around trying to free herself.

"L-Leave ME!! " she yells but Ryan holds her close to him making her breath hitch. Ryan felt so good having her in his arms. All the things he had in his mind to torture her left once he got lost in her eyes. Ryan loved how she fitted in his hold. For the first time in his life, he felt such feelings for a girl and it amused him.

She was nervous and a little scared at this moment. She had no idea what he would do. And that scared the shit out of her. She felt herself trembling inside his hold. Ryan felt a sudden type of emotion hit him when he saw Lauren trembling in his hold. She had her lips quivering on the verge of crying. He had not expected to see such a bold girl break down. He felt conscious of his act. He loosens his hold around her waist.

[Did I do too much? Oh..No..]

Ryan stayed seated on the floor while Lauren escaped from his hold once she felt his grip loosening. She stands up distancing herself from him. Ryan stands up feeling guilty of his action. He tries to approach her but he halts when he felt a tight slap landing on his cheeks. He raises his hand and places them on the cheeks he just got slapped and slowly turned his head to see Lauren trying to gulp down all her tears and be bold.

He knew he had done something he shouldn't have. He felt sorry for that. But he was not someone who would apologize even more show his weak side to anyone. He loved to be bold and stay in power, dominating others. This current situation was too much for him. He needed to act strong, he couldn't let Lauren see his emotion tho she deserved to know he was sorry. How much she would hate him, he didn't want to be him.

He scoffs looking at her. He approached near as she backed away. " I-I said... stay away you bastard!!"

Despite her shout, he still approached her. Lauren was breathing heavily.

"This has never happened in my life. You dare to slap me. Now see how I will pay you back." He says slowly bending down to match her eye level. She had her breath stuck in her throat as he again comes close to her. She felt as if she didn't know how to breathe.

"And We still have... detention. See you there, crazy girl. "He says with a smirk.He approach closer and Lauren shut her eyes close and head bend low. He went near nad ear and whispers " It will be so much fun... crazy girl."

He blows her ear making a shiver run down her spine. He detach himself and walk away from there leaving a trembling Lauren behind to cover her rapid heart and emotion.