A detention with Asshole

Lauren was taking slow and deep heavy breathing resulting in her chest heaving up and down with her breath. She was panting and sweating with her mind going wild with thoughts. She still had few classes left but she had no will to attend any. But bunking class was not something she would do, and it made her have a second thought. Just then her phone rang grabbing her attention. She wiped her sweaty palm against her shirt the cleared her throat trying to make her voice steady. Tho she was still not over the incident that occurred before.

She checked the caller ID to see Zoey calling her. She presses the green call button and places her mobile against her ear with her still trembling and sweaty hand.

"H-Hello?" She stutters tho she tried to remain as calm as she could. She could hear Noah talking on the other side of the call, asking her where she was. She slightly smiles as she observes the rooftop.

"Where are you, Lauren? The class is finally over. Are you okay?" Zoey asks concerned for her friend. Lauren sighs as the image of her in Ryan's hold surfaces her mind.

"Y-Yea... I am fine. "She replies.

"Lauren where are you right now? We are heading to the cafeteria. " Zoey says again expecting Lauren to join them.

"I don't have an appetite. I am taking fresh air at the rooftop. You go without me. "

Lauren says with a sigh. She was hungry... a lot but she had no courage to see Ryan after all the things that happened between. She hated that but she likes it too. She hated that she felt nice. She hated that she was thinking about the moment when she was close to him, look deep into his eyes. she hated to assume that he was feeling the same. She hated that she got toyed."But-"

"No buts. Just go. I will come down to the next class. " Lauren speaks up cutting Zoey and then she ends the call. She slid down against the wall. She had her head raised as she examined how fine the sky looked at that moment as if it was trying to comfort her. She felt warm inside her heart but cold by the breeze flowing around. She felt it perfect combo to chill her anger down, as it was refreshing and fuzzy.

"what did she say?" Noah questions as he observes Zoey eyeing her phone with worry. "I don't know... She said she doesn't want to eat and hung up. I feel strange."

"But where is she?" He says curiously.

"At the rooftop." He nods his head at her response.

He grabs her hand and says "Then let us join her as well. " Zoey widen her eye nodding her head. With her approval, he pulls her upstairs. They climb up the stairs and open the door to the rooftop, they walk around searching for Lauren. At the very corner of the terrace, Lauren was seated down on the floor with her eyes up...on the sky. And she seemed deeply lost in the clouds and sky.

They both glance at each other with a small smile. Then they walk towards her. Noah smiles and glances back at Zoey. He then raises his index finger against his lips betokening Zoey to remain quite. Zoey nods her head smiling. Noah slowly approaches Lauren like a cat does when it approaches a mouse- it's prey. Zoey smiles following him from behind. When he reaches near Lauren, He bends down a little extending close to her ear.

"BoOOooOOo!! "

He yells near her ear.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" She flinches scared by the sudden noise and a mere presence beside her. In an instance, Noah was on the floor while Zoey was laughing out loud upon the unfolded scene in front of her. Lauren had kicked him when she got startled and it hit him hard on his male part leaving him a groaning and whimpering mess on the floor. Lauren bit her lips as she realizes what she just did. She bends down on her knees and walks to him.

"A-Are you okay?" She asks him feeling guilty of her unusual response. Noah did not have any courage to speak as he was lost in his pain lying on the floor groaning and holding his aching part.

"I am really so sorry. " Lauren apologizes as she gets no response from him except painful groans. Zoey now was beside Lauren watching Noah whimpering. Noah slowly sits on his butt with his legs folded and few gasps and groan escaping his lips. "I-I am okay. Don't worry. Hehe. " Noah says slightly embarrassed with the turn of event. And to be the least it was really painful for him.

"Still... I am sorry. " Lauren says heaving a sign.

"Are you okay?" This time Noah question because this was the main topic of concern. Lauren sighs and flashes a fake smile nodding her head. "I just wanted to calm myself. It's refreshing here."

"Yea. I agree too. The view from the railing is pretty beautiful. " Zoey says approaching them. She had made her way towards the railing once Noah calmed down. She was astonished how pretty everything looked from there. The hills covering their town made the scenery even more serene for her. Lauren nods her and Noah shook his head in disbelief.

"Should we get back down? The class will start soon. " He says glancing between the two girls and his watch. The other two nod their head. They stand up grabbing their stuff and make their way downstairs closing the door securely.

"By the way, you really did create a scene in the class earlier. " Noah says giggling. "Yes. I was amazed at how well you two get along." Zoey joins Noah with sarcasm. "Whatever!!" Lauren says rolling her eyes. "Is was his fault in the first place and he kept irritating me." Lauren continues recalling the event from the class earlier.

"But I thought you were gonna thank him. " Zoey says frowning at her. "Thank you my ass!! I am never gonna thank him. Hell, I don't even want to see his face. Asshole!!" She yells loud enough for the others to hear. Once she completes her statement she freezes as she felt all eyes on her. She gulps and clear her throat and run to the class. The other two laugh at her yelling with no care but seeing her walking further away they follow her.

"Hey!! Lauren." They run calling out for her. She halts on her steps and stands there without moving. When they approach her, they find her pouting with a frown on her face. "why do I embarrass myself so much. Ugh!! It's all because of that asshole."

"Maybe but try to calm yourself. Okay?" Zoey says patting her back with a smile on her face. "let's head for class. " Noah says pulling them towards the class.

They find seats in the middle row and take a seat. Soon the professor arrives inside and he starts with his class. The class goes on but her mind was elsewhere. She was wondering if Ryan was in the class as she avoided her surroundings afraid of their encounter. Tho she wished he would not appear but her eyes were still looking for his presence. She groans inside her brain cursing herself for thinking about him.

Soon the class ends with her lost in her thoughts and mostly her cursing her thoughts. The professor ends the class and takes his leave. The students start stuffing their bags and rushing outside making a loud commotion. Lauren stood up and packed her bags.

"Let's go out guys~ I am hungry~ " Lauren says hoisting her bag across her shoulder. Noah giggles looking at her. "what?" She questions confused.

Zoey looks up at her and giggles. "I guess you forgot something. " Zoey says with a mocking tone and a mocking smile. "What is that?" She asks still confused.

"OMG! Lauren. How can you forget you still have detention to attend. " Noah says exclaiming surprised. Lauren widens her eyes once she remembers her getting detention. "Oh, Shit! " She exclaims in surprise. "Yea, right. " Noah says laughing.

"I don't want to go to detention. Mostly with that asshole. Save me, god!!" She yells banding her head against Zoey's shoulder and the other to giggle at her.