One and only Satan of my life

"Mom!! Dad!! I am home~" Jamie yells removing her shoes from her leg. As soon as she removes her shoes and makes her way inside, she rushes to the kitchen.

"Mom!" She exclaims entering the kitchen just to see the kitchen empty.

'Huh? She isn't here? " She looks around and makes her way out of the kitchen. She shrugs off and went to her room. She grabs her purse and heads upstairs towards her room. She enters her room closing the door behind. She sighs and collapses on the bed.

"Why do I feel that the house is empty?"

She says to herself wondering why the house was so silent. She tosses around the bed then she jerks up on her legs. She then walks towards her closet. She takes out a shirt and a sort with a pair of innerwear. She then heads inside grabbing her towel. As soon as she enters the bathroom, she strips. She removes the binder from her chest which was pressing her breast.

"Ahaa... This binder made my chest numb. If only I didn't have to use it. If only I could walk freely being a girl... a proper girl. " She says with a sigh as she stands in front of the mirror. She felt her eyes watering as she observes her.

[How pathetic. ]

She says to herself as she keeps eyeing her through the mirror.

[You couldn't even survive being yourself... just too pathetic.]

With this a tear roll down her face. She was still looking at herself in the mirror.

"Why... How long do I have to do this? Is living like this worthful...?" She says to herself as more tear streams down her face. She sighs and moves aside from the mirror. She opens the shower and stands below the shower. The cold water fell on her as she shivered but she stayed still letting the cold water down her body. The water made her calm as she felt herself drowning at its sensation taking her away from the painful thoughts and her life.

Sometime...? No often, regularly, she questions herself if it was worth living with her hiding her identity. She always thought could living being her as a girl even just for a day could give her the happiness that she couldn't get being disguised as a guy and getting locked inside the home. And she knew she was not that happy to live a life full of lies and locked up. She had no freedom that she needs and wants. She is not her. Her life has been just a lie. And she hated that.

"Hah~ I just wish... If I had never been born... wouldn't it be much better?" She says slightly chuckling at the end.

With different thoughts invading her mind, She completes her shower. She comes out of the bathroom fully clothed. She then dries her hair with the towel and heads downstairs. She walks to the kitchen and looks around to find the kitchen empty once again. She walks to the fridge and she finds a note attached to it. She pulls the note and reads

'I and your Dad are out for a date. Haha... okay. So, I have prepared dinner for you two. Warm it and eat. We will come back late at night. Don't wait for us. '

Jamie chuckles reading the note and she places it on the table. She then opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water. She gulps down the water and makes her ay upstairs. As she passed by Lauren's room, She felt suspicious. There was no movement ever since she got home. It is just too silent. She walked back and stood in front of her room. "Lauren?" She calls out knocking the door. But she received no reply.

[Is she asleep?] She thinks to herself and she slowly opens the door. When she had opened half of the door, she heard the door of the entrance slam harshly making her flinch. She gulps slowly turning around anticipating who the intruder was? What she didn't know was the intruder was the same person she has been looking for. She takes slow steps and walks to the stairs. She saw a pair of legs and a back of the head. She widens her eyes and slowly approaches the figure.

She widens her eyes when she saw Lauren on the couch with her eyes teary, hand fisted, and jaw clenched. Jamie frowns seeing Lauren in bad condition.

"Lauren...? Are you okay?"

Jamie questions and seats beside Lauren. Lauren remains quiet and she leans closer hugging Jamie. Jamie flinches again at her sudden hug but she hugs her back. She slowly pats her back as Lauren weeps within her embrace. She silently sobs as Jamie tried not to ask anything till she got a little better.

After a few minutes, Lauren pulls back from the hug wiping her tears away. She looks up at Jamie sniffing slightly with her red nose and puffy eyes. Jamie seemed worried about Lauren and mostly because Lauren was not someone who would cry over little thinks and this worried her a lot. Jamie raise her hand and placed it on Lauren's head slowly caressing her head. Lauren sighs with a shaky voice.

"What happened?" Jamie questions to have Lauren sniff and looking away.

"Nothing. Just I had a really bad day. " She says with her shaky and hoarse voice. Jamie observes her sister and smiles a little knowing how she could never lie properly. "I know something happened to you and I can understand that you don't want to share it with me. " Jamie says with a smile and gets up from the couch.

"Are you hungry? I will warm the food. " Jamie says waiting for a response. Lauren nods her head and Jamie turns around on her feet walking to the kitchen. Jamie walks to the refrigerator and takes out the food prepared by their mother. She then heats them in the oven. Just then Lauren comes and takes a sit in front of her on the table. Lauren looks around.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" Lauren questions. Jamie turns around looking her through her shoulder.

"They are out for a date. They are having their night. " Jamie says chuckling. Lauren replies with an 'ohh' and a soft chuckle. Jamie smiles as she takes out the food that was not heated and ready to be served. She then serves the food on the plate and place in front of Lauren and her. Then they start eating.

" How was your day?" Lauren questions looking at her. Jamie shrugs and says "Just fine and somehow hetic. We had to go for a site inspection. I must say the site was so beautiful. I can't wait for the hotel to be built. " Jamie says excitedly. Lauren giggles at her sister's enthusiasm.

"I see you had a good day... not fine. " Lauren chuckles saying that. Jamie shrugs off laughing with her.

"But why are you late today?" Jamie questions and Lauren freeze. She stops eating and looks up at Jamie. "Actually I had a detention. "

"What?!" Jamie exclaims shocked. "You... YOU! got te detention?" This was too much for her to digest. She had never heard her sister getting complaints and scolds from her teachers but here she was confessing that she had a detention. Lauren nods her head looking down on her plate.

"But why? And What happened? And why was the detention so long? It's already evening." Jamie keeps questioning and it ticked Lauren. She remembers her awful day ....just because of the boy. Lauren remains quiet as she didn't how to say...

"Tell me? Did you do something?" Jamie says eyeing Lauren suspiciously. Lauren frowns.

"No! What do you think I am? I didn't do anything. It's all his fault!" Lauren says feeling offended.

"Who? What did that person do?" Jamie asks with a frown.

"One and only Satan of my life... who came out to be a pervert!! Asshole!!"