Send him out!!

The week passed by, and Lauren had a hard time attending the class. Ryan left no change to torture her. She had been receiving detention every now and then. It just has been trouble, having RYAN'S presence in her life was the worst thing she had considered. She cursed him every now and then. All along in the uni, she had gone well known because of Ryan. Some pity her while some get jealous knowing that Ryan focuses on her tho it's not the same for the girl herself, he was someone she wished to disappear.

The professors had brought this topic with the principle but, Ryan he never cared what his dad thought. He hated his dad. He never did anything his dad said but just opposite and maybe this was the only reason he was running himself to make his dad suffer. But His dad was not pleased with this behavior of his son and he had tried his best to fulfill all his wishes and words so that if his son could appreciate his presence. If only. But he has been proved wrong. The more he does, the more he expects, the more he receives failure.

Like any other day, Lauren was walking on her way to uni with dark eye bags under her eyes. She looked dead. It was making her lose herself. She couldn't sleep with him on her mind every second. He was haunting her with his evil smirk and tortures. She had never begged so much in the name of God, she begged to have him out of her life. But who knew there was a different plan made for her. Who knew her faith had to lead her to this.

With slow steps and hand gripping on her bag, she walks eyes following her footsteps. She sighs "Please save me. do something and make the uni get closed for today. One weekend is not enough for me. I need to get recharged and I have not even crossed the 15%. " She says playfully talking to herself. She grabs her phone and laughs. "Even my phone is lucky. It's 100% charged. This phone has a better life than I have. " She scoffs putting the phone inside her bag.

As she was walking, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She flinches and distanced herself pushing the figure away. But the figure stumbled away down on the floor. She had her eyes shut to see who the person was. She then formed a cross sign and said "Go away Satan, my cross will hurt you. RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU!!"

She says still standing in the same position. Soon, the figure started laughing but it was not only one person laughing. She heard a female laugh along with it. She slowly opened her eyes.

She sighs in relief once she sees who they were. She awkwardly laughs seeing them still laughing their ass out uncontrolled.

"Oh... It's you two. Thank god. I thought..." she says laughing but stop before completing. "I know you thought I was that Satan of yours but I thought you were brave.

What is this?" Noah says gesturing to her position and hands that were still the same. She retracts from her position. She laughs shrugging off. "Better than getting that Satan to torture me. " She says.

"I think he likes you. " Zoey speaks all of a sudden. Lauren gags playfully picking and glare at her. Zoey shrugs off and says "Then why does he only messes with you. he doesn't even glance at others except you. " She saw wiggling her brows at Lauren. Lauren rolls her eyes and Noah nods his head looking at Zoey. "I think the same. I can see love blooming up! " He says just to receive a smack on his head.

"Oww!!" He yelps in pain caressing his head.

"Serves you right!!" Lauren says tucking her tongue out. " But... Lau... you see love starts with a fight. " Zoey says distancing herself from Lauren. Lauren grits her teeth and walks ahead leaving them behind.

They laugh following her as they make their way inside the hallway. "but you are not denying Lau. " Zoey says walking along with Noah. She feels her anger rising inside. She inhales and exhales deep breathe and turns around.

"Says the one who has love blooming between them. " She says making the other widen their eye. "W-What?" Zoey stutters looking away. Lauren scoffs and shakes her head no. She turns around and walks ahead while the other two stood behind blushing but both unaware of their state.

Zoey heaves a sigh walking ahead following Lauren as she had her heart beating really hard staying around Noah. Noah comes out of his trance and follows them behind.

They enter the class, Lauren scans the whole class to see if he was present. But when she found the coast clear, she sighs and makes her way to the front of the row. As there was only a seat in the front, the other two walk back. The take a seat three-row back from Lauren. Lauren mostly looks for front seats to create a distance with Ryan who always seeks the last desk. She looked to her side to see a boy sleeping with his head covered with his jacket. She could care less, she sighed with relief.

A girl was beside her, and to her knowledge, that girl kept throwing a weird glance towards her and it made her uncomfortable. She shrugs her off and took out her books placing them on the desk.

After a few minutes, the professor entered. All the students stood up to greet him. She sat down on her seat. The professor took his stuff out and placed it on the desk in front of him. He then came in front of the class.

"Okay. Now open your textbook. I had asked you all to bring one as today we will be going through the questions. " He says with his hands at the back. Lauren grabs one of the books from the piles she had under the desk. She opens it to the page number instructed by the professor.

"I don't have one. Can you share it with me? " A voice says from beside her. She grabbed the book and dragged it to the middle. But she stops when she finally recognizes the voice. Mainly the owner of the voice. She snaps her head to the left of her and there he was still calmly hand folded against his chest with a proud smile.

She widens her eyes and stood up "WHAT THE HECK?" She yells loud enough to echo in the class. Some students who were already dozing off flinched at her yell while some snap their head towards her in surprise. The professor himself flinched at her yell. He mistakenly did think that her words were directed towards him but he sighs in relief when he saw whom she was facing. Just when he saw who that person was he shakes his head in disappointment.

Lauren then all of a sudden came out of her trance as she observed her surrounding. She felt so embarrassed that she wished to dive down into the sea and die. She lowers her head and faces her professor. "I am sorry sir. " She says feeling guilty and flustered. She somehow made fun of herself.

[When did he come here? OMG!! What am I gonna do??] She curses.

"It's okay. Just take your seat and please no disturbance. " He says with his dominant voice and Lauren gulps before nodding her head. She was about to take her seat but her eyes found Ryan's first. She felt anger rising up seeing his smirking face. She stood straight facing the professor.

"Sir. " She calls out. The professor looks at her with a brow raised.

"You said those you don't bring textbook, they will be sent out of the class. " She says looking at the professor with hope. "Yes, So?" He replies.

"He... He hasn't brought a book. Send him out!" She says making the other student gasp at her bravery of uttering such words.