He has changed

"He... He doesn't have a book. Send him out!!"

She says with her index finger pointing at the boy sitting beside her with a smug smile. The professor looks between Ryan and Lauren, having no idea what he should do. He for sure didn't want to get acquaintance with Ryan's bad side but he sure had his pride as he had committed to those words, Lauren said. He couldn't go back or discriminate against any other student. The professor clears his throat and walks towards Ryan.

Ryan was calm to be said but a smug smile never left his face. He straightens his back once the professor stood in front of him. "Is it true? Where is your textbook?" He questions and Lauren smirks feeling great having him out of the class and her side after few minutes. It made her all giddy from inside. But her happiness couldn't last long.

"Sir I have it in my bag. " He says now fidgeting inside his bag. Lauren snaps her head towards him with knitted brows. She squints her eyes at him trying to see inside his bag. Ryan looks up to meet her gaze and smirks at her bewildered face. Just then he grabs something and pulls it out from the bag. Lauren gaps with her hands blocking her mouth. He places the book in front of the professor. The professor looks at Lauren then back at Ryan, then he sighs.

"He has brought so there is no need to delay the class. Have I?" Lauren shook her head no and slowly sits down clenching her fists.

Soon, the class went silent and the professor continues his class. Lauren could feel Ryan poking her thighs with the tip of his pencil. She winch in pain when he dipped it deep into her skin. She then pushed him away and she moved away from him. She sat near the girl who was giving her weird glances before.

"Excuse me?" She calls out in a whisper. The girl turns around facing her. "Yes?" She replies.

"Can you exchange seats with me?" She asks almost in a pleading voice, puppy eyes, and a pout. The girl clears her throat and nodded her head. Just as she was about to stand up, Ryan spoke.

"I don't know who you are but if you move an inch I will make sure you can not come to class tomorrow. " He threatens her. The girl gulps and takes her seat back with a sorry look on her face. Lauren grits her teeth annoyed at the boy and his acts. She tuns to the side to see him looking at the front.

"So? You were listening to me, huh idiot?"

She says and Ryan chuckles. "I have heard that a person sees others the same as he or she is. " Lauren scoffs moving towards the girl making a large gap between them. Ryan raises his brow amazed at her attempts to staying away from him. It made him smirk as he was affecting her and he was enjoying every bit of this.

Lauren focuses back on the girl who was listening to the professor.

[Hmm, she seemed nice and she tried to help me as well. Then why was she giving me weird glances?] She thinks to herself as she observes the girl beside her.

" Hey...Why were you giving me glances back then? " She questions suddenly and blocks her mouth when she said too straightforwardly. She awkwardly chuckles. The girl giggles slightly seeing Lauren flustered. Ryan was observing her from beside. He smiled to himself seeing her making fun of herself.

[Cute~] He thought but he shakes his head off of that thought. [No way she is cute. She is far from that word. I just mistook it. ] He says trying to convenience himself.

"Actually, Earlier I came here faster. Then he took a seat beside me. When others arrived, he moved a seat away and glared to every student who thought of taking a seat here. It meant he kept this seat empty for you. " She says eyeing Ryan to check if he was harking. Lauren had her eyes wide open. After being sure that Ryan was not listening the girl continues.

"Then... when you came I thought you wouldn't want to sit beside him. So, I... I was just trying to signal you of his presence but I failed. " She ends chuckling and Lauren felt guilty for being suspicious of her. And mostly she felt grateful for her concern.

"Thank you. " Lauren whispers with a smile and the girl nods. She turns her head to the front but retracts back when she saw the professor standing in front of them with his hands folded around his chest. They both gulp at the sudden appearance of their professor who was listening and observing them gossiping during the class.

"Uh... Umm... Sir... hehe I was just asking her something. " Lauren says trying to cover up the situation and end up chuckling awkwardly.

"You three out of the class!!! "

The professor yells making Lauren flinch back in surprise. Ryan had no problem getting out of the class. He stood up and walked out of the class. He turned around flashing a smirk towards Lauren and walked out. But Lauren and the girl was still seated on their desk looking at each other. Lauren felt bad for her. The girl was thrown out of the class because of them.

"OUT!! I said. " He yells again and both the girls jerk up from their seat and grabbed their thing making their way out of the class.

[Those two kids are gonna be the cause of my death. Aish!! My blood pressure is increasing again. ] He says sighing and makes his way towards the desk. He grabs a pill and swallowed it after.

"Let's continue the class. " He says wiping away his sweat and resuming the class. Noah and Zoey had their eye on Lauren who just exited the class.

Outside the class, the two girls were standing against the wall.

"I am really sorry. Because of me... you were thrown out of the class. " Lauren apologizes. "It's okay. Tho this is my first time being thrown out. "The girl giggles as Lauren makes a sorry face at her words.

"I said it's okay. Trying new things is fun. " She says making Lauren chuckle. "I see but I am hating it. " Lauren says sighing in stress.

"You know he really changed. " She says shrugging off. Lauren frowns. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... Ryan. He was not like that before. Whoever messed with him ended up bad. It was not because he wanted to but just to show to his father. He always creates problems. And I have been in this uni for a few years. He was my senior but now we are in the same class. It's funny right?" She says laughing herself but Lauren was feeling awkward and curious about the think she just heard.

"But why does he hate his father?" She questions unable to keep in her curiosity. "I am not sure why... but a year ago I heard someone say... that it was because his mother died because of his father. " She shrugs off but Lauren felt somewhat bad knowing that. She felt sympathy for the boy.

" I see. " She just says that.

"Umm. But ever since you came, he changed. He seems more alive than in the past. " She says and Lauren widens her eyes. "What?"

"Hahaha... I am sorry. You must hate him. But I mean it. His mouth never curled up into a smile. I have never seen his smile. But now he does." She says smiling at Lauren.

"Whatever, its because he enjoyed bullying me. " Lauren replies defending for herself.

"Maybe... but he had never glanced at any girl or boy. Nor bullied anyone. He only did fight with someone that messes with him. The whole uni thinks that he must have a feeling for you or either you are special. " Lauren gasps at her words but without her knowledge, she was blushing a little. She felt flustered.

Just then the phone ring distracts them. It was the girl's phone ringing. She looks at the caller ID and glances back at Lauren.

" I have to go now. Bye~ See you again. " Lauren nods her head waving her goodbye. The girl leaves the sight.

"Oh? I didn't even get her name. Never mind I will meet her again. " She says eyeing the girl's figure disappearing from her sight.