Let's start with the meeting

"Sir...? Are you okay?" Jamie questions trying to ease the tension developing in the atmosphere. He has been waiting in the meeting room but due to the sudden rumors, several deals and contracts were canceled resulting in great loss in their business. He was sitting on the chair at the right end with his left leg resting on his right leg, hands intertwined with each other forming a fist against his chin and elbow resting against the desk. He looked intimidating and his posture screamed that he was angry with his eyes narrowing with anger.

Ethan was going through a mental breakdown. The staff and the financial department were preparing a report on the current state of the company. The staffs were busy while Jamie was ordered to stay beside him, not by the boss himself but the staff. She was asked to keep him calm so that they wouldn't have to face his angry side. When Ethan burst off the director's office, he had thrown the vase beside him against the wall making the other scream and flinch in terror. They had never seen him in such temper. He himself was not aware of his act, the only thing going on in his mind was the rumors and the company's fame getting degraded.

He was confident in his lead, such loss wouldn't take place but then there he was stressing over the current affairs leading to the company's loss. He had thought of his father who had worked so hard to keep the company alive. He had to do something. No, he must do something.

[But what should I do?] He groans ruffling his hair.

He was completely unaware of Jamie's presence. He was lost in his own thoughts and Jamie was trying to call out for his attention which she couldn't receive. Jamie fidgets with the hem of her shirt looking completely flustered about her situation. First, she lost her phone and now she was scared for her job. She was scared of what would happen if he took out his anger on her. She gulps shaking her head no.

"Umm... SIR!?" She yells and Ethan flinches at the sudden call. He snaps his head at the side and sees Jamie looking away from him. He frowns. "What are you doing here? No- Since when were you here?"

She awkwardly laughs trying to dismiss the awkward tension growing in the atmosphere. Seeing Jamie acting unusual he raise his right brow amused. She clears her throat as she gulps down the lump forming in her throat. "hehe... Actually... I-I have been here since you entered. " She says scratching her temples and her eyes looking elsewhere.

"What? And may I know why? Don't you have any work to do? " He says gritting his teeth. She gulps Looking down. "uh... I had but the staff took my work on their hand and a-asked me to stay with you. " She says stuttering under his intense stare. He raises his brow again taken back from her statement.

"And why is that? Do I look like a kid to need someone looking after me?" He says slightly irritated. Jamie sense his irritation and she sweats at the loss of words. "N-No, Sir. Haha, Who said you are a small kid. You are like a big kid. " She says mindlessly. Ethan's eye widens at her words as he knits his brows feeling offended. Jamie realizes what she just said and she blocks her mouth with her hands walking backward with an awkward smile on her face.

Ethan stands up with his hand hiding inside the pocket, each of both the side. He leans forward with intimidating and dominating eyes making her feel small under his gaze. She walks back while he walks forward with the same distance between them and god, she hated that there was not much space between them. She gulps looking everywhere but at him. It was too uncomfortable for her.

"Can you repeat it once again? Mr. Jamie? Hmm?" He says with his stern tone and she was sure she felt shivers run down her spine. She felt her heart speeding up with the close proximity not helping her steady herself. She felt trapped in his gaze. "Umm...uh... " She kept moving back while he kept moving forward, and finally, there she was again trapped between him and the wall. She looks away as her heart was beating so fast that she could hear her heartbeat.

Ba-dum Ba-dum

She was sure her boss did hear her heartbeat. She couldn't form a word.

"Aren't you too much to be called a boy? I have never seen such a man like you are... Jamie. " He says looking at her trembling figure under him. And he was enjoying this, having her under his being so weak. He felt proud to have his secretary tremble under his presence.

Jamie felt her throat dry, she felt her breath hitch within her throat making her hard to breathe. And she did do mistake by looking at him. He was close to her with his deadly brown eyes boring into her. She felt her stomach stir up with unknown feeling that overtook her. She was lost in his eyes and so was he. He had his mind empty and he just felt calm when just before he felt as if his brain was going to blast.

" I don't know what is happening to m-"

knock~ knock~

The knock on the door distracted him from his little world. He felt conscious again like he was back to reality. He snaps his head towards the door which opened revealing the number of staff walking inside. They both had their head turned towards the staff who were unaware of their position and making themselves comfortable in the chair. Just as few more entered, they noticed two figures at the corner of the room against the wall looking at them. And what they saw made them widen their eyes. They were completely shocked to see them in such a position.

It was not that intimate but having Ethan close to her face with his hands in his pocket and Jamie trembling under him, they were surprised and shocked. Jamie blushed and pushed him away making Ethan stumble back. "Uh... Sorry, sir. I-I didn't mean to... " She says stuttering when she receives a glare from Ethan. The room was silent with no one speaking a word.

"How many times do I have to remind you to behave... Mr. Secretary?" Ethan says with his gritted teeth. She shivers under his gaze and bows ner head down mumbling 'I am sorry' for a few more times. He shakes his hand dismissing her apologies as he moves towards the table. No one dared to face him. All had their eyes down as well as their head except one person - Liam, who was smirking at Ethan.

Ethan raises a brow at Liam who hadn't stopped smirking at him.

Liam being the head of the financial department had to join the meeting and deliver his speech along with the presentation he had prepared with his fellow workers and his underlings for illustrating the current state of financial situation.

He gestures him a 'what' look with a glare while Liam just shrugs off smirking as his eyes move from Ethan to Jamie who now took a seat beside Ethan with her head looking down to her finger fidgeting with each other. Ethan sighs.

[What a headache. ] He shakes his head no in disbelief. He clears his throat eyeing all the staff.

"Let's start the meeting, shall we?" He says with his stern voice ad his eyes ignoring Liam and his playful gaze.