It was a murder...

"Excuse me?" William says heading to the reception desk. One of the nurses raises her head up. "Yes?" She replies to William's panic words.

"May I know about the patient Oliver Bryne? Where is he?" Sarah pats his back as he hurries with his question. Sarah looks at the receptionist who was typing something on her computer. After a few seconds, she raised her head up.

"Sir, second floor to the right in the Operation theatre. " She says and William turns around on his heel and runs upstairs without any reply to the nurse. "Thank you. " Sarah says addressing the nurse. The nurse nods her head with a small smile and Sarah rushes upstairs following William from behind.

Once William climbs up to the second floor, he turns to his right and walks a little slow with his hands caressing his mouth then lowering down to his jaw. He seemed tense and he was to shock to hear that Oliver is in the hospital when he was all fine and healthy before when he left. He wondered what could have happened but he had no idea. Sarah catches up to him with slow deep breathes but still panting hard for air. William finally notices Sarah beside him struggling to match his pace.

William caresses her back with a small smile which she replies back with a smile of hers'. As they walk closer to the Operation theatre, they could see a figure walking back and forth outside the door. They could recognize the figure which was none other than Ethan. He had his face hidden inside his palm and few whimpering were heard from him. Sarah frowns seeing his state and calls out for him.

"Ethan... son, you okay?"

Ethan snaps his head to the direction where he thought he heard someone calling for him. And he saw them, who he was waiting for so long. He sniffs and runs towards Sarah and embraces her. William smiles a sad smile watching them hugging and he pats Ethan's back trying to comfort him. Ethan starts sobbing in her embrace. Sarah could feel how worse his condition was as he was trembling and his hold got tighter ever second.

"It's okay... We are here. Hum? Just calm down, your dad will be fine. " Sarah says comforting his pain. Ethan nods his head within the hug. Slowly his sobs quiet down with sniffs remaining and deep breaths. Ethan slowly pulls away and smiles at Sarah.

"I missed you, Aunt. It's been long." He says making Sarah smile through her teary eyes. Sarah raises her hands and wipe his tears away from his cheeks with her thumb and caresses his face. "I missed you too. " She replies smiling as she tiptoes and pecks his forehead. Ethan smiles at the warm feeling he got after a long. He felt so calm that instant.

"You both forgot me. I am also here. Shower some love for me too. " William says with a mocking smile. He speaks when he gets totally ignored by the two presence before him showering their love for each other. Ethan and Sarah, both chuckle looking at William.

"You get that daily. " Sarah says rolling her eyes. Ethan chuckles and leans for a hug. William opens his arms wide for Ethan to get in. They both share a tight hug. Ethan pulls away and looks towards the door of the theatre.

"What happened Ethan?" William questions.

"Huh?... uh...nothing. " He replies awkwardly. "NO, I mean what happened at home? How did he faint?"

"Ah... We had dinner and we were talking about mom. And also about how mom's death... might have been a murder. Then... he fainted. " Ethan says nervously eyeing them. William and Sarah widen their eyes at his words. "What do you mean...?" William questions.

"Don't you know about this...?" Ethan says fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oliver never talked about this thing... I...t-thought this was an accident. Was it not?" William speaks stuttering as he was taken back by the sudden revelation of truth which they should have known long ago. Ethan shakes his head no looking away.

"Oh my God! Why didn't he inform me about it?" William says feeling sad and disappointed.

Sarah pats his shoulder trying to calm his down. William was breathing heavily with one of his hands covering his mouth and another hand against his hip. He was totally shocked and angered. He hadn't expected Oliver to hide such a big thing from him... especially that they were too close to hide anything. He felt betrayed at that moment but the only thing going on his mind was why would Oliver keep him unknown to this very fact.

"But how do you know this then?" William says facing Ethan.

"Um... You forgot that I was there when the accident happened. " Ethan says trying to hint him about the answer. William widens his eyes and nods his head in acknowledgment. "Yea... I remember. " He says looking away.

"But, Do you remember everything that happened?" He questions staring sternly at Ethan.

"Uh... not all. I lost a few of the memories as I grew. I cannot recognize the face And its blur. " Ethan says feeling disappointed on himself for getting away with the hints and clues he could receive from his memories.

"Don't worry... if the killer is alive. We will find him. " William says engulfing the younger in his embrace. Ethan hugs him back nodding his head. "But dad... he said he received no evidence to prove us right. " He mumbles within the embrace. And William hums as a reply.


The sound distracts them. They turn around to see the light of the theatre went off. And the door was opening with a number of doctors and nurses making their way out. The three of them rush towards the doctor.

"Is he all okay?" William questions and Ethan eyes the doctor with eagerness.

"Yes, he is out of danger. " The doctor who seemed to the head of them all replies with a small smile. "What had happened?" Ethan questions after releasing a sigh of relief.

"It seems like he had a cardiac attack. He is out of danger but it may lead to danger it happens again and again. Better keep him away from stressful works. " The doctor says with a nod. Then the nurse beside passes him a paper. The doctor grabs it and hands it to William.

"These are medications. Give him for maintaining his blood pressure. " William nods his head and the doctor walks away with his minors following him behind.

"Sir, He will be moved to the general ward. You still have to fill the deposit." The nurse from before says and William grabs the form before Ethan. "I will do it." William goes downstairs for the bill.

Oliver gets shifted to the ward. The nurse comes out of the room. "You can visit the patient but due to anesthesia, he won't wake up till morning. So you can go for now and come back in the morning. " She leaves after conveying her words.

Ethan rushes inside the room to be greeted by silence with few beeping sounds of the machines and Oliver unconscious on the bed. Ethan approaches him and held his dad's free hand.

" I am glad you are, okay, dad. Just wake up already... I miss you."