He is coming to stay with us

It had been a few hours since William, Sarah, and Ethan had been waiting inside the room for Oliver to get conscious tho they already knew he would not wake up before morning hours. After all the payment and forms being sorted out, William made his way to the room joining the other two. They talked for the past few hours.

"Ethan you should head back home. " William says facing him. Ethan looks away shaking his head no in denial. William sighs as he walks closer to Ethan was seated at the corner of the room with his back leaned against the wall, knees close to his chest, and his arms placed on them supporting his head with his chin against them.

"Ethan, Listen to uncle and go home. You need to rest. We will be here." Sarah says agreeing with William and urging Ethan to give in at their request or even an order. Ethan sighs an exhausted and annoyed sigh.

"But the house is empty... and dad is here. I don't want to go. " He says sulking in his position. William and Sarah sigh watching him sulk.

"But you have a conference to attend... remember?" William says trying hard to persuade him. Ethan sighs again. "Yea... I do. " He says, his voice turning into a whisper at the end.

"Then, Ethan come with me to our house. By the way, It's yours as well. " Sarah says chuckling at the end. Ethan widens his eyes smiling a little.

"Yea that would be good. I will company Oliver and you to head back home. It's past midnight. Go home and take a rest. You have lots to do anyway." William speaks not letting Ethan have his way with words and deny them. As Ethan pondered over the idea, he felt he should follow. He couldn't risk the company's image with his stubborn behavior when it can be handled in an easy way.

Ethan sighs and nods his head getting up from the floor with his hands supporting his body while getting on his feet. He felt his leg sore and felt numb due to a lack of blood pass through his leg. He stretched himself and his legs for about a minute and walks out of the room bidding William goodnight and a goodbye hug. Sarah did the same and walks out of the room.

William sighs and turns around observing the unconscious Oliver taking slow but deep breathes. He grabs the chair where Sarah sat before and pulls closer to him and the bed. He sits on his leaning his back against the chair.

"I don't get why... Why did you hide this from me?" William says looking at Oliver's limp body. But he had no reply except small beep sound made by the machines.

"I... I thought you believe me... you trust me enough to share your weakness. But what is this? Hmm?" He says leaning closer to his body with his hands supporting his chin.

"What had really happened 16 years ago? I really failed to understand him. " William says to himself as he thinks aloud with no one to listen to him except Oliver who is lying unconscious.

"I finally knew... you were suffering even more than I had thought... I fell sad that I couldn't be a person you would lean upon. " He sniffs as he felt his eyes tearing up and his nose running due to the tears making their way to his nose. He looks away fighting with his emotions piling inside him. He really was sad and hurt... and disappointed to be said to least.

"I hope you wouldn't want to hide this any longer... will you?" He says and continues "I really hope you... do." He chuckles as he stands up and makes his way out. He felt his throat dry. He decides to grab a coffee to cool him down and last for the night.


"Ugh!!!! Oh my goodness! It's already past midnight. " Jamie groans as she piles up her documents. She sighs and stands with grabbing the pile and walks to the table. She dusts off her side. She then grabs her phone and opens the screen and the screens reads


She sighs and lies down on her bed.

"Should I call them? " She questions herself. She raises her phone in the air above her face. She fidgets whether she should call and ask about her uncle's health. She sits straight on the bed and decides to call. She calls her mom and Sarah picks up the call in a few rings.

"Hey! Jamie, you are still awake?" Sarah says once she picks the call. Ethan's ears perk up as Sarah mentioned Jamie. He clears his throat as he side-eye Sarah talking on the phone.

"Umm... I just finished my work. How is uncle Oliver?" She questions bitting her nails in anticipation.

"Your uncle is all fine. He will wake up tomorrow. And I am coming home... just there in 5 minutes. " Sarah says smiling and looking at Ethan. She frowns and says "Uh... Ethan will be staying with us so prepare the guest room. okay, dear?" Sarah says trying to aware Jamie of Ethan's arrival. Jamie widens her eyes, as well as Ethan, who does feel something different and nervous. He gulps looking outside trying to distract himself from the tension increasing within him.

But the mere thought of seeing Jamie out of work and moreover, late at night made him stiff and his heart was beating rapidly as if he was he had run a long way.

"Um... okay then. I will go prepare. " Jamie says hanging up the call. She curses under her breathe feeling agitated and nervous seeing him outside of work. Both fightings with their own feeling were anticipating what would happen when they come face to face.

She gets out of her bed and rushes downstairs. As they had a guest room downstairs. She makes her way downstairs and opened the room. It was cleaned and neatly managed. She walks to the closet and grabs a blanket. She places it on the bed so that he could use it. She dusts off the bed if any dust did remain on the sheets.

As she finishes managing the room, she sighs and caresses her face. She then remembers her binder. How could she walk around with her chest big for him to suspect her identity which she has worked hard to hide? She runs upstairs and enters her room. She searches for her binder but she remembers, she had washed it off just after her shower. And it couldn't even dry as it was night time and she has no time to iron it.

She then searches through her drawers and closet. After a few minutes of searching through her room, she comes across one but it seemed a little small in length. It was the binder Sarah had bought when Jamie was small and didn't need a big one.

"At least I got one... better put to good use." She says heaving a sigh and makes her way to the bathroom. She strips away her pajama top and starts binding her chest. But due to its short length, it couldn't hide her chest but at least it wouldn't look suspicious. She observes herself through the mirror.

"Such trouble..." She mumbles reaching out for her top. Just then the doorbell rang. She puts on her top and rushes downstairs.

"I am coming!!"