Are you really into boys?

"I said you can call me brother out of work."

Ethan says a little louder making her flinch back surprised.

"Uh... okay. But you could have said nicely. "Jamie says turning around and mimics his recent annoyed expression making fun of him. But Ethan couldn't see having her back facing him. He sighs with his hands raised placing them beside, at the back of his head as his eyes wander around the room.

"You not coming behind... brother?" She says halting on her steps as she heard no footsteps following her. Ethan hums as a reply and grabs his hair lightly following behind her. She leads her to the room walking opposite the stairs. Ethan couldn't help but observe Jamie and her back-figure. He wondered how could a boy be this thin and slim.

[I don't get this. Why do I feel his presence so feminine?] He thinks to himself as he kept looking at her back walking down a corridor towards a door. Just as she was opening the door, he frowns seeing her pajamas.

[Why the hell does he wear so girl pajamas to sleep?] He couldn't help but feel the fact funny. He wanted to laugh out loud but he just didn't want to. As Jamie enters the room, Ethan hits his head with his fist trying to control his laugh. He makes his way inside and saw Jamie pulling the curtains close. After she was done, she turns around facing Ethan. She walks closer to him with her hands intertwined behind her back.

"So, your room is ready. Do you need anything?" She inquires for any request he had before leaving him to himself in the room.

"No... I don't. " He says eyeing her with mischief, Jamie frowns puzzled by his behavior. Tho she was eager to know what it meant as this expression he had was something new to her and mostly amusing from a person who stays cold.

"U-Uh... then. I will go. Goodnight, Big brother." She says awkwardly trying to escape the building tension around them. She makes her way towards the door. But as she passes by him, he turns around on his heels and grabs the collar with his index and thumb finger. Jamie shrieks startled by the sudden attack. She had her hands around her neck as her pajama almost choked her due to him grabbing the collar of it from the back.

"Y-Yah!! What are you doing?" She says trying to free herself. Ethan loosens his hold and she pulls herself away with few coughs and her hand caressing her neck. She turns around glaring at him furiously. Ethan raises his hand in the air shaking his head to and fro chuckling a little. Jamie's glare turns into a frown confused by his unusual behavior.

"Are you okay?" She questions eyeing him suspiciously and weirdly.

Ethan nods his head. "Yup. I am fine, thank you." He says looking at her. Jamie was totally confused. "But you don't seem like that." She says rolling her eyes at him giggle.

"Whatever suits your brain." He says walking around her. "But... tell me are you into crossdressing?" He keeps walking around her but Jamie, she freezes on her spot as his question. "W-What do you mean?" She stutters. She felt herself sweating at his question and she starts nervously fidgeting with the end of her pajama top.

"I mean... I feel like you really are interested in crossdressing? How long have you been doing this?" He questions now standing in front of Jamie. Ethan chuckles watching her sweating and trembling under him. He leans his head forward leveling up with her eyes. "Hum? Tell me." He says staring straight at her eyes. She suddenly felt intimidated by his gaze.

[How did he know about me? Shit! Am I going to die...?] She thinks to herself as she fears for her life.

"You don't? "I-I... Since... um... I was nineteen years old. But how d-did you know about this?" She questions stuttering in fear and nervousness.

"Hey, are you into boys?" He says curiously. "Yea... What?...NO! " She replies back hastily. Ethan had his eye wide open as he eyes her awkwardly. But that was not what was going on with Jamie and her mind. She couldn't concentrate on her surrounding as she felt really scared, her mind took her to the time when she almost got killed. She didn't want to die... at least not yet. She had just started her life.

Ethan was confused and shocked by her answer and mostly seeing her on the verge of crying and trembling. He questioned himself if he shouldn't have asked that to her. He felt guilt all of a sudden. He didn't mean to make Jamie cry but here Jamie was, on verge of breaking down any moment.

"Hey... Jamie, I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. " He says trying to ease her. He raises his arms and places them on her shoulder. "It's not your... fault. It's just that...that..."

"Hey, it's okay, wanting to put on girly pajama is no big deal. I will keep your secret with me. Okay? Just don't cry. " He says patting her head with one of his arms. Jamie widens her eyes as she heard and processed his words.

"Wait!! WHAT do you mean?" She says completely dazed out. Ethan frowns at the sudden change of scene. He was so shocked seeing Jamie change so suddenly.

[My god, he was just about to cry and now he is yelling? Is he sane?] Ethan says inside his mind and watches Jamie with an amused look. "Uh... yeah. Your pajama is girl... so I thought you love crossdressing. " He says looking away feeling wrong.

"But who in the hell does a girl pajama being a boy? But really, you are not into boys right?" He questions again trying to confirm her words. Jamie laughs listening to his words but within inside she felt relief and she was thankful that he didn't know she was actually a girl. She smirks as an idea comes up inside her small head. She eyes Ethan sternly while Ethan gulps looking away and laughing awkwardly.

"Why are y-you looking like that?" He stutters feeling troubled under her gaze. Jamie shrugs off and walks towards him. Ethan frowns moving backward. They continue walking for a moment but Ethan stops when he felt his back hit against the wall. He flinches feeling the dead-end and being trapped between the wall and Jamie.

[How did the situation change so drastically?] Ethan thinks baffled by her boldness and her act.

"Yah.." He speaks through his dry throat.

"What if I say... I do am into boys. Why do you want me to like you?" She questions being confident and bold. His eyes widen at her words.

"W-What? no... no...I don't. " He says trying to explain himself but he was at a loss of words. Jamie was enjoying acting all tough and dominant. She was totally enjoying as keeping her cold and arrogant boss under her hold is a rare chance. And she was totally using it for her fun.

Jamie raises a brow but her smirk never left her face. "I-"

"Yah! Just-" He tries to push her away but he stops as he felt something. He looked down to see his hands on Jamie's chest. He gulps looking up at her again. Jamie shrieks pushing his hand away and runs out of the room totally embarrassed.

"Did... I just touch...his boobs?"