Ryan is here!!

"Did I just ... touch...his boobs?"

Ethan had his mouth gaped open and eyes bulged out. He brought his hands in front of his face eyeing them and the door. He was utterly shocked.

"No... How can this be... hahaha... I am really going insane. This is not true. I also have but a little smaller than him. Yea... that's it, no big deal." He says chuckling with his eyes disappearing with his eyelid fluttering close. He groans and approach the bed and let him collapse on it. He grabs and pulls his hair frustrated and irritated. "What the hell am I doing...? Ugh!!" He yells rolling around the bed.

He suddenly stops rolling and sits squarely on the bed. His mind playing with her words. He blushes as he remembers getting trapped between the wall and his secretary. He facepalms himself and slaps himself.

"Ahh... It hurts. " He says in pain caressing his cheeks. He sighs and lets him fall back freely on the bed. He brings his hand behind his head. His heartbeat intensified as thoughts swirled through his head. He felt his breathing deepening but he managed to take a few deep breaths keeping himself sane. He regarded his unusual experiences with shock.

[What is happening to me? ] He questions himself as he brings his hand towards his chest. He places his hand just above his beating heart and felt how fast it was.

He groans and sits with his back against the wall. He grabs his phone to distract himself but he gets startled when he sees the time. It was already 4:00 Am. He groans feeling disturbed and uncomfortable with his current state. He hated how much he was getting affected by his secretary. He throws his phone aside and looks blankly up at the ceiling.


"Erkk...No! That just didn't happen. Ugh!! " Jamie yells as she keeps recalling having Ethan's hand on her chest. She had run straight into her bed and tried to sleep to avoid remembering the incident but, here she was wide awake. The thing she wanted to forget keeps swirling around her mind. She had been bitting her nails troubled by the fact that her boss had touched her chest.

Her sleep was not an inch close and she had completely forgotten that she had to sleep. She even forgot tomorrow, not today was an important day. Not satisfied with her nail, she had started bitting her blanket covering her till her mouth. She was flustered and embarrassed to come across him after the incident.

"I feel like drowning myself in the water and fu**king kill myself. " She fakes a cry as she keeps getting tortured by the memory. She was totally disturbed.

"Yah!! Don't shout and let me sleep!" Lauren yells throwing a pillow at Jamie who shrieks in surprise at the sudden hit on her face. Lauren turns around with her back facing Jamie. Jamie raises the pillow in the air trying to hit her back but she stops and throwing the pillow elsewhere.

"Lucky you. At least you get to sleep in this troublesome life." Jamie says grabbing her hair with her head down supported by her hands.

She excuses herself from the bed and enters inside the washroom hoping to take a bath to cool her down.


"Lauren! Wake up!! " Jamie yells trying to wake up Lauren. Lauren groans pushing Jamie away and mumbling inaudible words. Jamie sighs giving up but she smirks proudly as an idea cross her mind. She walks close to Lauren and grabs the blanket.

"Lau! You know someone is here. " Jamie whispers near Lauren's ear. Lauren rubs her ear as she felt tingles but she slowly hums as a reply. Jamie shakes Lauren trying to get her up.

"Yah... Just go and saw I will come later. " Lauren mumbles grabbing the blanket and pulling it over her head. Jamie chuckles.

"Lauren!!! Ryan is here!!!" Jamie runs back to a safe distance.

It was silent for a minute. Jamie doubts if she heard. Jamie frowns tilting her head as she observes Lauren's figure heaving a sigh. She turns around on her feet making her way out of the room.

"What?? HOW THE HELL CAN HE BE HERE?" Lauren yells with her sleeping voice.c She messily gets up from her bed just to fall on her knees. She yelps as her knees hit the floor. She ignores her thumbing knees and rushes outside the room.

Jamie stands there completely shocked by her reaction and she starts laughing as she exits the room following Lauren downstairs. As Lauren reaches down, she scans the room with her messy bed hair and curled pajama. She kinds looked cute in her messy self. Jamie's laugh echoed the house as she makes her way downstairs.

"Lauren..." She speaks in between her laugh. Lauren frowns looking at Jamie. As Jamie approach down from the stairs, she chocked on her laugh. She tries to control herself.

"G-Good...morning. " Jamie says giggling. Just then Lauren widens her eyes and glares back. "Was this a joke?" Lauren says with her gritted teeth. Jamie gulps as she walks backward trying to get away from her. As Lauren gets no reply, she took the silence as a yes to her question.

"JAMIE!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Lauren runs after Jamie with a clenched fist and anger within her gaze. Jamie runs around the room trying to save her ass from the angry devil running after her in the early morning.

"I am sorry okay?" Jamie says with her voice cracking. "No! Never. This was the shittest joke you ever told me." Lauren says running after her.

"Oh My GOD! Who fights early in the morning?!" Sarah yells coming out of her room due to their tantrum held in the living room with so many yells and noise. They both halts on their step and face their mother.


"I really can't believe you two!!" Sarah says passing them their breakfast. They pout glaring each other. They both grab their plates and start devouring their eggroll.

"Here, Ethan. I am sorry you had to hear them fight early in the morning. " Sarah says passing him a plate. Ethan awkwardly smiles thanking her for the food. He didn't even dare to look at them. He himself was embarrassed about the incident before.

Jamie suddenly feels uncomfortable hearing his name being called by her mom. She dare not to look at him as she was equally embarrassed. The kitchen was silent all of a sudden but only the two felt the awkward tension building in the atmosphere.

"Mom, Where is dad?" Lauren questions all of a sudden catching them off guard. "Dad, he is in the hospital looking after your uncle. " She says preparing breakfast and packing them.

"Uncle? What happened to uncle?!" Lauren yells with her eyes widened. "Uh-huh, Lau! Don't yell. Uncle is fine. Just his health got a little unsteady." Jamie says looking at Lauren with an annoyed sigh.

"Says the one who yelled all night and disturbed my sleep. " Lauren says huffing out air and glaring her. Jamie gulps suddenly feeling embarrassed and she rolls her eyes trying to play cool.

"You two are getting on my nerves. Just eat silently. " Sarah says smacking their head. They both caress their head with a pout. Ethan was watching them with a smile on his face.

"Ethan, Drop me to the hospital on your way to the office. " Sarah says looking at him. "I will visit dad before going to the office. So sure. " He says finishing his breakfast.

"I will come too."

"Can I join?"

They both ask at the same time.