Fell for each other's best friend

After breakfast, they all agree on visiting Oliver in the hospital. With that being decided, they all were in the car with Ethan driving them towards the hospital. Sarah had taken the seat beside Ethan while the two sisters stayed behind at the back seat. They both had their head facing opposite out of the window, anger, and dispute still present for them. The car ride was silent.

"Ethan? You look pale... didn't you have a good sleep?" Sarah questions grabbing the other's attention. Jamie felt something stir up inside her stomach as she recalls the moment they had in the room late at night. "U-Uh... I was tired so... It must be it. But I am okay." Ethan replies and Sarah just eyes him concerned.

"Jamie didn't sleep either. " Lauren says looking at her annoyed. "Yah!!" Jamie smacks Lauren's head taken back by her words. Lauren winch rubbing her head. Lauren huffs out a frustrated sigh looking out of the window.

"Ethan, Don't forget to take care of yourself. If you miss me, call me or visit me anytime. " Sarah says smiling at him. Ethan smiles nodding his head and focuses on his driving. Sarah feels the silence too uncomfortable so she turns around observing them. Sarah sighs shaking her need no in disbelief.

"I see you both are still stuck in your fights. When will you two grow up?!" Sarah says eyeing them through the front mirror. Upon her words, Lauren and Jamie glance at Sarah with a dissatisfied pout.

"But it's her fault?!" Lauren yells pointing her index finger at Jamie. Sarah and Jamie had their eyes widen at her words. Lauren frowns as she observes them and she widens her eyes too when it hits her brain. She blocks her mouth with her hands as she slowly eyes Ethan who was eyeing them through the rearview.

"Who?" Jamie asks trying to cover up Lauren's words.

"U-Uh... my friend. She called me in the morning and... she... said that...uh... that I had brought her note. And she yelled me for the whole morning. " Lauren says stuttering as she thinks of something to play cool. Sarah playfully laughs and so does Jamie. "Yes, you just vented your anger on me. " Jamie says to make the situation clear.

Lauren snaps her head at Jamie throwing daggers at her with her glare. Jamie clears her throat and sheepishly laughs pinching Lauren's cheeks. Lauren keeps glaring Jamie warning her to let her free but Jamie laughs playfully pulling her cheeks cooing at her.

"You should respect your older brother Lauren!~" Jamie says finding this moment very useful to do as she wished with her younger sister. Lauren acts being all cute as she raises her hands and pinched Jamie's cheeks hard enough to have them swollen red. Jamie leaves Lauren's cheeks as she pulls herself away caressing her swollen cheeks.

Sarah sighs seeing them fighting again. Ethan was having fun watching them bicker with each other. Ethan cooed within his mind seeing Jamie's red-tinted cheeks. He found her adorable and squishy. He all of a sudden had a desperate urge to pick those chubby cheeks of hers. Once he realizes what he was thinking he shakes his head and shrugs off his thoughts focusing on driving.

"Just I had it enough!! Just stay quiet. " Sarah yells with her finger across her lips gesturing them to remain quiet with a prominent glare. They both whine pouting at her. By as Sarah's glare never subsides, they give up and curl up in the opposite corner of the car with a pout and slow disappointed whimper escaping their leaves like a puppy. For sure they looked cute that way.

"I am really sorry that you had to see this. " Sarah says slightly apologetic towards him. "No. you don't have to apologize. I am having fun... and I enjoyed this. " He says with a wide smile on his face feeling grateful.

"I am glad you did." Sarah chuckles awkwardly eyeing them through the mirror upfront.

The car halts outside the hospital. The other three get out of the car and make their way inside the hospital. Ethan drives down the parking area and parks it there. He locks his car and makes his way inside the hospital. He walks through the halls, up the lift, and makes his way towards the room where all were and mostly his dad.

He opens the door and makes his way inside. The first thing he saw was his dad hugging Jamie and Lauren with a wide smile on his face. Seeing his dad all okay and smiling in front of him made him happy. He was relieved that his dad was all okay. He slowly approaches them.

"Dad..." He speaks slowly making all of them turn their head at him. William and Sarah smile at his appearance. Lauren and Jamie move aside giving him space. Oliver fondly smiles at his son as he sits straight on his bad leaning against the wall.

" I am glad that you are okay. You scared me, dad." Ethan says going in for a hug. He smiles widely with his teary eyes. He hugs his dad tight afraid to lose him. Oliver hugs his back with much love and adoration. "I am sorry. " Oliver speaks through his hoarse voice and dry throat. Ethan tightens his hold around him. Oliver smiles patting his head.

"Look what I have got here.!" Sarah says breaking the sad atmosphere. The father-son pull away from their hug. They eye Sarah giggling as she held her hand up showing them the tiffin she had packed.

"Honey, I brought breakfast for you, here." She says handing him one then she turns around facing Oliver with a wide smile. "And for you Mr. Sick person. I got your porridge. " Oliver scrunch his face in disgust as he heard the word porridge.

"I got you. I knew you would do this... so...I have made it the way you like with peanuts and sweet. " Oliver suddenly brightens up as he grabs the tiffing. The other laugh at him acting like a child. "I am glad that you know about this stuff till now. Sarah, You are the best." Sarah giggles watching his enjoying her porridge.

"What are best friends for? It's been long enough to remember all your likes and dislikes. " Oliver looks up smiling at her and nods his head going back to devour his porridge.

"You were best friends?" Ethan questions shocked by the information. Sarah nods her head. "Yes and our friendship is really amusing and amazing. " William joins placing his shoulder on Sarah's shoulder.

"How? Were you and uncle friends back in time?" Jamie questions excited to know their parents' life and past. The three elders chuckle as they ponder over their memories about their old days.

"It's quite complicated. " Sarah says chuckling. "How so?" It was Lauren who speaks. They all were staring at Sarah with curious eyes.

"Um... I and Oliver were best friends while Barbara and William were best friends. Once William met Oliver and they became good friends and we got to know about each other. Then we fell for each other's best friend." Sarah says laughing at the end. The kids were eyeing them shocked and amused.

"Your life was really interesting. " Ethan says still going through her words. The two sisters nodded their heads agreeing with Ethan.

"But we had difficulties as well. " Oliver says with a sad smile on his face.