Moment of their life

"Why are we the only ones to get stuck in problems?! I don't get it. " Lauren yells out letting out an annoyed and irritated sigh, she places her head against her hand lying on the bed. 

Liam sighs shrugging off while Ethan remained expressionless. Lauren eyes Jamie then raise her head and speaks, "First dress and accessories got us stuck in the house and now this happened. " Lauren says with a pout and gloomy gaze looking between Liam and Ethan. 

"Aha! Liam, how did you bring the box? I forgot to ask as I was too into the flow. " Ethan says as he looks at Liam anticipating Liam's reply. Liam looks around clearing his throat thinking out some reason to excuse being interrogated, he sure didn't want them to know the main reason behind the missing of the box. 

He just felt the need to hide this from them and keep it to himself, the thought of them being troubled by this issue mainly having to tackle it with his mom made him want to keep it to himself.