shall we start our hunt

"Ugh!~ I really give up! I have no idea what to do. " Lauren whines exclaiming with her hands throwing itself across her back and forth. Liam and Ethan snap their head towards Lauren with wide eyes startled by Lauren's sudden yell disturbing the silence, not only silence but their thoughts which was going nowhere.

"Uh...I give up as well. " Liam says looking away with an apologetic smile on his face. 

"You too? Then what are we gonna do?!" Ethan yells exclaiming surprised with his hands rising in the air in a weird position. 

Liam shrugs off awkwardly feeling trouble, Ethan sighs deep in exhaustion as he starts walking back and forth. Lauren sighs as well looking down on her feet just to look up watching Liam thinking to himself and Ethan walking around totally stressed.