Internal conflicts

"She does like you, what are you, blind?"

These words that came out from his dad's lips kept ringing inside his ears as if his dad has been speaking this to him again and again, the more he thought the more he felt flustered and heated thoroughly. 

He shakes his head slapping himself across his cheeks, "What are you even thinking about this? He was just joking...ugh! Stop thinking about it!!" He yells at himself as he clutches his hair groaning but he starts chuckling at himself. "Ahh, I feel so stupid... " He laughs even more thinking how lovestruck he was and how he was enjoying everything. 

His laugh dies down into a smile which never left his face, he stands on his feet walking away from the bed he was lying on towards the window, his cheerful smile now changing into a sad one. He places his hands on the edge of the window as he looks up into the wide sky leaning forward with having his half of the body visible to the other around him.